Community Affairs Applications

Apply to join various government departments here.

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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Dalimbar »

Thank you so much for your interest in Community Affairs!

Broadly, our job is to make sure the community of Osiris has something to do! To help with that, we have a couple of sub-departments you can join.

Festival Helpers - Are people who help plan, work, and supervise festivals that Osiris holds. Please plan to participate in all festivals unless life outside of the game prevents that.

Activity Squad - This group helps brainstorm, facilitate, and supervise community activities to pursue heightened activity from members of the region.

Welcome Committee/Mentors - If you're a citizen, you've already talked to our Welcome Committee! They welcome new citizens and integrate them into our community by answering questions, personal guidance, and communication.

Oracle Writers - Write for the Osiris Oracle, our regional newspaper. They also help brainstorm content.

Regional Artists - Creates artwork for events, activities, the Oracle, and other CA projects

If you'd like to join, please copy the form below and post it in this thread! Your application will be reviewed and accepted by the vizier or sub-vizier of Community Affairs and welcome to the team!

Code: Select all

I would like to be a member of
[]Festival Helpers
[]Activity Squad
[]Welcome Committee/Mentors
[]Oracle Writers
[]Regional Artists
Resting Tyrant Face
Speaker and Guardian of The West Pacific
Delegate (Ret.) and first constitutional Pharaoh of Osiris
Delegate (Ret.) of The North Pacific
Member of the Ex-Feeder Tyrant Club
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Manson »

[X] Community Affairs: Organizing community events and activities
[X] Gameside Affairs: Coordinating RMB discussion, regional telegrams, and polls
[X] Media: Writing for our regional newspaper, The Osiris Oracle
Glacikaldr wrote:are we the baddies?
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by JayDee »

[] Community Affairs: Organizing community events and activities
[] Gameside Affairs: Coordinating RMB discussion, regional telegrams, and polls
[X] Media: Writing for our regional newspaper, The Osiris Oracle
Minister of Communications-1 term
Associate Justice-1 term
Senator-2 terms
Former Deputy Minister-Communications-1 term
Former Deputy Minister-Foreign Affairs-1 term
Former Deputy Minister-Justice-1 term

United Kingdom
In waiting

In Waiting

Former Grand Councilman

Former Chief Justice
Former Senator-1 term
Former Associate Justice
Former Interim President

Kingdom of Great Britain
Former Baron Jay Dee Bonaparte 'de Falaise
Former Deputy Prime Minister-1/2 term
Former Member of Parliament-1/2 term
Former Lord Parliament-2 terms
Former Lord Commissioner of the High Justiciary-1 term
Misael Wessex
Kylia Quilor
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Cormac »

[X] Community Affairs: Organizing community events and activities
[X] Gameside Affairs: Coordinating RMB discussion, regional telegrams, and polls
[X] Media: Writing for our regional newspaper, The Osiris Oracle
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris

"Follow your arrow wherever it points." - Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Wymondham »

[X] Community Affairs: Organizing community events and activities
[] Gameside Affairs: Coordinating RMB discussion, regional telegrams, and polls
[X] Media: Writing for our regional newspaper, The Osiris Oracle
His Grace, The Lord Master Wymondham Lacerta, Heritepa'a of Akhmim, Hatyaa and Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at

Regional Honours:
Heritepa'a of Akhmim (January 2 2020)
Hatyaa (October 26 2018)
Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at (5 April 2019):

Nuclear War Survivor:
The Legion April 2017:

Syberian Badgers with Caek:

Osiris NSWF:

RMB Dream Team:

Osiris Oracle:

Politics Amino Refound:


Priest 6 July 2019 - 6 June 2021
Vizier of Community Affairs 5 April 2020 - 6 June 2021
Guardian 26 February 2020 - 6 June 2021
Liwaa' of the Sekhmet Legion
Vizier of Foreign Affairs (19 October 2019 - 5 April 2020)
Chief Scribe(1st March 2018 - 1st March 2019)
Molazim of the Sekhmet Legion:

Deputy Scribe (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Horus) (11 December 2017 - 1 March 2018)
Deputy Scribe X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (April 19 2017 - 1 October 2017)
Sub Vizier for the Sekhmet Legion X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (3 July 2017 - 11 December 2017)
Fariq' Awwal of the Sekhmet Legion
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Rallori »

[] Community Affairs: Organizing community events and activities
[X] Gameside Affairs: Coordinating RMB discussion, regional telegrams, and polls
[X] Media: Writing for our regional newspaper, The Osiris Oracle

I'm already part of the RMB team and Oracle team.
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Kylia Quilor
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Kylia Quilor »

[] Community Affairs: Organizing community events and activities
[] Gameside Affairs: Coordinating RMB discussion, regional telegrams, and polls
[X] Media: Writing for our regional newspaper, The Osiris Oracle
Kylia Basilissa Regina Quilor Anacreoni
Never underestimate the power of cynicism, pessimism and negativity to prevent terrible things from happening. Only idealists try to build the future on a mountain of bodies.
Unfocused populism is just as dangerous, if not more so, to a Republic's survival as creeping authoritarianism.
Tell people how you feel, honestly and frankly. If you like someone, tell them. If you don't like them, tell them - the world would be a better place if we all knew where we stood.
President x1
Minister of Foreign Affairs x2
Grand Admiral x4
Senator x10
Minister of Communications x1

Current Positions In All Regions: Queen of Kantrias

Past Positions in Other Regions (Selected): MP (LKE), Minister of the Exterior (LKE), Reichstag Delegate (TNI), Minister (TNI), Reich Elector (TNI), TNI Contingent Commander, (UIAF), Director of Public Relations (Region Inc)
I sometimes suspect that [Kylia] Quilor is here to harvest the tears of young, ambitious nations. - The Bruce
O how much we have missed your cynicism [Kylia]. :p - Zaolat
I'm so happy you're back but you're also crushing my dreams - Sopo
You carry an interesting dichotomy about yourself - a mix of fiery passion and cool reservation that both intrigues and concerns me. -Trinnien
Kylia is the neighbor at the end of the street that you don't want to mess with during petunia season. -Cat

  • “Too much negativity and edginess”
  • “We need someone like [her] to keep us from flying too close to the sun”
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Ani The Laquine
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Ani The Laquine »

Community Affairs Application

Nation in Osiris: Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer
World Assembly (WA) Nation: [nation]N/A[/nation]

I wish to join the department of community affairs so i can better help our region by planing community events and activity's such as game nights, movie nights, ect.
Ani the Laquine
The Adorable Bun
Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Altino »

\o/ Hurray!! Welcome to the team. :)
Altino Asteorra
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris
Karma Sage
Occasional Punstress
Very, very fond of owls
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Community Affairs Applications

Post by Ghazia »

[X] Community Affairs: Organizing community events and activities
[X] Gameside Affairs: Coordinating RMB discussion, regional telegrams, and polls(mainly polls and telegrams)
[] Media: Writing for our regional newspaper, The Osiris Oracle
Ghazia-Rahman Ammarah bint Rigel al-Asteorra
She/Her/Hers || Proud Queer Muslim
Trans rights are human rights.
Ahauty of the Sekhmet Legion
Legion Ribbons

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