Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Malphe »

Welcome to the Sekhmet Legion! To join, simply fill out the form below and it will be accepted shortly!
Note: Citizenship is required to join the Legion unless special permission is granted by the Pharaoh. If you have not done so, please apply for citizenship found here: Citizenship Application
Copy 'n Paste the code below and fill in the answers

Code: Select all

[b]Nation in Osiris:[/b]

[b]WA (world assembly) Nation Name:[/b]

[b]Organization(s) involved in:[/b]

[b]Prior gameplay experience (if applicable):[/b]

[b]**What is your discord username tag?:[/b]

[b]Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?:[/b]

[b]Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued:[/b]

[b]If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves?[/b]

[b]Please swear the following oath of allegiance:[/b]

I, [Applicant's Name], swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.  

**A discord account will be needed for easier communication to be able to participate in the Legion

If you have any questions regarding the application or joining the Legion, feel free to message myself or the Chief Vizier (Altino)! I can be reached more quickly on discord: Grey#4532. Hope to see you soon! :legion:

(Original poster: Greyghost)

malphe vytherov
(former pharaoh, guardian, priest, sub-vizier, chief vizier)

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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Altino »

Nation in Osiris: Altinsane

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Altinsane

Organization(s) involved in: TWPAF, Legion

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): Used to be in TKE, KoGB, and TRE. I think that's all. <.<

**What is your discord username tag?: Altino#4453

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: I can do majors any day and sometimes minors on the weekends.

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: Only raid related bans.

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Altino, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
Altino Asteorra
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris
Karma Sage
Occasional Punstress
Very, very fond of owls
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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Wymondham »

Nation in Osiris: The empire of wymondham

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Wymondham currently but changes often

Organization(s) involved in: Sekhmet Legion, TWPAF and Lilly

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): at least 6 months with the legion and a fair bit of experience with TWPAF and Lilly and a bit with CAIN when we were in it

**What is your discord username tag?: bogieoone#3478

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: Minor 12 PM EST

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: No

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, [Wymondham], swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
His Grace, The Lord Master Wymondham Lacerta, Heritepa'a of Akhmim, Hatyaa and Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at

Regional Honours:
Heritepa'a of Akhmim (January 2 2020)
Hatyaa (October 26 2018)
Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at (5 April 2019):

Nuclear War Survivor:
The Legion April 2017:

Syberian Badgers with Caek:

Osiris NSWF:

RMB Dream Team:

Osiris Oracle:

Politics Amino Refound:


Priest 6 July 2019 - 6 June 2021
Vizier of Community Affairs 5 April 2020 - 6 June 2021
Guardian 26 February 2020 - 6 June 2021
Liwaa' of the Sekhmet Legion
Vizier of Foreign Affairs (19 October 2019 - 5 April 2020)
Chief Scribe(1st March 2018 - 1st March 2019)
Molazim of the Sekhmet Legion:

Deputy Scribe (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Horus) (11 December 2017 - 1 March 2018)
Deputy Scribe X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (April 19 2017 - 1 October 2017)
Sub Vizier for the Sekhmet Legion X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (3 July 2017 - 11 December 2017)
Fariq' Awwal of the Sekhmet Legion
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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Cormac »

Nation in Osiris: Cormactopia Prime and Cormactopia II.

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: A Malevolent Force, but changes for military GP.

Organization(s) involved in: Citizen of the West Pacific.

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): A whole helluva lot, and please don't make me go through it all. :P

**What is your discord username tag?: Cormac#9408

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: I can almost always be available at midnight with advance notice. Noon is more iffy.

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details and the length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: I'm really not comfortable detailing any of this in public. Grey is aware of the specifics already and if she has any questions she can feel free to privately contact me about them. ^_^

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Cormac Skollvaldr, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris

"Follow your arrow wherever it points." - Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"
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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Tali »

Nation in Osiris: ILL Mind of Hopsin

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: N/A

Organization(s) involved in: TRE+TBH

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable):Ya

**What is your discord username tag?: Talico#1183

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: Ya

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details the length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: Nah

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Tali, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.

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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Ghazia »

Nation in Osiris:Gabatic

WA (world assembly) Nation Name:Lelitsopen

Organization(s) involved in:The Galactic Navy, The Black hawks. Lone Wolves United, The Royal Navy of International Kingdom

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable):
I lead The Galactic navy and used to lead The Mighty Army of the Sword. I know how to trigger and how to jump and all that jazz
**What is your discord username tag?:
Tawks VerinGuard#9067
Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?:
Weekends I should be.
Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued:
I was banned from The Region that has no big banks on the nation of Marthizer for being a raider, I don't recall the date.
Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Tawks VerinGuard II, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.

:legion: :legion:
Ghazia-Rahman Ammarah bint Rigel al-Asteorra
She/Her/Hers || Proud Queer Muslim
Trans rights are human rights.
Ahauty of the Sekhmet Legion
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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Wymondham »

Tawks wrote:Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:07 amNation in Osiris:Gabatic

WA (world assembly) Nation Name:Lelitsopen

Organization(s) involved in:The Galactic Navy, The Black hawks. Lone Wolves United, The Royal Navy of International Kingdom

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable):
I lead The Galactic navy and used to lead The Mighty Army of the Sword. I know how to trigger and how to jump and all that jazz
**What is your discord username tag?:
Tawks VerinGuard#9067
Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?:
Weekends I should be.
Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued:
I was banned from The Region that has no big banks on the nation of Marthizer for being a raider, I don't recall the date.
Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Tawks VerinGuard II, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.

:legion: :legion:
Welcome to the Legion Tawks you are joining at the rank of Arif or corporal pending the acceptance of your citizenship application by our Paraoh Syberis please PM me on discord if you have and futher questions and to recive your badge.
Hail Osiris
His Grace, The Lord Master Wymondham Lacerta, Heritepa'a of Akhmim, Hatyaa and Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at

Regional Honours:
Heritepa'a of Akhmim (January 2 2020)
Hatyaa (October 26 2018)
Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at (5 April 2019):

Nuclear War Survivor:
The Legion April 2017:

Syberian Badgers with Caek:

Osiris NSWF:

RMB Dream Team:

Osiris Oracle:

Politics Amino Refound:


Priest 6 July 2019 - 6 June 2021
Vizier of Community Affairs 5 April 2020 - 6 June 2021
Guardian 26 February 2020 - 6 June 2021
Liwaa' of the Sekhmet Legion
Vizier of Foreign Affairs (19 October 2019 - 5 April 2020)
Chief Scribe(1st March 2018 - 1st March 2019)
Molazim of the Sekhmet Legion:

Deputy Scribe (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Horus) (11 December 2017 - 1 March 2018)
Deputy Scribe X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (April 19 2017 - 1 October 2017)
Sub Vizier for the Sekhmet Legion X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (3 July 2017 - 11 December 2017)
Fariq' Awwal of the Sekhmet Legion
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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Manson »

Nation in Osiris: Marilyn Manson II

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Mobile

Organization(s) involved in: I'm sergeant in TEP's army, EPSA, and Associate in DOW

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): PFC in TBH

**What is your discord username tag?: Marilyn Manson#5169

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: Yes

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: Nope

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Marilyn Manson, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
Glacikaldr wrote:are we the baddies?
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Kylia Quilor
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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Kylia Quilor »

Nation in Osiris: Amy Madison

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: At the moment, I don't have one in the WA

Organization(s) involved in: Europeia, Kantrias, Osiris

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): Grand Admiral of Europeia x4, as well as assorted other positions there. TNI contingent commander to UIAF for much of 2013, extensive experience in both TNIAF and ERN, commander in chief of the Royal Kantrian Army 2012-2014, 2017. Various nonmilitary positions in Europeia, TNI, the LKE, Region Inc over the years.

**What is your discord username tag?: Kylia Quilor#2077

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: 12 am EST always with notice, also sometimes if you're just throwing something together adhock, but not garunteed. Some minors with warning (usually weekend ones)

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: I think I got a 1-week forum suspension? does that count?

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Kisyra Quilor, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
Kylia Basilissa Regina Quilor Anacreoni
Never underestimate the power of cynicism, pessimism and negativity to prevent terrible things from happening. Only idealists try to build the future on a mountain of bodies.
Unfocused populism is just as dangerous, if not more so, to a Republic's survival as creeping authoritarianism.
Tell people how you feel, honestly and frankly. If you like someone, tell them. If you don't like them, tell them - the world would be a better place if we all knew where we stood.
President x1
Minister of Foreign Affairs x2
Grand Admiral x4
Senator x10
Minister of Communications x1

Current Positions In All Regions: Queen of Kantrias

Past Positions in Other Regions (Selected): MP (LKE), Minister of the Exterior (LKE), Reichstag Delegate (TNI), Minister (TNI), Reich Elector (TNI), TNI Contingent Commander, (UIAF), Director of Public Relations (Region Inc)
I sometimes suspect that [Kylia] Quilor is here to harvest the tears of young, ambitious nations. - The Bruce
O how much we have missed your cynicism [Kylia]. :p - Zaolat
I'm so happy you're back but you're also crushing my dreams - Sopo
You carry an interesting dichotomy about yourself - a mix of fiery passion and cool reservation that both intrigues and concerns me. -Trinnien
Kylia is the neighbor at the end of the street that you don't want to mess with during petunia season. -Cat

  • “Too much negativity and edginess”
  • “We need someone like [her] to keep us from flying too close to the sun”
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Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Wymondham »

Marilyn Manson wrote:Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:30 pmNation in Osiris: Marilyn Manson II

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Mobile

Organization(s) involved in: I'm sergeant in TEP's army, EPSA, and Associate in DOW

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): PFC in TBH

**What is your discord username tag?: Marilyn Manson#5169

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: Yes

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: Nope

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Marilyn Manson, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
Welcome to the legion Marilyn Manson you will be joining at the rank of jondi or private I have messaged you on discord with a link to the Legion discord server and once your on the server I will send you your badge as well.
His Grace, The Lord Master Wymondham Lacerta, Heritepa'a of Akhmim, Hatyaa and Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at

Regional Honours:
Heritepa'a of Akhmim (January 2 2020)
Hatyaa (October 26 2018)
Member of the Ancient Order of Ma'at (5 April 2019):

Nuclear War Survivor:
The Legion April 2017:

Syberian Badgers with Caek:

Osiris NSWF:

RMB Dream Team:

Osiris Oracle:

Politics Amino Refound:


Priest 6 July 2019 - 6 June 2021
Vizier of Community Affairs 5 April 2020 - 6 June 2021
Guardian 26 February 2020 - 6 June 2021
Liwaa' of the Sekhmet Legion
Vizier of Foreign Affairs (19 October 2019 - 5 April 2020)
Chief Scribe(1st March 2018 - 1st March 2019)
Molazim of the Sekhmet Legion:

Deputy Scribe (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Horus) (11 December 2017 - 1 March 2018)
Deputy Scribe X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (April 19 2017 - 1 October 2017)
Sub Vizier for the Sekhmet Legion X2 (OFO 2.0 Scroll of Ma'at) (3 July 2017 - 11 December 2017)
Fariq' Awwal of the Sekhmet Legion

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