A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Sygian »

Now that I have gotten your attention with this terrible campaign title that I'm sure Neenee would cringe at, thank you for taking the time to read my campaign platform. Hello, everyone! I am quite pleased to announce my candidacy for Chief Vizier of Osiris. The past couple months I have been thinking about running for Chief Vizier. When Adytus decided to run for Chief Scribe, I quickly realised that this had to have been a sign from Ra.

I took the time to ask a few active and dedicated citizens of Osiris. Many great ideas were passed my way, and I took some time to think about them.

Community Affairs
Forum activity needs to increase. We are in need of a recruitment drive. There are some active people on the RMB that haven't made their way over to the forums or Discord yet, and we can totally use that. I know it is easier said than done but right now, our forum activity isn't necessarily appealing. Things like Omega's Holiday Act are awesome for community affairs. The more reasons we have to party and have festivals, the better. Festivals need to be spiced up a bit because from what I've seen they are very similar everywhere we go. Some ideas for festivals, or just promoting culture in general, is movie night, a weekly radio show, D&D games, and of course... contests! Osiris is home to so many talented people that are gifted with many things including writing, graphic design, entertainment, etc. There are so many ways that we can spice up our community by encouraging each and every citizen of Osiris to indulge their talents and what makes them happy toward our culture. From the Egyptian theme to Johnny Cash, Osiris is known for its extreme craziness and fun. Let's show everyone what this generation of Osiris is capable of!

Foreign Affairs
During Adytus' tenure as Chief Vizier, we signed the GCR Sovereignty Accords and the CAIN treaty, adding us to two of the most powerful alliances in NationStates. A recent suggestion that has been thrown around is holding a festival for the regions in the GCR Sovereignty Accords which include Balder, The West Pacific, The Pacific, and of course, Osiris. This festival would be a great opportunity for community affairs and foreign affairs to work together and help plan something memorable. Now as you may know, I have been very outspoken about my views on the CAIN treaty notably here. I can absolutely see how this may be a concern, and I will be honest when I say that I now have more positive views toward CAIN now. I will say that it definitely needs more work, but I will follow the requests of the majority of Osiris and that is to continue working with CAIN. It has been one of the only things that has caused a divide in the community, mostly because of me, and I can assure that during my tenure as Chief Vizier that will not be an issue. I will cooperate with CAIN and CAIN's authority figures in doing what is best for Osiris!

On to FA updates. We know that probably only 40% of people actually read these (I pulled that number out of nowhere, but it's supposed to be considerably less than half), and if nobody wants to do them then nobody will be forced to. But like I mentioned earlier, there are many people that excel in the skill of writing that we can be throwing out an update every month if we wanted to. I'd be willing to work with these people and getting something like Cormac's Diplomatic Assignment list going again so we can post these great pieces in our respected embassies. Foreign Affairs is a very important asset to any region's prosperity.

Lastly, there have been talks about signing nonaggression pacts with other regions, specifically some GCRs that we are not allied with. This is a key step to enabling strong relationships with these regions in the future.

A few of the people that I asked for suggestions said that they'd like to see more military action. I began my NationStates career as a raider, and this is where most of my knowledge lies. Fedele, Transdavisia, and Yuno have all done fantastic jobs. I know that it can be difficult leading a GCR military due to a lack of numbers and availability, so my plan is to encourage citizens looking for ways to contribute to the region to join the Sekhmet Legion. We need a massive recruitment drive here where we approach active citizens asking for their help contributing to our operations.

Rewards are definitely appealing, which is why I think we should reward some sort of medal or ribbon after some of our larger operations, while also revamping the promotion system and military hierarchy. I will work with the Sekhmet Legion and listen to their suggestions so we can set up a successful and rewarding system. We must also regularly contribute to assisting our allies and fellow raiders in operations when we are not working our own, notably the CAIN operations.

WA Affairs
I've proudly served as the Vizier of WA Affairs for two terms. I would really like to see this department becoming more active. We have at least two drafts in the works (a repeal and a commendation) along with the idea of a condemnation and GA proposal being thrown around. Aside from drafting proposals, World Assembly membership and activity within our region is fundamental to the well-being and security of Osiris. As a reward for endorsing the delegate and to further encourage endotarting, we should put all nations endorsing the delegate in a dispatch for others to endorse. Things, like encouraging WA activity, not just drafting proposals, but also exchanging endorsements and encouraging the endorsement of the Pharaoh, are key to the security and stability of Osiris.

Conflict of Interest: I am the Orientation Coordinator in The Black Hawks (rank: Major), a citizen of The West Pacific, and a citizen of Balder. I previously served two terms as the Vizier of WA Affairs in Osiris (one term it was Sub-Vizier), I was elected Chief Scribe for one term. In Balder I have been elected into the Storting, the regional legislature, and was appointed Minister of Integration.

Feel free to ask me questions here or on Discord!

Without further ado...

Vote Sygian for a Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Revall »

Full support, this guy who I don't know at all sounds like a good choice.
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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Sygian »

I'd also like to note that regarding military, during my tenure we should participate and plan friendly competitive wargames that seem to be very popular in other GCRs. This would be not only a great learning opportunity, but a thrilling chance to meet new people and try out new raiding tactics!

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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Sygian »

I have also noticed that citizenship audits are becoming less common, probably due to the hard work that is needed to conduct one. I will ensure that these will be more common during my term.

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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Ravilan »

Great read!
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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Adytus »

What are your thoughts on unifiying our military with close allies?
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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Sygian »

Adytus wrote:Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:24 amWhat are your thoughts on unifiying our military with close allies?
We should consistently be assisting our allies when we are not conducting our own operations, especially CAIN operations. We have to start doing more of our own operations to demonstrate the strong power and sovereignty of Osiris, and hopefully in return for our help our allies may assist us when we need it.

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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Atlantica »

I'd appreciate your answers to the same questions I asked Wrektopia, although given that you said that as Chief Vizier you would be interested in strengthening Osiris' raider efforts I won't specifically request that you answer my queries regarding potential realignments in Osiran military policy.
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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Sygian »

Beyond festivals, what in particular will you do to increase activity in Osiris and increase the number of active citizens?
Festivals are a great way to increase activity in Osiris, but if we went beyond that, getting people more involved in the government departments. As I said, we have a lot of talent and skill in this region that can be utilised to write OBC articles, WA resolutions, and to record weekly news updates that can be distributed across the region, etc. There are plenty of things that this region needs and plenty of things that citizens can provide an all of this can generate activity. As always, I am open to any and all suggestions for ways to increase regional activity. I think that is definitely something that we need!
Would you be interested in pursuing further constitutional reforms, and if so, what would be the content of these constitutional reforms?
As a former Chief Scribe, I am very familiar with the Scroll of Ma'at. As of right now, we are in no need of a constitutional reform not only because we just had one, but because any major reform may disrupt the direction that Osiris is going in now. I think that our government has a substantial amount of checks and balances, with a direct democracy for the citizens to elect someone to lead the legislature and a Head of Government, while the Head of State remains more of a figurehead and in-game delegate. I don't currently see anything wrong with this system and it is absolutely better and more efficient than the original version of the OFO and the KRO.
You mentioned that your intent to pursue an expansion of the Osiran diplomatic and treaty system and generally forging better, stronger relations with other regions. Would this include the eventual goal of forging new close allies and would you be open to considering changes in Osiran military policy should these strengthen relations with other regions?
Yes. Like I said, a nonaggression pact with other regions that we are not on allied terms with is a crucial building block to forging alliances in the future. I believe that stronger relations with certain regions is very vital to the survival of any regional government. I'm not saying we should go out and sign treaties willy nilly, rather, make a list of potential allies and narrow it down to a few regions that an alliance with would be mutually beneficial.
Do you envision the GCR Sovereignty Accords as primarily being a treaty of nonaggression and mutual recognition of sovereignty, or as the foundation for further alliances between members?
I see the GCR Sovereignty Accords as both of these things. They have worked very well for us by strengthening our bonds and ties with TWP, TP, and Balder. It is a treaty of nonaggression and mutual recognition of sovereignty per se, but it does also serve as a non-binding foundation for further cooperation between the members of the accords.
Related to the previous two questions, would you primarily seek to forge strong relations with and orient Osiris towards fellow GCRs or otherwise large, Independent-leaning regions such as Europeia, or would you seek to orient Osiris towards raider regions and their militaries?
I am in fact quite biased on this subject, but if the citizens of Osiris wish to realign the military then I will act accordingly. At the moment there aren't really any repercussions or problems from our current alignment, and if there were, I would reconsider the alignment for the sake of Osiris.
It's no secret that certain elements bear strong grudges against the OFO due to the manner in which the current government and Constitution were established, as well as their perceptions regarding the control of the Osiran government, and that said elements remain a thorn in the side of Osiran interests abroad. Would you seek to minimize the damage that these elements due to Osiris through various processes, such as reconciliation?
This is not a problem of ours, it is a problem of the individuals that withhold the mindset that Osiris is suffering under control of some outside force, specifically the Empire.. If that happens to be a thorn in our side from aligning with regions such as The South Pacific, then so be it. The sovereignty and endurance of a stable Osiris is more important to me than a few individuals that would like to see otherwise. We shall seek no constitutional reforms or reconciliation to please these individuals that won't believe anything we say no matter what we do. This new OFO is recognised as the legitimate government, even by the majority of the resistance, and others should recognise that as well. We are not being controlled by any outside force. The power is in the citizens to elect their Head of Government, and vote on a successor to the Pharaoh when one is nominated.

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A Sygnificantly Greater Osiris!

Post by Atlantica »

Thank you for answering all of my questions and I'll take your answers into consideration. This is certainly shaping up to be a tough choice. (in a good way, of course, not in a bad way)
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