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Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:42 pm
by Neo Kervoskia

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

On behalf of Osiris, I offer our thanks to His Royal Highness Cormac Rahl-Sethos for his dedicated service as Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order. It has been an honor to serve as Heir Apparent and I am eternally grateful to the people of Osiris for the opportunity to serve as your Pharaoh.

I also extend my gratitude to The West Pacific, The East Pacific, Balder, and HYDRA for their assistance during this transition.

I remember when Osiris was founded. We looked towards Osiris as a place to begin anew, a land of second chances. And it has lived up to those expectations. We are a sovereign and independent region open to all people - raider and defender alike - who harbor no ill designs towards our home. We will continue to welcome all people, whether you’re new to NationStates or an experienced hand looking to start the next chapter in Gameplay.

While the world is more cosmopolitan and interconnected than when I began, the core principle of Francoism is as true in 2016 as it was in 2003 - that GCRs, as a class, are unique and in constant struggle.

We are unique because we are eternal. Other regions and empires and organizations will rise and fall, but we remain. We are a new player’s first experience in NationStates and, on occasion, their last. We support and nurture the world, not only by design, but by duty.

We are in constant struggle, not so much with nefarious interlopers as in ages past, but with ourselves. We struggle with who we are and we divide ourselves because of it. If indeed we are subjugated by outside forces, it is because we look too inward at ourselves and not toward each other. Raider, defender, imperialist, independent - these are, to borrow a phrase from the Iron Chancellor, “useless luxuries”. We are GCRs. We have been since the beginning and will be until Max pulls the plug.

But I know I have contributed to the division. To many I am a boogeyman, one part of a pernicious quartet responsible for all manner of chaos and intrigue. I speak, of course, of The Empire. Many of you do not trust me and if I had been where you are, I would join that chorus. In fact, until April of this year I was exiled from the very region in which I now serve as Pharaoh. I fought against many of the people who founded this government, but as the years passed the anger and paranoia melted away - not only theirs but mine as well - until by fortuitous circumstances I was allowed to return to Osiris and have served her faithfully since.

In this spirit, I now speak to the people of Lazarus.

In April 2015 I actively planned, executed, and supported a coup d'etat against your constitutional government. In my role as Governor of Information, and later Senator of Education, I was responsible for all propaganda. I acted of my own free will and accord. I will not say I did so for the good of Lazarus, because I didn’t. I did it to exact vengeance against others and to gain some measure of influence I believe I had lost. Lazarus was merely the most immediate means at my disposal. I did not for a moment consider the consequences to Lazarus, nor did I place any merit in such concerns. I attacked and derided your community in an effort to suppress dissent and shatter your resolve.

I not only betrayed you, but the Francoist principles I’ve held near to me all these years. Francoists should never raise arms against a sister Sinker, nor so grossly disrespect her sovereignty and independence.

I apologize to you for the anguish I caused and the toxicity I bred.

It is my sincerest hope to begin the process of reconciliation. We must never forget that our regions are linked by a common history and purpose.

Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:51 pm
by Wrektopia
Wow. Very nicely written, excellent dispatch. Hail! And long live!

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:59 pm
by Weast Jurmany
Happy to have you as the new Pharaoh! Hail! o7

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:09 am
by Adytus
Well said! Hail!

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:35 am
by Alex
Your words on second chances and reconciliation speak true. I look forward to your reign being the first that I serve under.


Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:06 am
by Transdavisia
Hail the Pharoah!

May this region prosper for many years to come!

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:19 am
by Fedele
Hail to the Pharaoh!

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:49 pm
by Vaclav Vinograd
Hail you!

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:00 pm
by Yuno
OMG NK <#3 i wasn't around back then to watch this shit go down, but ;-;


Francoists 4 LYFE

Statement from the Pharaoh on the Future of Osiris

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:01 pm
by Treize Dreizehn