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Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:21 pm
by Cormac

Abdication of the Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Pursuant to Article III, Section 1(2) of the Scroll of Ma'at, our regional constitution, I am announcing my abdication of the office of Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order, effective immediately. In accordance with Article III, Section 2(1) of the Scroll of Ma'at, as Heir Apparent of the Osiris Fraternal Order, Neo Kervoskia will succeed to the office of Pharaoh. All WA nations in Osiris are asked to endorse Neo Kervoskia, the next Pharaoh of Osiris.

It has been my privilege to serve a third and final term as Pharaoh of Osiris, and to set Osiris upon a more stable, active, and cooperative path. My term as Pharaoh has lasted for nearly seven months, and it has been an honor to serve as Pharaoh and to oversee the transition from republic to monarchy, from chaos to stability. Yet these past several months are not about what I have accomplished, but rather what we have all accomplished together. When we began this journey several months ago with the initiation of the Transitional Government of the Osiris Fraternal Order by my predecessor, I never imagined we would come so far in such a short time.

In the past several months, we have created a new constitutional government, the most stable and active government in the history of Osiris. Veterans and newcomers alike came together to shatter post count records on our regional forum by thousands of posts, to generate the most consistently active seven months in the history of Osiris by any measure, and to make the WA Delegate of Osiris the highest endorsed Sinker Delegate. We have continued to honor and strengthen our commitments to longtime allies such as Balder, The East Pacific, and The Land of Kings and Emperors, while building new alliances with Lone Wolves United and The West Pacific, and working across ideological lines to partner with other regions through the Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism. We have stood firm against our enemies and faced down every threat. We have exceeded every expectation, proven wrong every detractor, and demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt the wisdom of our decision to change course and reform our community and government.

These are not my accomplishments. These accomplishments belong to Osiris. They are the accomplishments of every Osiran who has served in government, actively participated in our community on-site or off-site, or contributed their endorsements at home or to our military operations. The legacy of these past several months is not mine; this legacy is ours. From the bottom of my heart, to everyone who has contributed over these months, thank you for helping me finally see the Osiris Fraternal Order become what it was always meant to be. Thank you for making the Osiris Fraternal Order a brotherhood of Osirans united not behind a cult of personality or political faction, but rather behind a common goal to sustain a stable, active community and a real home for every Osiran.

As we welcome Neo Kervoskia to the office of Pharaoh of Osiris, I hope every Osiran will reaffirm their commitment to move forward in this spirit of brotherly cooperation. May you all stand united behind the new Pharaoh and continue to work hand in hand with him to move this community ever forward, stronger than when you began. Although retiring from the office of Pharaoh and from NationStates gameplay after almost five years of constant gameplay, I hope those who have contributed so much over these past several months will continue their active involvement. While a great deal has been accomplished, there is still much that can yet be accomplished, and there is no doubt in my mind that our new Pharaoh and his government will open up a new world of possibilities to explore and goals to meet together. The only limit is that which you impose on yourselves, so resolve once again that there will be no limit to what you can achieve together, and that you will work to make Osiris the best regional community it can be, for yourselves and those who will take your places.

Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:30 pm
by Adytus

Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:57 pm
by Vaclav Vinograd

Hail Cormac!
Hail Osiris!

:osiris: :legion: :osiris: :legion: :osiris: :legion: :osiris: :legion: :osiris: :legion: :osiris:

Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:07 pm
by Greyghost
One last one for our Cormac... HAIL CORMAC! o7 Thank you for all you have done for all those around you, all those accomplishments you listed are just as much yours as they are of those here. You have so many beyond this region too. I personally want to thank you for the mentoring you gave to me in gameplay and for being such a great leader here and all where you were. We will miss you greatly here, it won't be the same, but we will push forward all just the same so if you swing by to visit, it'll be something you can be proud of. Love you, Cormy <3 I hope all goes well for you in RL. *gives you departing tacos*

Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:57 am
by Yuno
^what grey said
take care fam

Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:56 am
by Transdavisia
Thank you for your service.


Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:58 am
by Wrektopia
It looks like you did a great job in charge. Thanks for keeping track of everything. Hail

Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:09 pm
by Neo Kervoskia
Hail Cormac, my Pharaoh!
Hail Osiris!

Abdication of the Pharaoh

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:19 pm
by Fedele
Hail Cormac and hail Neo Kervoskia!