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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:38 pm
by Chaotic Sparkles
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Saharan Sappho
World Assembly (WA) Nation: None atm (I forgot to put WA back on my Ardenia piler after raiding last night ope)

Please list your Discord ID here: chaoticsparkles

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates:
Violent Sparkles
Oyussa (retired)
Sparkdottir (antiquated)

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:
Sparkalia (Governor)
Magna Aurea (Citizen)
Eurth (Citizen)
United Regions Alliance (Citizen)
Lair of the Dragon (Member)
The Brotherhood of Malice (Member)

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:
Union of Confederate Regions (Citizen)
Confederacy of Allied States (Citizen)

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: I don’t want to inconvenience someone trying to tell an NS fossil how Osiris works but they’re more than welcome to if they find fulfillment in doing so.

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Chaotic Sparkles, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:35 pm
by YourAverageRedHead
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: YourAverageRedHead
World Assembly (WA) Nation: YourAverageRedHead

Please list your Discord ID here:youraverageredhead

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: None

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Osiris

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: None

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: Yes

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, [YourAverageRedHead], swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:46 pm
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: (The Free Land of) The Black Mesa Remnant
World Assembly (WA) Nation: (The Free Land of) The Black Mesa Remnant

Please list your Discord ID here: 906274021216247828

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: None (I typically go by TBMR just as an abbreviation in one of my former regions' discord servers.)

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: In The Forrest (ITF)

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: In The Forrest (ITF)

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: Yes

I, The Free Land of The Black Mesa Remnant, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:20 pm
by Thal Dorthat
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: the Wonderful Wizard of Thal Dorthat
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Thal Dorthat

Please list your Discord ID here: denefrom

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Dorthat

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:
Astoria (citizen, in government)
the Brotherhood of Malice (member)
The Crimson Crusaders (leader, brand new hot-off-the-press org)
Warzone Trinidad/WZT Mafia (citizen/member)

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:

Friendly Pacifists (governor, now dead and needs to be raided)
Dorthat Islands (governor, namesniped)

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: Nope!

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, the Wonderful Wizard of Thal Dorthat/Thal Dorthat, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:29 pm
by Astralace
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Alphalos
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Alphalos

Please list your Discord ID here: astralace4063

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: N/A

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Resident of Osiris.

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: N/A. Resident of Osiris for a while.

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: No, thank you.

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Astralace, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:18 pm
by Tethys 13
I need to remember to post here when things happen.

Astralace, your application is failing a VPN/proxy check, so you will have to post again with those deactivated to make progress.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 9:35 pm
by Lukatonia
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: lukatonia
World Assembly (WA) Nation: lukatonia

Please list your Discord ID here: lukatonia

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: You should See Me in a Crown and Ham

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: nowhere

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Here and Karma are the only ones that come to mind in recent history.

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: nope

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Ham, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 9:30 pm
by Retsu
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: the Azalea Princess
World Assembly Nation: Bridgett

Please list your Discord ID here: bridgettzeroe

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Retsu

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Karma

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: the important ones are maybe BoM and nope just BoM

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: only if it is Mike cause he'd hate it

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Bridgett, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application or disclosed to the administration. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:31 pm
by Tethys 13
Lukatonia and Retsu, approved!

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 3:06 pm
by Part-Time Goddess
Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: The Part-Time Goddess Margaret
World Assembly (WA) Nation: The Part-Time Goddess Margaret

Please list your Discord ID here: fleshmeat

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: The Other Margaret (Intended for use as Military Reserves nation)

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: N/A

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: N/A

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: No

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, The Part-Time Goddess Margaret, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.