OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

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Treize Dreizehn
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OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

To join this house, simply fill out the following application and sign the oath. I will have final say on acceptance.
-House Dreizehn Application-
Infiltration Experience:
Regions active in:
Family affiliations:
Guild affiliations:
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn:

I, [name here] do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.


[name here], [date here -] 1FE (Fraternal Era).
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OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

Post by wraith_fin »

-House Dreizehn Application-
Name: Swagnegger
Infiltration Experience: Naval experience
Regions active in: none
Family affiliations: none
Guild affiliations: none
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn: leader of the faction

I, Swagnegger do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.


Swagnegger, 18.5 1FE (Fraternal Era).
Treize Dreizehn
Posts: 942
Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:00 am


OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

wraith_fin wrote:Sun May 18, 2014 12:58 am-House Dreizehn Application-
Name: Swagnegger
Infiltration Experience: Naval experience
Regions active in: none
Family affiliations: none
Guild affiliations: none
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn: leader of the faction

I, Swagnegger do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.


Swagnegger, 18.5 1FE (Fraternal Era).
Denied. Because you annoyed me.
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War Wombat
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OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

Post by War Wombat »

-House Dreizehn Application-
Name: Vombatian, War Wombat, or Wombat
Infiltration Experience: You all still haven't figured out that I am actually Topid
some infiltration experience
Regions active in:Osiris, Balder, Albion
Family affiliations:none
Guild affiliations:none
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn: nephew (?)

I, War Wombat do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.


War Wombat, May 23, 1FE (Fraternal Era).
"As a marsupial, you provide the insult"



Former Titles:
Keeper of the Deshret
Vizier of Osiris
Scribe of Culture
Assistant Director of the Diplomatic Service of Osiris
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Treize Dreizehn
Posts: 942
Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:00 am


OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

Accepted, Vombatian Dreizehn. You can write your own backstory, but being the son of one of my many dead brothers would probably be the best start. ;)
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War Wombat
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OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

Post by War Wombat »

Hi. Just thought that I'd let you know that I am activating this again. All you need to do to be part of House Dreizhen is to fill out the following:

-House Dreizehn Application-
Infiltration Experience:
Regions active in:
Family affiliations:
Guild affiliations:
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Vombatian Dreizehn:

I, [name here] do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.


[name here], [date here -] 1FE (Fraternal Era).
"As a marsupial, you provide the insult"



Former Titles:
Keeper of the Deshret
Vizier of Osiris
Scribe of Culture
Assistant Director of the Diplomatic Service of Osiris
Ambassador of Osiris to The North Pacific
Ambassador of Osiris to the South Pacific (possibly)
Member of the Balder Riksdag
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War Wombat
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OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn

Post by War Wombat »

By the way, at the moment I will be using Absolute Cognatic Gavel-kind succession law, unless you want me to change it.
"As a marsupial, you provide the insult"



Former Titles:
Keeper of the Deshret
Vizier of Osiris
Scribe of Culture
Assistant Director of the Diplomatic Service of Osiris
Ambassador of Osiris to The North Pacific
Ambassador of Osiris to the South Pacific (possibly)
Member of the Balder Riksdag
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