Update V

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Matthew Vinage
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Update V

Post by Matthew Vinage »

This update was actually released on the 24th November, but I figured I should post it here too instead of waiting for the next update.

Update V

Executive Government

King/Emperor: HM Emperor Frederick I
Crown Prince/Prince Regent: HRH Matthew Vinage

Prime Minister: Tannarabia
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Matthew Vinage
Minister of Defence (Commander of the MAF): King Frederick I (Temporary Commander - Matthew Vinage)
Minister of WA Affairs (Delegate): Thomas Calloway
Minister of Interior Affairs: RS Dynasty
Minister of Culture: Thomas Calloway
Minister of Imperial Affairs: Milroman

Judicial Government

Chief Justice: Matthew Vinage
Associate Justices: Guandmare, Sacul Nagrem

Attorney General: Thomas Calloway

Legislative Government

CA Speaker: Milroman
Deputy Speaker: George Minier[/center]
New Prime Minister Enters the Fray

The new PM, Tannarabia, arrives at a press conference
Former Prime Minister Matthew Vinage announced in his mid-term speech on September 19th that he would not be running for a third consecutive term as Prime Minister, prompting a variety of candidates to step up to the plate, including veteran Mazerian Thomas Calloway and the now-Prime Minister, Tannarabia.

Following the elections, Citizens' Assembly Speaker Milroman claimed an unprecedented fourth consecutive term, the now-resigned WA Delegate Aaron of Azelia got a second term on the bounce as Delegate, and Matthew Vinage was elected Chief Justice. Newcomer Tannarabia won a surprise victory over long-time citizen Thomas Calloway, becoming Mazeria's third Prime Minister, though Tannarabia has still proved to be popular with those who voted for Calloway.

His (yes, Tannarabia is a he, despite the female avatar) administration so far has seen the MAF get back into action, Mazeria's new colony, Brimhaven, start to establish itself, as well as the kick-starting of Culture Ministry, with a variety of festivals in the works. The Ministry of Culture has also been hard at work preparing for the NS World Fair, the fate of which now hangs in the balance.

In the coming months, the Prime Minister hopes to "refine and reform" the region, so Mazerians can only wonder how the political landscape of the region will change after this term is over.
MAF back in action

The MAF returns from a successful operation in the Creed
Recently, the Mazerian Armed Forces have got back into the swing of things, participating in two relatively major operations since the term began on October 19th. Firstly, the MAF supported Kantrias in the Creed, along with the UIAF, Europeia and others. The second hit a little closer to home. The MAF's puppet dump, Room 101 was hit by TBR (the second time this has happened within a couple of months), so the troops were mobilised. The Room 101 operation is still ongoing.

Though the MAF hasn't returned to peak levels of activity, the MAF Command is already planning more operations to build on the military operations which have been embarked upon this term, to both give experience to new soldiers, and to stop the older members from getting rusty.

With the deletion of La Pasionaria (and puppets), the MAF is currently aware of the possibility of the Internationale becoming a battleground between the Left and the Right of NS. Although the Empire is yet to decide on an official stance, it's likely that if Mazeria decides to get involved in such a conflict, they will probably either support the anti-fascists, with Mazeria being anti-fascist itself, or just stay out of the conflict altogether.

Mazerians now eagerly hope that their Armed Forces will bounce back from inactivity and return to their former glory. It is up to the MAF to fulfil that hope.

The Empire Returns

The first Pirate Captains create the Pirate Codex

The founding of Mazeria's second colony began in the early days of October when the Citizens Assembly voted for the creation of a new Mazerian Colony: Brimhaven. The colony of Brimhaven was created as a Pirate colony and already has its first piece of legislation: The First Pirate Codex. It is a safehaven for the mischievous, thieving and murderous Pirates who wish to live life to the full extent and to taste freedom everyday. Even now, the colony is active with spammers and contributors to different parts of the developing colony.

With activity mainly in the spam section of the colony, Brimhaven does have a long way to go before it can be recognised as a gem of the Empire, however, we can already see the colony becoming more successful than the first colony of Mazeria: Mediterrania.

However, how long can the colony stay active? Will it fall into inactivity and follow the path of Mediterrania? Or will it become the gem of the Empire? Only time will tell for this newly established Pirate Colony, Brimhaven.
Political Parties

The insignia of the three main parties of Mazeria: the MLP, the MUSCAN and the D&D Party
On 23rd September, after a few months of nagging, the Crown Prince of Mazeria, Matthew Vinage, finally proposed the idea of political parties in Mazeria, with the Political Parties Act passing in the Citizen's Assembly on the 27th September.

This enabled any Mazerian Citizen to found a political party, which would become officially recognised upon the acquisition of more than one member. Each party is provided with its own subforum, in which the members can plan political campaigns, discuss matters of shared interest and even, in some cases, introduce an RP element to the party.

At the moment, the largest party in Mazeria is the Mazerian Liberal Party, a moderately left-wing party formed by the Crown Prince himself, which has attracted the attention of a prominent RP alliance, the Mazerian Entente. Following closely behind the MLP is the Mazerian Union of Socialist and Communist Aligned Nations (MUSCAN), a party with values further left of the MLP, with whom a strong political coalition, the Mazerian Liberal and Leftist coalition, is held. However, not all parties are engrossed in political ideologies, with the Mazerian Dungeons and Dragons Party (MD&DP) whose members vouch for the benefits of D&D and how it can be applied to Mazerian politics.

It is hoped by many that, with a revival in population numbers, political parties will help the political landscape of Mazeria become more prominent and diverse.
Update written by Matthew Vinage, Aaron of Azelia and RS Dynasty.
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Matthew Vinage-Sovetskie EEN OR4 WE3
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Update V

Post by Lord Ravenclaw »

Well I'm glad to hear that all is going well. :) I'm sure I read it on the old forum xD
Joshua Ravenclaw
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Matthew Vinage
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Update V

Post by Matthew Vinage »

No, the last one was in September on the old forums. This one is the October/November Update. :P
Communist Quinntopia
Matthew Vinage-Sovetskie EEN OR4 WE3
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Lord Ravenclaw
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Update V

Post by Lord Ravenclaw »

Aha, that explains it! I recently had to sack my Diplomat to Mazeria as they went inactive, so I have the pleasure of restocking the Diplomatic Service.
Joshua Ravenclaw
5th April 2012 -
"The Pharaoh-Emeritus of the Imperial Crown" - The Tenth Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Pharaoh of Osiris, First elected Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order, Former Advisor to the Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Spokespriest and Priest of the Council of Ma'at, Deputy Grand Hedjeti and Priest of the Hedjet and Guardian of the Atef
Former Vice Delegate, Justice and Chief Justice, Former Sepatarch, Co-Spokesperson of the Sepatarchy
Former Vizier of Foreign Affairs, Scribe of Foreign Affairs, Deputy of Foreign Affairs and Director of the Diplomatic Service
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