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Stele of Horus

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:52 pm
by Malphe
The Stele of Horus
SIDE 1: Structure

1. That in mutual recognition, be in Hieroglyph & Demotic, the following verse be carved on five sides of stele double, and erected in the lands of both signatories.

SIDE 2: Preamble

1. Behold the Stele of Horus, carve unto the decree of Horus! All to follow upon this monument be the truest word by providence of priesthood of the raptor god, in adherence to the will of Ma'at and Pharaoh.

2. In the auspices of political collaboration, and in the greatest spirit of kinship, those signatories the Black Hawks and the Osiris Fraternal Order commit to the decree of the Stele of Horus in understanding and adherence.

SIDE 3: Accommodations

1. The Black Hawks hereby proclaim recognition of Ma'at as the highest order in the lands of Osiris, by the divine rule of Pharaoh and the passing of the Nile. The Black Hawks are not expected to observe any religious festival or priestly ordained ritual.

2. The Osiris Fraternal Order hereby proclaims recognition of all scions of the Black Hawks as descendants of Horus under divine auspice. Thereby no scion of the Black Hawks may commit an offence unto Ma'at, and will pass to heaven without subjugation to the forty two laws regardless of sins committed.

SIDE 4: Stipulations

1. The Osiris Fraternal Order hereby recognizes the Commander-in-Chief as the sole origin of all legitimate authority in the region of The Black Hawks, who may delegate their legitimate authority to the Council of Hawks.

2. The Black Hawks hereby recognize the Osiris Fraternal Order as the sole origin of all legitimate authority in the region of Osiris.

3. The signatories shall not recognize any usurper to the legitimate authorities of their respective regions, and shall mutually defend their regions where feasible. The signatories share no other military obligations under this decree, for naught needs carve when wrote upon star.

4. The signatories shall not commit espionage upon the other. The signatories shall relay pertinent intelligence unto the other where reasonable.

5. The signatories shall endeavour to support Security Council initiatives within the interests of the other, and to align in vote of such. Furthermore, the signatories shall endeavour to support the quorum related military operations of the other.

6. In observation of raider unity the signatories will endeavour to collaborate on cultural matters. Likewise, the signatories shall endeavour to collaborate on historical research utilising resources at their disposal, as is reasonable.

SIDE 5: Amendments

1. The decree of the Stele of Horus shall take effect upon ratification of both signatories by the processes of their legitimate authorities.

2. Amendments must take place in the same manner as ratification.

3. Either signatory may withdraw by the processes of their legitimate authorities without mutual corroboration, but due rationale must be provided to the other signatory.
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Pharaoh's Assent