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Key to the City Introduction Amendment

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:09 pm
by Dragonian Alliance
Key to the City Introduction Amendment is now at vote. Voting will conclude at 17:15 EST on November 2nd.

This is not an amendment to the Scroll of Horus and as such it will only require a simple majority of 50%+1 vote to pass the Council of Scribes.
Citizens may vote Aye, Nay or Abstain.

The discussion thread is available here.
Act Text wrote:
Key to the City Introduction Amendment I. Amendments
(1) Article I, section (2) of the Regional Traditions Act shall be amended as follows:
Amendment Text wrote:g. The Khopesh of Montu - Awarded to persons who have distinguished themselves in times of war.
h. Key to [City], where the city granted is unique to the recipient, - Awarded to persons who have made outstanding contributions, through use of puppets or otherwise, to Osiran success in official NationStates events.
(2) Article II of the Nobility and Honours Act shall be amended as follows:
Amendment Text wrote: III. On Regional Honors

(1) Noting the cultural enrichment provided to Osiris by those regional honors afforded by the Regional Traditions Act, further chivalric and military orders are hereby created to serve in compliment to such.

(2) Those citizensindividuals previously awarded the "Violet Jewel of Atum," shall be immediately inducted into the Most Ancient and Noble Order of Atum. They shall be afforded the style of address "Lady/Lord [their name]" in all settings, formal and informal.

(3) Those citizensindividuals previouslyawarded the "Crown of Osiris," shall be immediately inducted into the Most Ancient and Noble Order of Osiris. They shall be afforded the style of address "Lady/Lord [their name]" in all settings, formal and informal.

(4) Those citizensindividuals previously awarded the "Scepter of Aset," shall be immediately inducted into the Ancient Order of Aset. They shall be afforded the style of address "Madam/Master [their name]" in all settings, formal and informal.

(5) Those citizensindividuals previously awarded the "Eye of Horus," shall be immediately inducted into the Ancient Order of Horus. They shall be afforded the style of address "Madam/Master [their name]" in all settings, formal and informal.

(6) Those citizensindividuals previously awarded the "Sword of Sekhmet," shall be immediately inducted into the Ancient and Martial Order of Sekhmet. They shall be afforded the style of address "Madam/Master [their name]" in all settings, formal and informal.

(7) Those citizensindividuals previously awarded the "Scale of Ma'at," shall be immediately inducted into the Ancient Order of Ma'at. They shall be afforded the style of address "Madam/Master [their name]" in all settings, formal and informal.

(8) Those citizensindividuals previously the "Khopesh of Montu," shall be immediately inducted into the Ancient and Martial Order of Montu. They shall be afforded the style of address "Madam/Master [their name]" in all settings, formal and informal.

(9) Those individuals awarded the "Key to [City]," shall be afforded the style of address "[Their Name] Lord/Lady of [City] in all settings, formal and informal.

(9) Anycitizen successively awarded a regional honor shall concurrently be inducted into the chivalric or military order pertinent to their honor.

Re: Key to the City Introduction Amendment

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:16 pm
by Wymondham

Re: Key to the City Introduction Amendment

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:18 pm
by Ikania

Re: Key to the City Introduction Amendment

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:03 am
by Malphe

Re: Key to the City Introduction Amendment

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:29 am
by Salem

Re: Key to the City Introduction Amendment

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:11 pm
by BringMeTacos

Re: Key to the City Introduction Amendment

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:17 pm
by Dragonian Alliance
On November 2nd, 2020 17:15 the Council of Scribes vote to Pass, by a vote of 5-0-0, the Key to the City Introduction Amendment. As it is not a constitutional amendment no vote by the Council of Guardians is required and as such this act now requires the Pharaoh's assent.

May the Gods of the Nile look favourably upon this Act.