Its your friendly CA Vizier, Wym here. I am delighted to be able to announce the first ever Osiris Emoji Contest. Each of you can submit one emoji which you think ought to be on our discord server, the winner will be added as an emoji on the discord for a while. Submissions shall close on the 12th with voting opening for 3 days until the 15th. Koth reserves the right to veto the winning emoji if, and these are his words not mine, it is really awful. I am sure that this will not be a problem. In addition to having your emoji in our discord server, the winner and those who participate will also get points towards a very very exciting incentive program we will be hopefully be announcing in the not to distant future. Please enter your submission by posting it in this thread along with what you would like it to be called.
So, without further ado and to save your eyes from another Wymwall :p - the inaugural Osiris emoji competition is now open!!