Pharaoh's Day Badges
We promised and we deliver!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Pharaoh's Day activities! Here are some badges for you! Thank you to Drinarius and Kyru for making them!
Participation Badge
This badge is for everyone who has participated in Pharaoh's Day whether it was the games, trivia or the games after trivia.
Winning the Crossword Badge
This badge goes to - Rigel for being the first to complete the crossword!
First person to post! (After the announcement)
This badge goes to - Xanderstralia for being the first person to post after the announcement!
Winner of Trivia
This badge goes to - Cormac for winning Osiris trivia!
We promised and we deliver!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Pharaoh's Day activities! Here are some badges for you! Thank you to Drinarius and Kyru for making them!
Participation Badge
This badge is for everyone who has participated in Pharaoh's Day whether it was the games, trivia or the games after trivia.
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Winning the Crossword Badge
This badge goes to - Rigel for being the first to complete the crossword!
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First person to post! (After the announcement)
This badge goes to - Xanderstralia for being the first person to post after the announcement!
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Winner of Trivia
This badge goes to - Cormac for winning Osiris trivia!
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