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[Voting Closed at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:18 pm
by Wymondham
The Power Transfer Amendments Act is now at vote. Voting will conclude at 1.18PM EST on the 26th of February 2019.

This is an amendment to the Scroll of Horus and as such it will require a two-thirds vote to pass the Council of Scribes.
Citizens may vote Aye, Nay or Abstain.

A reminder that Guardians are not eligible to vote in the Council of Scribes on constitutional amendments, as Guardians vote on such amendments separately in the Council of Guardians.

The discussion thread is available here
Power Transfer Amendments

I. Amendments to the Scroll of Horus

(1) Article I, Section 5 of the Scroll of Horus will be amended as follows:

(5) The Pharaoh will be the ultimate governing authority of Osiris, responsible for interpreting and enforcing the constitution and laws of Osiris. The Pharaoh may, with the approval of the Council of Guardians, enact, amend, or repeal the constitution, laws, treaties, or declarations of war.

(2) Article V of the Scroll of Horus will be amended as follows:

(7) The Council of Scribes may, at the request of the Pharaoh or designated executive official(s), enact, amend, or repeal a treaty.

(8) The Council of Scribes may, at the request of the Pharaoh or designated executive official(s), enact, amend, or repeal a declaration of war by two-thirds vote.

(7) (9) The Council of Scribes may amend this constitution by two-thirds vote. Such amendment will be subject to the approval of the Council of Guardians before being presented to the Pharaoh for assent.

II. Amendments to the Legislative Rules Act

(1) Article II, Section 1 of the Legislative Rules Act will be amended as follows:

(1) Any citizen may introduce a proposal before the Council of Scribes. Only the Pharaoh or designated executive official(s) may introduce a proposal to enact, amend, or repeal a treaty, a declaration of war, a persona non grata designation, or a proscription designation.

(2) Article II, Section 3 of the Legislative Rules Act will be amended as follows:

(3) In order for a proposal to be brought to vote, a citizen eligible to vote on that proposal must make a motion to vote, and another such citizen must second the motion. Only the Pharaoh or designated executive official(s) may make a motion to vote on a proposal to enact, amend, or repeal a treaty, a declaration of war, a persona non grata designation, or a proscription designation.

III. Amendments to the Prohibited Status Act

(1) Article I, Section 1 of the Prohibited Status Act will be amended as follows:

(1) The Council of Guardians Scribes may, at the request of the Pharaoh, designate a person persona non grata or repeal such a designation. A persona non grata designation will prohibit a person, under any alias, from residing gameside or being admitted to citizenship in Osiris.

(2) Article II, Section 1 of the Prohibited Status Act will be amended as follows:

(1) The Council of Guardians Scribes may, at the request of the Pharaoh, designate a region or organization as proscribed or repeal such a designation. Any region or organization against which Osiris has officially declared war, or which has officially declared war against Osiris, will be automatically designated as proscribed and will remain proscribed for the duration of the official state of war.

IV. Amendments to the War Act

(1) Pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the Scroll of Horus, the War Act will be retitled the Emergency War Powers Act.

(2) Article I, Section 1 of the Emergency War Powers Act (formerly the War Act) will be amended as follows:

(1) Recognizing the extraordinary circumstances of a state of conflict the Emergency War Powers Act seeks to entitle the Pharaoh with certain, extraordinary and limited authority in order to make effective the defense of Osiris against enemies, without or within, following a declaration of war as prescribed by Article I, Section 5 of the Scroll of Horus.

(3) Article II, Section 1 of the Emergency War Powers Act (formerly the War Act) will be amended as follows:

(1) Following a declaration of war that has received approval by the Council of Guardians, the Pharaoh may present themselves to the Council of Guardians with the intent to declare a regional state of emergency and invoke certain emergency powers in order to necessitate the defense of the Osiris Fraternal Order from enemies both without and within.

V. Enactment

(1) Should the amendments to the Scroll of Horus contained herein fail to be enacted, amendments to other laws contained herein will not be enacted.

(2) The enactment of these amendments will not invalidate or repeal any treaty, declaration of war, persona non grata designation, or proscription designation in effect immediately prior to these amendments.

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:19 pm
by Wymondham

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:20 pm
by Midnight Sparkle

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:20 pm

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:20 pm
by Lukatonia

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:22 pm
by Rocky

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:27 pm
by Masked Owl

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:39 pm
by Jakmanseven

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:50 pm
by Halo

Re: [Voting Closes at 1.18 PM EST on the 26th February]Power Transfer Amendments Act

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:47 pm
by Ridersyl