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May Update || 2018

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 5:23 pm
by Salem
THE GALACTIC ORDER UPDATE =|=Forum=|=Discord=|=Constitution=|=Embassy Policy=|= The Galactic Order is a Star Wars Themed Raider Region with a strong hand in government and role-play through the leadership of our Sovereign, Empress Rachael Arche-VerinGuard. We currently have 225 nations and are the 56th largest region in Nation States!

The Sovereign returned from her LoA on May 3rd and Smith stepped down from his regency and returned to being the Crown Prince. Rach's LoA

Government Developments
The government of TGO has seen a lot of instability throughout this term, but the tribulations are quickly ceasing due to invaluable action from all branches. Senate Developments Senate Elections took place on May 7th. Five new senators were elected; namely Alec VerinGuard, Arcana Arche-Mountbatten, Orion VerinGuard, and Claire H. Underwood. Multiple amendments have been passed such as the Standing Orders and Decorum Amendment (2018) and the Criminal Code Amendment #1. Due to Arcana Arche-Mountbatten’s resignation, a Senate by-election will be held on May 28th. The senate is and plans to be very active in its following terms. Executive Developments There was a lull in Moff activity this month do to the resignation of the External affairs, Internal affairs, and Recruitment Moffs. While Internal affairs and Recruitment were not replaced for most of the month, A new Moff of External Affairs was picked fairly early on in the month, with the new Moff of EA Parzi Pigwig-VerinGuard,being selected. However as we reached the last few days of the month, The Moffs of IA and Recruitment were picked, bringing in Matan Arche-VerinGuard as Moff of Internal Affairs and Rikki Arche-Mountbatten as Moff of Recruitment. The Executive Branch hopes to make up for lost time in the following month. New WAD A new World Assembly Delegate was selected after a sudden announcement replacing former WAD Maddie, New WAD is Amber VerinHall. With 25 endorsements and counting, new WAD Amber VerinHall will lead the region in the WA sector.
UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF THE MILITARY The Imperial Fleet has been relatively active this month, with 16 new Rebel Bases introduced.
Our military continues to grow and is actively working to strengthen our region.