Severisen Montresor

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Severisen Montresor

Post by Ani The Laquine »

"So, let's see. I started NS in 2004 with a link from while on Thanksgiving break. I wasn't a Farker, as NS knew them, but I kind of wish I had been. I made a stupid nation with a terrible name and answered issues for a few weeks or so before I got bored. I didn't know there were things to do. I made a few more Nations here and there over the next several years, but none really stuck. I was just chilling in my isolationist world when my region was raided by DEN and TBH in 2012. That's when it all changed. I joined DEN and TBH under my new, and now really only, identity, Severisen.

I raided a lot, and tried another region for a bit, but 2013 was really a boring year. In December, Koth, Venico and Cormac, who I knew from other venues, approached me about joining OFO. Specifically, they wanted me to start up and run the new Sekhmet Legion. I held that post under both VeniKoth (sorry Koth, you know I had to) and Raven, who was elected Pharaoh.

Raven had gone inactive near the end of his term, and I figured, what the heck, might as well run for Pharaoh.

He wasn't happy, and it was a major sticking point. It was tearing apart the newly founded OFO , really. One of my strengths as a player, outside of GP, is my ability to really bring people to the table and make peace. At the time they referred to me as such. It wasn't a super amazing Pharaohship, in my opinion, but it was the term that Osiris needed at the time. I like to think that I Unified the region a bit and helped build the foundations for the next generation." - Severisen Montresor
Ani the Laquine
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Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer
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Severisen Montresor

Post by Koth »

Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer wrote:Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:37 amVeniKoth (sorry Koth, you know I had to)
You really didn't, but I forgive you anyway.

His Majesty Ambroscus Koth Vytherov, Hasal-Pharaoh, Bru'uh of Osiris
Khetemtai in the House of Sekhmet
Recipient of the Crown of Osiris
Recipient of the Violet Jewel of Atum

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Severisen Montresor
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Severisen Montresor

Post by Severisen Montresor »

You have long been a favorite person of mine.

Pharaoh Emeritus of Osiris
Former Guardian of the Atef
Former Marshal General of the Sekhmet Legion
Nomarch of Terenuthis
Lord of House Isaraider
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