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Ani The Laquine
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Post by Ani The Laquine »

This is some history of Koth during his time as Pharaoh written by him

"July 7th, 2015, was the day I took office as Pharaoh of The Osiris Fraternal Order after a fiercely competitive race against Ainocra. I had been Pharaoh before, but I was serving alongside by best friend Venico. He was the true heart of the OFO at that time, and I was there at his side as his brother. This time though, I was the star, and I was all set to prove I could make it in the big show by myself. At the time, I was in my own words going through one of my many "periods of hyperactivity" in NS, where I would bite off way more than I could chew. My Pharaohship was the epitome of that.

I was an idealist and optimistic Pharaoh, coming off of a relatively boring period of the OFO during Tim's two terms as Pharaoh. I had high hopes for the region under my rule, and I started off with a mission to have every citizen make at least one post a day on our forum. I appointed a player who had only been in the region for 6 days to be our Scribe of Culture, but again I had high hopes because she was also extremely active on our forum. The day after I took office, July 8th 2015, was the most active day in Osiran history, with over 1000 posts in a single day.

Under the cultural guidance of Impossible Girl, I established the long-running tradition of the Osiran of the Week. It was a highly successful initiative and brought a lot of positive attention to the people of the region. If nothing else, I'm proud of what just the first week of my Pharaohship brought to Osiris. I say this because the rest of the term was pretty fucking boring, but I'll expand on that in a bit.

For me, one of the most fun things about being Pharaoh was the WA, which I now had a sizeable say in. I established a friendship with Ramaeus, delegate of The East Pacific at the time, and we vote stacked the fuck out of every resolution. Thanks to us, the infamous and terribly written "World Space Administration" GA proposal became law, and provided me with a lot of keks. It was also around this time that I looked into establishing a treaty with The North Pacific, but it quickly became apparent to me that it was not an avenue that needed to be continued down. That was about the extent of my Foreign Affairs during my term.

Unfortunately for everyone, my optimism had begun to wane after Impossible Girl vanished from the region as quickly as she came. Without her crazy ideas to keep everyone engaged, it became obvious that I wasn't engaging enough to keep the region's activity afloat by myself. I became heavily dissolutioned with the people of Osiris as far as activity goes. By the time I was two months into my term, I had posted a thread called "The Two-Thirds Report" where I had basically announced that I'd given up on the region but I still intended to keep it safe and sound until my term was up. I simply no longer had the energy to try to make people care.

To this day, I still haven't changed my forum avatar from Elekid, which was my last entry in Impossible Girl's avatar contest. It reminds me of a time when I gave a shit, when I was king of the castle and happy to contribute. At the end of my term as Pharaoh, I posted a thread which started with an announcement that I was politically done with this region for good. Since then, I haven't held a single government position and have had no desire to do so. I'm content with being the root admin, watching the region evolve and thrive without me calling the shots. I may be done with the government, but I will always be here for Osiris. When I helped found the OFO, I wanted to firmly establish fraternity as a core value of the region. I do not intend to be a leader of Osirans for the forseeable future, but I will always be their brother. " - Koth
Ani the Laquine
The Adorable Bun
Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer
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