[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Cormac »

The Constitution of Osiris, proposed by Antiochus (Vapid), is now at vote. It will require a two-thirds vote to pass.

Citizens may vote "aye," "nay," "abstain," or votes of clearly similar intent.

Voting will close at 2:00 a.m. EST on November 25, 2017.

Constitution of Osiris wrote:
Preamble wrote:On NationStates, it is good and proper that every Game Created Region, whose community is at the mercy and blessing of its delegate, by nature, ought to institute a set of regulations that ensure the protection of its delegate, the good behaviour and activity of its constituents, and the propagation of its interests in the region itself, and in the world. For if it does not do these things, surely the community is at great peril--whether this peril be of a creeping sort or of a sort swift.

It is under this understanding that any region ought to construct its laws. Osiris has endeavoured in the past to institute policies supporting these ideas, but by some nature or flaw of the previous constitutions, it has failed in some regard. It is with hope that this deed is not of Sisyphean effort, and of passion for the future of Osiris that we approach this Convention.

The Delegate and the People of Osiris, in the former which the authority to rule the region and the responsibility to uphold its security, interests, and government rest, and in the latter which the will of the community and the responsibility to promote activity, development, and growth rest, do institute this high law to act as the Constitution of Osiris, at the liberty and will of the Delegate, he who is the Pharaoh.
Article I: The Office and Powers of The Pharaoh
  1. The Pharaoh shall have all ability and power to overturn or create government decisions, legislation, and regulation of any sort; no man may command him to do otherwise.
  2. The Pharaoh shall have the sole authority to set maximum endorsement levels, and to discriminate on basis of citizenship status, guardianship status, and endorsement of himself and all guardians in establishing maximum endorsement levels for the respective groups.
  3. In violation of these caps, the Pharaoh and those he appoints as guardians shall have authority to take proper security measures to ensure the violator falls below the maximum endorsement level.
  4. The Pharaoh shall have the sole authority to appoint guardians.
  5. It is on the grace of the Pharaoh that government rests; the Pharaoh may dissolve any part, or the whole, of government, and demote (except for guardians) or promote any individual to a government office.
  6. The Pharaoh shall have the right to appoint a line of succession, and to replace or remove any potential successor from his position on this line.
  7. The Pharaoh shall have the sole authority to appoint individuals to lead executive departments, though he may grant these individuals power to admit, promote, and reject individuals within the department.
  8. The Pharaoh shall have the authority to grant or reject citizenship requests, and may delegate this authority to forum administrators at his will.
  9. The Pharaoh shall have the authority to appoint or demote forum administrators.
  10. The Pharaoh shall have the sole authority to grant titles of nobility.
Article II: Executive Departments
  1. Each department shall have its scope of permitted actions and responsibilities defined by the Pharaoh in a defining charter. This charter may be amended or revoked by the Pharaoh, and only by the Pharaoh, at any time.
  2. Should this charter be revoked by the Pharaoh, the department shall immediately cease and desist in all of its activities.
  3. Should this charter be revoked, the regulations which the department has set forth shall be considered in effect unless the Pharaoh nullifies them.
  4. Each department shall have the authority to install regulations pertaining to its scope of permitted actions and responsibilities. These regulations shall affect all citizens.
  5. No department may act outside of its scope of permitted actions.
  6. The Secretary of the department shall, at the will of the Pharaoh, be the sole individual responsible for publications by and for the department, actions by the department, regulations installed by the department, and any other official action created by the department.
  7. The Secretary of the department shall have the authority, Pharaoh permitting, to grant or deny entry into to the department to any citizen, and to revoke membership of or promote members in the department.
  8. Departments may not discriminate, in regulation or in admission, on basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity.
Article III: Judiciary
  1. The Judiciary shall act as the sole criminal court of Osiris.
  2. The Judiciary shall act as the sole constitutional court of Osiris.
  3. The Judiciary shall act as the sole civil court of Osiris.
  4. The Judiciary shall be comprised of three justices who serve for life. These justices may not also be members of any department.
  5. The justices shall be appointed by the Pharaoh.
  6. The Judiciary shall establish the penal code.
Article IV: Citizenship
  1. Citizens shall have the right to freedom of expression, within the limits of the Terms of Service on host websites, and within the limits of the security of Osiris.
  2. Citizens shall have the right to apply to any department for membership.
  3. Citizens shall have the right to make a legal appeal to the Judiciary
  4. If a citizen who is acting as defendant is dissatisfied with the result civil or criminal trial, they shall have the right to make a final appeal to the Pharaoh.
  5. Citizens shall have the right to vote on measures that proscribe organizations and/or individuals.
  6. The Pharaoh shall create and regulate the requirements for applying for citizenship.
  7. Citizens shall be required to maintain a nation in the region of Osiris at all times. Should they fail to, an Administrator shall be compelled to warn them. If they fail to correct the error within 72 hours of their warning, their citizenship shall be revoked.
  8. Citizenship may, additionally, be revoked for commission of treason, gross violation of human rights or violation of host site Terms of Service.
Article V: The Assembly
  1. The Assembly shall consist of all citizens of Osiris.
  2. The Assembly shall be led by the Speaker, who shall be appointed by the Pharaoh.
  3. The Assembly shall have the right to petition for the removal of any official the Pharaoh has appointed, except for the Heir Apparent.
  4. The Assembly shall have the right to ratify the following sorts of legislation and regulations if the bill should receive a majority in the Assembly:
    The Criminal Code
    Petitions for removal of officials
    Miscellaneous petitions
    Non-binding declarations
    The Civil Code
    Mandates pertaining solely to the procedure of the Assembly
  5. The Assembly shall have the right to ratify the following sorts of legislation and regulations if the bill should receive a ⅔ majority in the Assembly:
    Declarations of War
    Proscribing of organizations, regions, or individuals from citizenship in Osiris
    Petitions for Constitutional Amendments
    Removal of Guardians
  6. All Assembly bills shall require the assent of the Pharaoh before they may be ratified, except for the removal of Guardians.
  7. All petitions that pass shall be presented as soon as possible by the Speaker to the Pharaoh in a public location.
Article VI: Guardians
  1. Guardians shall be border control officers appointed by the Pharaoh.
  2. Guardians shall serve to aid the Pharaoh in advancing the security of Osiris.
  3. Guardians shall be permitted to maintain a higher endorsement count than residents or citizens, and shall be mandated to have a World Assembly nation in Osiris at all times.
  4. Guardians may temporarily seize the delegacy in the case that the Pharaoh’s position as delegate is jeopardized or suspended due to the Pharaoh’s nation ceasing to exist, leaving Osiris, or being surpassed in endorsements by another nation.
  5. Guardians shall have the right to ban and/or eject suspicious, rule-violating, or pestilent non-citizens from Osiris.
  6. Should any individual surpass the set endorsement cap, the guardians may act to ensure that that individual’s endorsements fall below the cap once again, up to temporary banjection.
  7. Should the Pharaoh jeopardize, intentionally, the security of Osiris and its government, the Guardians shall be permitted to act by any means necessary to ensure a return to stability.
  8. Guardians may not be removed by the Pharaoh, only by the Assembly.
Article VII: Addenda
  1. This constitution may only be amended at the consent of, or by, the Pharaoh.
  2. Any act of attempting to overthrow the Pharaoh, make a resident of Osiris exceed his endorsement count, endeavour to disclose secure information, or otherwise severely detriment the Government of Osiris, shall be considered treason.
  3. Any individual or organization that is convicted of treason shall be banned from holding citizenship in Osiris. Any individual who was part of a treasonous organization who applies for citizenship shall need to make a public appeal to the Pharaoh for their application to be considered.
  4. No ex-post facto regulations may be implemented.
  5. Osiris may never act in military defense of any region, except for treatied allies, should they be mandated to.
  6. The sole location of official government proceedings shall be the regional forums, located at: https://osiris.valthost.com/index.php
  7. Additional official off-site chats, forums, or websites may be designated as such by the Pharaoh.
  8. The first Pharaoh of this government shall be Syberis, successive Pharaohs may be appointed as prescribed previously.
  9. Should there be a time where the Pharaoh’s in-game nation ceases to exist, or is dangerously close to being surpassed in endorsements by a resident, and no successor is appointed, an emergency Pharaoh may be appointed by the Judiciary until the Pharaoh can return to a secure endorsement level. Should the Pharaoh not do this within one month, the emergency Pharaoh shall become Pharaoh proper of Osiris.
  10. This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris

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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Cormac »

His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Mike »

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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Altino »

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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Anabelle »


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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Sygian »


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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Koth »


His Majesty Ambroscus Koth Vytherov, Hasal-Pharaoh, Bru'uh of Osiris
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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

Post by Yuno »

[6/4/2016 8:28:50 PM] Lord Mazrim Rahl (Biyah): yo Yuno, since you missed it.
[6/4/2016 8:28:54 PM] Lord Mazrim Rahl (Biyah): [6/3/2016 17:12:42] Gradea Sanguine: On 04/06/2016, at 7:18 AM, Yuno wrote:
> I-II finished all my regents!
[6/3/2016 19:34:30] Lord Mazrim Rahl (Biyah): obviously she was gathering spell regents, so she could cast her end-of-term mass death spell. Young sorceress' must kill their Master before they are allowed to leave.
[6/3/2016 19:35:52] Gradea Sanguine: Makes sense
[6/3/2016 19:36:39] Lord Mazrim Rahl (Biyah): Hence, pray she learns well and doesn't have a dunce as a teacher... else the next generation that kills her will be weak, snobby and only half-trained. That is how society falls
[6/3/2016 19:37:30] Lord Mazrim Rahl (Biyah): I am a proud member of MAWS. Men against weak sorcerers/eses
[6/3/2016 19:38:13] Lord Mazrim Rahl (Biyah): (When Yuno comes back, she's gonna blink a few times)
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[Failed] Constitution of Osiris (Antiochus)

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