Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Syberis »

We have recently uncovered evidence that the Kingdom of Great Britain intends to wage war on The West Pacific, the House of Rahl, and Brunhilde. In fact, we've uncovered more than that; we have uncovered evidence that they have been, in fact, waging war on these regions. While they have been doing so... incompetently, they have still intended to. For this, I have a simple series of requests, as Pharaoh.

The relevant logs can be found here.

I charge Altino with investigating the shared citizens of Osiris and KoGB and determining which of these realistically knew about these intentions, and failed to report them. She is to bring her findings to the Council of Priests, who are to determine guilt.

As we have a treaty obligation to inform allies of any hostile act, the fact that this required a leak does mean that any member who was aware of this, as they put it, undeclared state of war does put them in direct violation of regional law. Nevermind that I expect that our citizens refrain from waging war on our allies in their free time. Apparently that's too much to ask for.

Additionally, I have three declarations for the Council of Scribes to assent to. These can go to the Scribes as independent votes for assent.

I humbly request the Council of Scribes to approve:

- The establishment of The Kingdom of Great Britain as a Proscribed Region.
- The establishment of The Family Mountbatten as a Proscribed Organization.
- And the establishment of the player commonly known as Don and George Mountbatten VI as Persona Non Grata.

Further actions will be considered as the situation develops, and I would suggest to those watching with dual citizenships to make it very clear that these defensive actions do not represent the totality of Osiris' response should The Kingdom of Great Britain continue to operate with the intent to commit hostile acts on Osiris and her allies.

-Mirkhan Syberis Rahl-Montresor, 22nd Pharaoh of Osiris.
Greyghost wrote:Just because you're cute doesn't mean you're not suspicious <_<
Chalice wrote:Comrade Syberis was talking about the joys of Osirian Fraternity.
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Cormac »

A strong and to the point statement, and a wise course of action. I will gladly support all of your proposals to the Council of Scribes. An undeclared war against our allies and against our Pharaoh due to his familial ties is an undeclared war against Osiris itself, and should be viewed as such.

Hail the Pharaoh! Hail Osiris! :osiris:
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Adytus »

The Anarchic Republic of AdytusLord Sarah of House Rahl, the Mirkhan Clan Syb: Ady is my favorite pervy CV.
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Wymondham »

Hail. A wise course of action and a powerful statement to those who wish to do Osiris harm. :osiris: :osiris: :osiris: :osiris: :legion: :legion: :legion: :legion:
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by JayDee »

A very good decision from the Pharaoh. I fully support.
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Kowassati »

Hail! I agree something needs to be done
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Rallori »

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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Zaolat »

The First Pharaoh, Pharaoh Emeritus

Avakael wrote:If the UDL is an NGO, then the LKE is very clearly conducting a war on terrorism. Terrorism perpetuated by the United Defenders League, lead by a man who has shaped his organization to have a culture of wishing to wear tights, live in forests, and possibly even dress up as furries, something which only Todd McCloud may do. I believe this war, therefore, should not be a matter of raiding and defending. It's a matter of moral decency. Don't wear tights. Don't live in forests. Don't dress up and roleplay as animals. It's wrong, and the LKE is taking the initiative to exterminate this horrible organization.
<+Zaolat> you know I hear if a man eats lots of pineapples and it's juice good things happen
<+Xoriet> :D
<+Xoriet> Awesome
<@Venico> Sigged
<+Xoriet> VENICO
<+Zeorus> XD
<@Venico> Xoriet! <3
<+Xoriet> I meant Nox's Nether Faerie Dragon ;x;
<@Venico> Uh huh, Sure
<+Xoriet> I didn't even see Zao's thing
<+Xoriet> ;x;
<+Xoriet> I hate you all
<@Venico> Nope
<@Venico> That's copyright
<@Venico> Night Father TM
<@Treize_Dreizehn> <Xoriet> I didn't even see Zao's thing <--- That's what she said.
<@Treize_Dreizehn> my work here is done
<@Venico> Did the pineapple improve it Xoriet?
<+Xoriet> Now I really hold deep loathing for all of you ={
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Badger »

I feel that this is a solid course of action. Hail Osiris!
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Regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Sygian »

Solid statement from a solid Pharaoh.

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