Arda en' Estel: August Update

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Theio Altherio
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Arda en' Estel: August Update

Post by Theio Altherio »

[color=red][u][big][center]Consulate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b] Consul of the Interior[/b]:[url=]Emerstari[/url] [b]Consul of Foreign Affairs[/b]: [url=]Theio Altherio[/url] [b]Consul of Culture[/b]: [url=]Rarry Riket[/url][/center] [color=red][u][big][center]Tribunal[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b]Tribune[/b]: [url=]Theio Altherio[/url][/center] [c][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][big]"For the Hreater Good"[/big][/i] [b]Population[/b]: 165 nations [b]WA Delegate[/b]: [url=]Elvennai[/url] [/center] [c][color=red][u][big][center]Senate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center] [b]Speaker[/b]: [url=]Akillian Talleyrand (TAP)[/url] [url=]Lil La Luna (AUoCWSE)[/url] [url=]Rarry Riket(TAP)[/url] [url=]Emerstari (VP)[/url] [url=]Sacul Astoria (TAP)[/url] [/center]

Arda Episode XIII: LUCKY FOR SOME August 2017 LAW, HUH? WHAT IT IS GOOD FOR? - Theio Altherio
At the start of this month, Lil La Luna stood down from the Tribunal in order to take up their seat in the Senate. The resulting vacancy was filled by Foreign Consul Theio Altherio, who quickly made his mark on the office, in particular formalising the process by which somebody may sue another citizen, and has also brought his legal knowledge to bear in Senate discussions when clarification was required.

The Senate of course has been busy this month, as always. The Phoenix Campus Act, a Regional law formalising the structure of the Phoenix Campus - home of the Hreat Library, Eastview College, and Arda University - has passed the Senate, with Sacul Astoria appointed as the inaugural Rector of Phoenix Campus. The Election Act has been amended to expand the franchise, whilst extending the period in which results can be challenged. A proposal to formalise the format of all proposed legislation, as well as limiting the number of proposals that can be debated at any time, was defeated by a unanimous vote. Public consultation has opened on a Constitutional Review. And lastly, the Senate approved a treaty with Olympia, which will be covered in more detail below. ALL THE WORLD OVER - Theio Altherio
It's been a busy month for the Foreign Consulate. Embassies have been opened with Olympia and Kantrias, both regions with which we have a lot in common. Not only that, but the Treaty of Eastview, guaranteeing co-operation between Arda en' Estel and Olympia, was approved by both legislatures; sadly, the attempt to pass a similar treaty with Kantrias has been stymied for the time being. Embassies from Arda en' Estel to The Order Of The Sword and Lazarus have been closed; the former due to the region being closed, the latter due to regional upheaval as well as a lack of interest on the Lazarus end. Ambassadors have been received from Caer Sidi, Greater Dienstad, Olympia, Canada, Balder, Osiris, and Kantrias. And the Foreign Consul now has a deputy - Drissea Evanei Riket-Tyrus, ambassador to The East Pacific, The Allied States, Caer Sidi, and Olympia, has been appointed as Vicarius Consul of Foreign Affairs. IMPROVING OUR CULTURAL RELATIONS - Theio Altherio
After nearly a month, the Arda-UK festival has run its course, and as the teams of international castaways get airlifted off their island, we can now see the results of their endeavours. Eight visitors came from the United Kingdom to take part, alongside all those already in the region. Over a thousand posts were generated in the Festival section alone, as well as revitalising other parts of the board. And most controversially, a pineapple was declared winner of the Ninth Avatar Contest. A resounding success it has been, for both our region's activity and our foreign ties.

On the rest of the region meanwhile, our flagship RP - Legacy - has finally left the starting blocks and is now ready to go; Galaxis and NationStates: Arda RP remain as active as ever. More literature has been published in the Hreat Library, and classes in History and Poker are open at Arda University. Activity remains steady in the Old Market and amongst the houses on Maple Lane. THE WEDDING OF SACUL AND JAZZY - Jazzy
And so, after much time and many inpatient reminders from children, grandchildren and friends, it finally came to pass that Sacul Astoria and Jasmine Astoria-Riket-Hitoza-(etc, etc, etc.) were joined in marriage. The wedding was a huge event with most of Arda en' Estel attending and some foreign dignitaries were even spotted among the guests. Fortunately the paparazzis were too busy enjoying the awesome cake to notice and the biggest distraction from the ceremony was an overly excited bride insisting on hugging everyone. Said bride was observed earlier in the day skipping around outside the church yelling "Best day ever!1!!one!!!![sic]" and enthusiastically hugging everything within arms reach. Our brave reporter barely got away from a huge snuggle pile that was quickly forming from guests and local animals alike. The groom was not seen until the wedding, whether that was due to everyone else being giants or him just hiding to surprise his love is left up to the reader's interpretation. Either way, he looked absolutely smashing for the ceremony!

And what a ceremony it was! Sticking to the traditions of the Hreater Good the ceremony was slightly chaotic but nevertheless ended up being incredibly heartwarming. After exchanging soulmeltingly sweet vows of eternal love and cherish the pair was married by Lilquisitioner Lil La Luna. And off to the reception they all went, where food, decorations, drinks and a bar among other things had been prepared. Some were seemingly fascinated by the contents of the bar and would stand there admiring it with their tastebuds for much of the evening, but the pair was too busy looking deeply into one another's eyes during a slow dance to notice. They were however later joined by the rest of the merry band and the after party continued, some say even to this day. (not to be confused with The After Party - Ed.) PUSHING THE VOTE OUT - Theio Altherio
As always, every month in Arda en' Estel there's an election, and this month we had our Major Elections, where three Senate seats and the Tribune are up for re-election. The Senate election passed without incident, the only change being Drall's removal from office in favour of returnee and Culture Consul Rarry Riket. The Tribune election, unlike the Senate, was contested, and it came down to a simple race between incumbent Theio Altherio and once again Rarry Riket, in a result that almost everybody expected. NEWSFLASHES
The Estelian News Company buys RadioArda and is coming back.
Lil La Luna wins the Tenth Avatar Contest. EDITORIAL SUMMARY
With the Arda-UK festival now over, one would expect regional activity to die down somewhat. And whilst our visitors from the United Kingdom have returned home, we continue to gain new members, some of whom have already landed both feet first in our RP sections. Elsewise, activity levels continue to remain steady within the region, but increased activity in the Foreign Consulate - among other areas as outlined above - gives evidence to our belief that Arda en' Estel remains on a positive trajectory,
All articles attributed; edited by Theio Altherio and Drissea Evanei Riket-Tyrus
For the Hreater Good!
Senator of Arda en' Estel: April 2017 - June 2017; September 2017 - Present
Commissioner of the Avatar Contests: September 2017 - Present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Universal Allegiance: Mar 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Osiris: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Right To Life: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Rejected Realms: May 2017 - present
Tribune of Arda en' Estel: July 2017 - September 2017
Consul of Foreign Affairs for Arda en' Estel: May 2017 - September 2017
Disclaimer: The views and opinions held by Theio Altherio are not my own.
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Arda en' Estel: August Update

Post by Kowassati »

Again, another great update! Thanks :D
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Arda en' Estel: August Update

Post by Adytus »

Thank you! I like the formatting
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