[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

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[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

Post by Auralia »

Responsibility In Transferring Arms
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament | Strength: Mild | Proposed by: Sciongrad

The General Assembly,

Reaffirming its commitment to promoting international peace and goodwill,

Recognizing the extreme hazard to national populations posed by the unregulated trade of armaments,

Hoping to limit the involvement of member nations and their citizens in violence made possible by the aforementioned unregulated trade of armaments,

1. Defines "armament" as military equipment, specifically weapons and ammunition, which possesses a practical application in military conflict, including the designs or subassemblies necessary in their construction or production;

2. Defines "transfer" as the movement of an armament from one member nation, political subdivision thereof, or non-state entity associated with a member nation to any other such entity, including non-member nations and non-state entities not associated with any nation;

3. Defines "end-user certificate" as an affidavit completed by the buyer of armaments subject to the provisions of this resolution which verifies that said buyer is the final recipient of the product;

4. Defines "conquest" as the acquisition of territory through military force by a successful state at the expense of another state; for the purpose of this resolution, conquest shall not include:

instances where member nations seek to neutralize hostile states that pose a persistent or existential threat to their sovereignty or security or

instances where member nations seek to reclaim territory taken from them by force with no intervening period of de facto peace;

5. Assures member nations of the exclusive right to determine purely internal arms trading and firearm policy, excepting:

those regulations recognized by the terms of this resolution or extant international law,

future regulations which seek to prevent firearms from being sold to or used by individuals that pose a danger of performing imminent lawless action, or

future resolutions which seek to relax regulations on purchasing firearms for recreational reasons only;

6. Mandates that the export of armaments by any manufacturer, exporter, or broker operating within a member nation shall make the transfer of their armaments to an intended final recipient conditional on the completion of an end-user certificate by the buyer;

7. Urges member nations to implement systems of end-use monitoring to ensure that the end-user certificate is authentic, when possible;

8. Prohibits the international transfer of armaments if:

there is reasonable evidence to suggest they will be used in contravention of extant World Assembly legislation on human rights,

there is reasonable evidence to suggest they will be diverted from their originally intended recipient, except in instances where the transfer is absolutely necessary in protecting national security, provided that even those transfers do not violate the other provisions of this resolution or,

there is reasonable evidence to suggest they will be used to initiate, or aid the party conducting, a war of conquest and;

9. Further prohibits the transfer of armaments to non-member nations with the intent of transferring them to nations where the aforementioned circumstances apply.
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[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

Post by Auralia »

I support this legislation, which is in many respects similar to real life international arms control rules.

Frankly, if it were up to me, the World Assembly would completely ban wars of conquest and require the application of just war principles when determining when and how to pursue conflict with other states.

A nice side effect of this resolution is that it serves as a blocker for internal gun control legislation, with the exception of a few relatively unobjectionable categories.
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[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

Post by Adytus »

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[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

Post by Sygian »


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[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

Post by Kowassati »

Nay. The idea is good but wording is off put
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[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

Post by Transdavisia »


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[Passed] Responsibility In Transferring Arms

Post by Auralia »

Responsibility in Transferring Arms was passed 12,006 votes to 5,040.
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