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The Afrijan War

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:04 pm
by LexerMercs
Hey guys, just wanted to start up an RP that is like the Vietnam war and here it is.

I'd prefer if you got involved in the RP by writing war stories or field journals of soldiers like a did but its up to you!

Field Journal: Felix Roth
Afrijan, 2033-
I feel like this war is one that we cannot win. Everyday there is bloody fighting, but for what? So Hazard Nation can just add one more nation to the list? So the military can feel good about themselves? Hell, this is a phony war. A war that isn't meant to be a challenge. Word around camp is that it's some “training exercise” or some B.S. like that. But I know, I know what these Afrijans are capable of. It's a bitch nobody believes me though. They're about to experience first-hand what the horrors of war are like. And at the hands of these Afrijans? They don't stand a damn chance.

Afrijan, April 2033-
Word around camp is that Gheldeon isn’t sending any troops here. Lucky them, they get to watch this from the sidelines. I remember some of the soldiers were planning on defecting to Gheldeon before the war started in the hopes that they would not have to fight here. I told some of them that it wouldn’t matter cause they would join later anyway. Guess I was wrong. They’re saying that we’ll be getting some real action tomorrow instead of just staying on our asses all day at camp. Sergeants are saying that this campaign should take 2 weeks tops. Heh, they must be feeling generous then. Cause I know that this’ll take months, if not years, to even make a dent in the Afrijan forces.

The Afrijan War

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:28 am
by Anabelle
Empress' Office - Imperial Palace Sarjean, Geledon Empress Anabelle Indrani stood at the large bay windows of her office overlooking Sarjean, the capital city of Geledon. She stared at the two loud and lively protests taking place on the perfectly manicured lawn of the Imperial Palace. Even from three stories up she could hear the commingling shouts, chants, and music of both groups.

One side carried signs reading "Keep Geledon OUT of War!" "Keep Our HANDS CLEAN" and "Keep OUR Children SAFE". This last sign had a crudely drawn map of Geledon on it. If the Empress strained her ears and stood very still she could hear them singing a pop song about being peaceful called Clean Hands. It was currently #1 on the music charts as some kind of pacifist anthem. Damn celebrities.

The other side of the lawn was no less lively except their signs sported a different message. The Empress sighed deeply reading signs saying, "We MAKE ARMS but can't USE THEM?!" or "The world NEEDS Geledon Troops" and with some sick sense of irony a sign also read "Keep OUR Children SAFE" this one, however, had a picture of a globe under it. Clever.

For a moment the room was completely silent before someone from behind Anabelle cleared his throat. "Uh, Your Imperial Majesty?"

Anabelle spun around her eyes meeting several uniformed women and men around a large table. They were waiting for her to say something. "Ladies and Gentlemen," she began, "Geledon is staying out of this Afrijan war."

One of the uniformed men began speaking, "with all due respect Your Majesty, our troops are needed. The others will never win without us. And in addition to our superior weapons, manufactured right here in Geledon, " he smirked, "well we'll make short work of this 'war'" uses is fingers to punctuate war making it quite obvious what he thought of it.

Anabelle nodded solemnly, "General," she said addressing him directly, "I appreciate your confidence in our military and our weapons. I share it, however," she paused to meet everyone's eyes and her voice became decisive, "I won't send our sons and daughters to die in an unjustified war."

The General shook his head in disbelief, "We must send a message! If other nations wish to war, we will too. Sitting out of this war will make us look weak. We will be the laughing stock of the world stage! Once this is finished they will be looking toward us next!"

"I apologize General," the Empress said looking at the uniformed man again her voice cool as steel, "that you believe the opinion of other nations is worth the lives our citizens. I, however, will not gamble so freely." She paused to quirk an eyebrow and then addressed everyone in the room, "if other nations wish to act on the idea that Geledon is weak, let them. Then and only then will we show them our true might and crush them. Then and only then will war be justified. Then and only then will I ask the sons and daughters of Geledon to serve and fight for home and country. But this?" she waved a hand motioning to the protesters outside, "this is no more than an ego stroke."

Now turning red and sputtering the General began again, "Empress Ana-"

The Empress cut him off sharply her voice rising in anger, "and who would you have me back in this? Hmm? Which side should our soldiers die for? For Hazard Nation? Do they even know why they're fighting? Should we back the Afrijans perhaps? A country and people we know nothing about? Do you want your daughter to die fighting for a people and in a land she knows nothing about?"

There was silence. Not even the steady breathing of the room's occupants could be heard. Breaking the tension Anabelle brought a hand to her head rubbing her forehead trying to fend off a headache that was fast coming. She took a deep breath and continued calmly, "I'm sure I don't need to tell you General that war is not trivial. Even if this is more war game than actual war it is still an enormous undertaking." She looked around the room, "we need to be sure. Absolutely one-thousand percent sure. Are we?"

No one answered. The quiet was answer enough.

"What of our Arms exports? Will we stop supplying weapons to nations involved in the war?" asked a young uniformed woman finally breaking the silence. Anabelle tapped her fingertips on the table thinking for a moment before answering, "No." Another pause and then she nodded, "no, we will continue trading with our partners regardless of if they are participating in this war. That is their prerogative." Then almost as an afterthought she added, "Where there is war there will also be refugees. I want the figures and paperwork for an Afrijan refugee program on my desk as soon as possible."

Anabelle looked around the room and asked, "any more questions?"

There was complete silence and she nodded, "Very well then, you're dismissed."

Once they filed out of the room Empress Anabelle went back to the window and continued staring at the still growing protests. Someone handed her a glass of Bourbon and absent-mindedly Anabelle sipped it.

"We have to be sure," she said to no one, "one-thousand percent sure."