Arda Episode VII: The Empire Strikes the NS World Fair February 2017

This month Arda held it’s very first annual Estelian Hunger Games! It was an action packed 7 days with 19 participants from the forum and 5 NPC’s from around Arda. Vixy Riket went on to take the title of last survivor after racking up 5 kills and setting off a brutal explosion that had narrowed the field down considerably. By Night Three, it was all over. After Adorabella fell out of a tree and landing on Leopold Arnulf Riket and killing both of them it left Vixy as the last tribute standing. It just goes to show how brutal Vixy can be, when she's determined to do something. The win was seen as ironic by many, since despite being a ruthless murderer, on Night 2 she was seen begging Altino to kill her off. Altino refused however, leaving Vixy distraught enough to go on to win the 1st Hunger Games of Arda en' Estel!

As the Senate Term ended for the Fifth Time, it was time for the Elections to happen once again. Three Seats were vacant from Vaclav, Akillian and The Almighty JAzzy.
However, they wouldn't be vacant for long as Lil La Luna, Rarry Riket and Akillian Talleyrand all ran for the seats, resulting in a violent clash of wits and promises to be elec-- oh wait... That's not right… In fact this election resulted in a peaceful exchange of power, as the amount of seats was equal to the amount of candidates, meaning no one even had to campaign for the spot of Senator. EVERYBODY WINS! EVERYBODY GOT A SEAT!

In a surprising turn of events, the Fifth Senate of Arda failed to pass the Imp Regulation Laws, a fundamental part of some senators' election campaigns. In response to this news, Imp Rights Activists celebrated all across Arda en' Estel, while Imp Hunters were captured on camera smashing windows and rioting. Known Imp Activist and Senator, Sacul Astoria, said "With three of four Senators opposing this legislation and only one supporting it, the Imp Registration and Control Act fails, and justice prevails!"
Known sweetheart, Jazzy Riket, was overjoyed at this news and said "Yay! We don't need to put you under special control!" She then flailed in happiness, as is customary for the Hreat JAzzy.

The ESS Arda, the region’s first spaceship, was on its way to the exoplanet Yiunus X1 when it ran into some unfortunate problems. While in Really Very Fast Indeed Drive, it ran out of fuel. The Hreat JAzzy must have been smiling down upon the crew however, as they ran out of fuel not in the infinite expanse of empty space, but in a gathering of regions from all over the multiverse: The NationStates World Fair V.
With nothing better to do, the ship's crew decided to visit some other space stations and stellar vessels, and while they enjoyed themselves in all manner of ways, they were secretly pocketing shiny things at every opportunity.
All hell broke loose as Lieutenant Aynia invited inquisitive, obnoxious foreigners (also known as tourists) onto the ESS Arda to explore. Captain Sacul shouted loudly as the tourists stole all the badges and then, when he tried to relax in the science module, he had the fright of his life as Aynia burst in, bringing with her even more tourists! They touched thing and threw things and burned stuff with acid until it was time for them all to leave. Some, however, decided to remain on the ship to come back to Arda, resulting in Sacul giving up and letting the annoying tourists stay on board. With the ship refuelled with all manner of substances gathered from around the Fair, the Estelians – and their new companions – were finally ready to head home once more.
Arda’s presence at the Fair was strong, with the ESS Arda accumulating over 1 200 posts, which is more than 20% of activity in the entire Fair. Estelians were not only active in their own booth, but also encouraged to broaden their horizons, venturing forth to visit booths all over the Fair, resulting in three of the top five posters at the Fair being Estelians. We are already looking forward to next year’s Fair!

- A new Role Play class has started in Arda University. Miss Aynia is role playing a teacher teaching a class about role playing. Only a few heads have exploded at this role playception.
- The Defense Act is finally wrapping up discussions in the Popular Assembly, will it be passed soon?
- A new subforum has been created for adventures as your NS Persona.
- The Legion of Estelian Armed Forces pairs with the Mafia of Equinox for it’s longest tag raid to date, 18 nations.
- Ervald resigns as a member of the Senate, special election to be held.