Gameplay Post wrote:By unanimous vote, with The International abstaining, the Coalition has approved the amendment listed below. Per the clauses of the treaty, signatories shall have 14 days to begin the ratification process of the new amendment, else they no longer be considered signatories.
This amendment was introduced to provided a better structure for CAIN's organization. With it, a Secretary responsible for maintaining the day to day operations of the Coalition will be instituted in order to ensure that the Coalition is properly conducting its military, diplomatic, and SC affairs. With this system in place, the Secretary can easily be kept in check by concerned signatories while ensuring that the Coalition's best interests are looked after.
We, the undersigned governments; mindful of the impact Nazism has on the community we all share, devoted to combating scientific racism, appalled by the glorification of Nazi Germany, determined to overcome gameplay differences, and committed to making the NationStates community more accessible; do hereby establish and join the Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism, herein referred to as "CAIN", and agree to recognize and adhere to this Treaty and the commitments set forth within.
1. Definitions
Nazism: The ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state, as well as other far-right groups. In the context of NationStates, it is an ideology that glorifies National Socialism or Nazi Germany and/or actively practices Nazi beliefs such as antisemitism, pseudo-scientific racism, racial hygiene, slaughter for living space, genocide, eugenics, persecution of LGBT, etc.
Nazi Region: A region recognized by CAIN as a region that practices, or has practiced, Nazism.
Nazi Collaborator: A region recognized by CAIN as a region that assists in furthering the agenda of, and/or shares core beliefs with, Nazism and/or Nazi Regions.
Signatories: The regions and organizations that sign this treaty.
On-Site Embassy: An embassy created through NationStates.
Off-Site Embassy: An embassy created on the off-site forum of a signatory region.
Inter-regional Agreement: Any Treaty, Accord, Pact, or Agreement with another region recognized by a signatory's government as legally binding.
Military Assistance: In the context of NationStates, military assistance shall be described as participation in raiding, defending, assisting in delegate transfers, or any other military action that benefits another region.
Coalition Council: The voting body of CAIN made up of Signatory Representatives.
Executive Officers: Members appointed by the Secretary to assist in the organization details of the Coalition.
Secretary: The organizational head of the Coalition Council charged with the oversight of voting, joint military operations, and joint Security Council efforts.
2. Membership Administration
(a) Signatories shall not maintain off-site or on-site embassies with Nazi Regions.
(b) Signatories shall not enter into inter-regional agreements with Nazi Regions.
(c) In order to be recognized as a signatory, regions must ratify this treaty in concordance with their internal laws. Once ratified, regions must send a legal representative to signify their acceptance of this treaty within the sub-forum of the Europeian off-site forum where the original treaty will be maintained for all signatories.
(d) Any signatory may nominate a region that meets the definition, as described by this Treaty, to be a Nazi Region. Such nominations must be approved by a vote of two-thirds of signatories before being officially designated as such by CAIN.
(e) Any signatory may nominate a region that aids in spreading the beliefs of Nazism to be considered a Nazi Collaborator. Such nominations must be approved by a vote of two-thirds of signatories before being officially designated as such by CAIN.
(f) Any region may be removed from the officially designated list of Nazi Regions by a vote of three-fourths of signatories.
(g) Any region which voluntarily participates in a military operation alongside, or possesses an on-site embassy with, a Nazi Region shall be officially designated as Nazi Collaborators.
(h) Any region officially designated as a Nazi Collaborator shall be subjected to the same clauses as Nazi Regions with the exception of Section 2(g).
(i) Europeia shall maintain a list of all officially designated Nazi Regions alongside the original CAIN treaty.
(j) No region designated as a Nazi Region may join CAIN as a signatory.
(k) Any signatory may be removed as a signatory by a vote of three-fourths of remaining signatories.
3. Functions
(a) Signatories shall not provide military assistance to any region officially designated as a Nazi Region.
(b) Signatories shall append a document to the treaty, which may be amended by a motion supported by a majority of signatories. Within this document will be listed a number of Standardized Responses which signatories are encouraged but not required to use in the intended circumstances.
(c) The circumstances for which a standardized response shall be listed will include, but not be limited to, the following:
(i) A Nazi Region acting militarily against a signatory,
(ii) A Nazi Region participating within a military operation of a non-Nazi Region, and
(iii) A Signatory acting militarily against a Nazi Region.
(d) Signatories commit to working together, when consistent with internal policy, to oppose Nazi Regions through military means. This commitment includes, but is not limited to:
(i) Invading Nazi holdings,
(ii) Liberating regions raided by Nazi Regions, and
(iii) Defending against raids involving Nazi Regions.
(e) Signatories commit to working together, when consistent with internal policy, to oppose Nazi Regions through Security Council means. This commitment includes, but is not limited to:
(i) Opposing commendation proposals of Nazi regions and players,
(ii) Cooperation on condemnation proposals of Nazi regions and players,
(iii) Supporting defensive liberation proposals for regions raided by Nazis, and
(iv) Supporting offensive liberation proposals against Nazi Regions.
(f) The signatories of this treaty shall maintain a thread on the Gameplay section of the NationStates forums in which standardized responses shall be posted. For the sake of transparency, the original treaty shall serve as the first post in this thread.
4. Structure
(a) Signatory representatives shall make up the Coalition Council. Signatories may send one additional representative to participate in the discussions of the Council but each signatory receives only a single vote.
(b) The highest executive authority of a signatory region, or an internally selected representative, shall be recognized as the Signatory's voting member in the Coalition Council.
(c) All votes described in this treaty shall be undertaken by the Coalition Council.
(d) The Coalition Council, by a majority vote, shall elect from its representatives a Secretary who shall oversee the general administration of the Coalition. During such an election, nominees for the position of Secretary shall require support from three voting members of the Council to be included in the election.
(e) If no candidate receives a majority of the votes during the election process mentioned in 4(c), a run-off shall be held between the two candidates with the most votes.
(f) The Secretary shall oversee the Coalition Council, handle the scheduling of votes, and ensure it follows a fair and transparent process.
(i) The Secretary must be a member of a signatory region in good standing.
(ii) The Secretary must have no ties to Nazi Regions as decided by the Council.
(iii) Should the Secretary cease to be in a signatory region for any reason, the position shall be considered vacant and the election process for a new Secretary shall begin.
(iv) The Secretary shall serve an indefinite term, ended only by a new election, resignation, or by a failure to maintain membership in a signatory region.
(v) An election will be called whenever the position is vacant or on submission of a petition carrying the signatures of five voting members of the Council. For such an election, the Council shall select a temporary Election Commissioner from among its numbers to oversee the vote.
(g) The Secretary may appoint, pending a simple majority confirmation from the Council, up to three Military Commanders to oversee CAIN Military Operations, a World Assembly Envoy to oversee CAIN's interests in the Security Council, and a Diplomatic Envoy to oversee a Diplomatic Outreach and Communications Program for CAIN.
(i) These officials may be broadly classified as "Executive Officers".
(ii) The Council may choose to dismiss Executive Officers by a simple majority vote.
(iii) Executive Officers serve indefinitely but may be removed by their own resignation, failure to maintain membership in a signatory region, simple majority vote of the Coalition Council, or by dismissal by the Secretary.
(iv) With approval from the Secretary, Military Commanders may designate an operation against a Nazi Region as a "CAIN Military Operation."
(v) With approval from the Secretary, the World Assembly Envoy may designate a Security Council resolution targeting a Nazi Region or operation as a "CAIN Sponsored Resolution."
(vi) The Secretary may dismiss Executive Officers. Signatories can postpone dismissals by a petition carrying the vote of five signatories. Should a dismissal be postponed, it will require a majority vote of the Coalition Council before moving forward.
(h) The Secretary is responsible for establishing Standardized Responses.
(i) The Coalition Council may remove any standardized response with a petition carrying the signatures of five voting members of the Council. The Council may also void the designation of any CAIN Military Operation or CAIN Sponsored Resolution with the same process. For any voided CAIN Military Operation or CAIN Sponsored Resolution's designation to be renewed, the Secretary must receive a simple majority vote of the Council.
(j) All votes mentioned in this treaty shall be announced one week in advance of the voting process, and shall last five days.
(k) In order for the voting process to take place, a simple majority of the Council's voting members must indicate their presence. Any region whose voting member of the Council is not present during the voting process will have its vote counted as an abstention.
(l) The votes mentioned in this treaty shall take place on the off-site forum of Europeia in a sub-forum contained next to the original treaty. This sub-forum will be restricted to the Coalition Council, the Secretary, and the Executive Officers.
5. General Provisions
(a) Signatories recognize that signing this treaty does not make them allies of the other signatories.
(b) Signatories recognize that signing this treaty does not signify political, diplomatic, or gameplay agreement with their fellow signatories except on the subject of Nazism and Nazi Regions.
(c) This treaty is considered legally binding upon a signatory's completion of the requirements described in Section 2(c).
(d) Should a region wish to resign as a signatory of CAIN, they may do so by going through the process of repealing this treaty in concordance with their internal laws and disseminating a public notice of its repeal. Such notices must be released in a way that reaches a majority of signatories.
(e) Any region wishing to join as a signatory of CAIN after the initial conference on this treaty may do so by receiving sponsorship from two signatories. Sponsored regions will then be voted on by all signatories. Should they receive a simple majority of the vote, regions must complete the requirements described elsewhere in this treaty.
(f) This treaty may be amended by a vote of three-fourths of signatories. Such amendments must then be ratified by the signatories before being considered binding. Amendments will be announced in the CAIN Gameplay thread, after which signatories have two weeks to decide whether they wish to ratify the amendment or not. If no progress has been made on the ratification process after those two weeks the region will no longer be considered a signatory.
(g) Any signatory may opt-out of ratifying amendments to CAIN. After doing so, they will no longer be considered a signatory.
(h) Any signatory which misses two votes consecutively will have their signatory status suspended until such time that they request to be returned to active status. During this suspension, they will not be counted as a signatory for clauses mentioned in this treaty.
Please discuss.