[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

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Neo Kervoskia
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Neo Kervoskia »

December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier: Voting
Pursuant to Article III, Section 3(2) and 3(3) of the Scroll of Ma'at, the Council of Scribes is is responsible for electing a Chief Vizier to preside over the Council of Viziers and to set its executive domestic and foreign agenda in the name of the Pharaoh. Any citizen* is eligible to run for Chief Vizier. In order to run for Chief Vizier, a citizen must:

Voting will close at 9:00 p.m. EDT on December 30, 2016.

Voters may vote by selecting one option from the following ballot:

Code: Select all

[b]Chief Vizier:[/b] Adytus| The Great Wall of Mexico| Reopen Nominations | Abstain

Griffin X
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Transdavisia »

Chief Vizier: The Great Wall of Mexico

[11:18:38 PM] Knot: Brihimia wins gold.
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Badger »

Lord Meles Rahl, Patriarch of the Mazrim Clan of House Rahl, Fortitudine Vincimus!
Former Delegate of The West Pacific
All Around Good Dude
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Weast Jurmany
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Weast Jurmany »

Chief Vizier: Adytus
- ((Jur))
WreK'd Wrektopia 2/20/2017
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Neo Kervoskia
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Neo Kervoskia »

LexerMercs is removed from the ballot, for failing to issue a conflict of interest disclosure, pursuant to the Article 2, Section 2 of the Legal Code of Osris.

(1) In order to be eligible to appear on an election ballot, a candidate must file a conflict of interest disclosure prior to the voting period, as directed by the electoral administrator.
(2) Conflict of interest disclosures must include all regions and organizations with which the candidate is involved as a citizen or equivalent member at the time of the election period. Conflict of interest disclosures must also include all offices and/or military ranks held in these regions and organizations, if applicable.

Griffin X
Proudly Osiran since 2011
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Treize Dreizehn
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

Chief Vizier: Abstain
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Kyorgia »

Chief Vizier: Adytus
Firehelm: Lord General
HYDRA Command: Captain
Osiris: Curator x2, Scribe of Culture X2, Deputy Scribe
Grand Central: Regent of Military Affairs
Lazarus: Citizen, People's Congress member
The Rejected Realms: Officer of Human Resources, Officer of Internal Affairs x2, Officer of Outreach, Speaker x2
The Roman Empire: Legatus
Balder: Member of the Riksdag, Member of the Storting x6, Lawspeaker x2, Statsaraadet of integration, Statsminister
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Wrektopia »

Chief Vizier: Adytus.
Ryan "Wrek It" Rahl, son of dAdytus
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Dalimbar »

Chief Vizier: Adytus
Resting Tyrant Face
Speaker and Guardian of The West Pacific
Delegate (Ret.) and first constitutional Pharaoh of Osiris
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[Voting] December 2016 Election for Chief Vizier

Post by Kowassati »

Chief Vizier: Adytus
Bucket full of blood, gotcha on my mind
I'm gonna break my face on the sweet sunshine

Chief Vizier (Osiris)
Foreign Affairs Vizier (Osiris)
Protector of the Realm (Lazarus)
Grandee Secretary (Lazarus)
Vice Delegate (Lazarus)
Delegate (Lazarus)
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