[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Sygian »

Rights Of The Quarantined

A resolution to modify universal standards of healthcare.

Category: Health | Area of Effect: Healthcare | Proposed by: Umeria

The World Assembly,

Understanding that there are many communicable diseases which spread easily if they are not treated hastily;

Noting that there are times when some communicable diseases cannot be treated hastily;

Realizing that such diseases should instead be promptly contained to prevent an international epidemic;

Recognizing that in order to efficiently contain a disease, drastic measures are sometimes necessary;

Further understanding that in those cases, individual rights are often subverted in order to efficiently contain the disease;

Further noting that there are nations that take this subversion too far, and oppress their citizens in the name of disease control;

Wishing to ensure that every victim of an epidemic, even those in nations otherwise unable to promptly contain an outbreak, is safely quarantined without any unnecessary impingement of basic rights;


1) Tasks the Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response Center to define as a "serious disease" any disease which is harmful and contagious enough to create the need of a quarantine in the case of an outbreak of the disease;

2) Defines, for the purposes of this resolution:
  1. an "epidemic" as a time, in a nation, when there are enough people with the same serious disease(as defined by the EPARC) to be clearly in excess of the normal expectancy;
  2. an "infected person" as any person with a serious disease in a nation undergoing an epidemic of that disease;
  3. a "quarantine" as any area where infected persons are kept in isolation in order to halt the spread of the disease;
  4. a "treatment" as any action done to an infected person with the purpose of:
  1. curing the infected person;
  2. rendering the infected person non-contagious;
  3. ensuring the infected person does not undergo any unnecessary harm; and/or
  4. ensuring the infected person is not deprived of any necessities a non-infected person would normally receive;
3) Recommends that all member nations, in the event of an epidemic in their nation, screen for any infected persons in that nation not yet known to be infected;

4) Requires that all member nations, to the best of their capability:
  1. create at least one quarantine per epidemic in the nation;
  2. move all infected persons into the appropriate quarantine that is nearest to their current location;
  3. provide every treatment to all infected persons that are in a quarantine while taking any available precaution to ensure that the people administering these treatments are not infected;
  4. move anyone that ceases to be an infected person out of the quarantine;
  5. disband all quarantines of a certain epidemic when the epidemic ends; and
5) Mandates that the EPARC cover the costs of the requirements in clause 4 for any member nation that has difficulty maintaining quarantines;

6) Establishes a medical ethics board within the EPARC, tasking it to:
  1. review matters of necessity and promulgation within quarantines;
  2. ensure that such matters are handled with proper consideration of the infected person's well-being;
  3. ensure that infected individuals are treated fairly with regards to individual freedom and dignity; and
7) Urges that member nations provide infected persons with comfort and security, to help them recover from their unfortunate situation.
Citizens may vote AYE, NAY, or ABSTAIN.

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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Sygian »


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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by LexerMercs »


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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Adytus »

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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Transdavisia »


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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Cormac »

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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Dr_PelIcaN »

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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Fedele »

Holy fuck. Against. Nay. Hell no.
Cormactopia II - God damn it Scardino
Syberis - Dammit Scar
Xoriet - Scar so racist
Brunhilde - Scar speaks the truth
Severisen - Scar is the Rod Stewart of raiding
Lamb Stone - Scardino knows I <3 him. You made him my idol in NS when I was like 14. But, I can still call him a wrinkly old bastard.
Biyah - God help us from Fedele bringing back the old ways. The current level of inept is just fine, thanks
Dream Killers - From one bullshitter to another, seriously.
Lost - you're hulk mixed with tony stark
Roavin - Scardino has a sexy voice.
Dr Pelican - after a 2 hr argument about beef falafels, you didnt make them afterwards
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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Weast Jurmany »

Aye, tough decision though.
- ((Jur))
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[Passed] Rights of the Quarantined

Post by Der Angreifer »

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