The Treaty of the Occident
A treaty of friendship between the West Pacific and Osiris
In an effort to create a powerful bond between the West Pacific and Osiris, the following treaty of friendship is declared to be agreed upon by both government entities. With this treaty, and the spirit of cooperation that lead to its design, may our two regions find peace and good fortune together and trust that it will make us stronger, even in times when trouble may try to overcome us.
Article I – Mutual Recognition
- The members of this treaty recognize the current governments of each region and the ideologies that lead to their creation, and agree to recognize any legal government that follows, and any legal successor appointed by either delegate.
- Each member region recognizes that the sovereignty of each government is inherently within the delegate, the decisions they make, and the authority they maintain as symbols of unity for both regions.
- Both regions agree to recognize any territories occupied, captured, or under the general authority of either region as an extension of its sovereignty, and any territorial claims maintained by either party member to this treaty.
Article II – Diplomatic Relations
Article III – Mutual Defense
- The members of this treaty shall maintain diplomatic connections with one another, both in game and on the respected forums of each region, and under no circumstance remove either one of these connections in an effort to ensure positive diplomatic relations.
- Diplomats of both regions will make an attempt to hear out one another, and engage in open and respectful discussion so that the possibility of strain on this relationship is prevented, and that even from the most taxing situations, creating prosperous circumstances for both regions may result.
- Both regions will try to support proposals written by one another, and coordinate voting in order to achieve their goals; however, both regions are welcome to vote however they like it, and either region should reframe from offense if this is the case, respecting one another’s sovereignty.
Article IV – Military Cooperation
- Both regions agree to never take up arms against one another, nor undertake any action that is aimed at the overthrow of the legitimate government of either region, or to hinder its operation.
- Neither region will engage in espionage against the other under any circumstance; moreover, the members of this treaty must share any intelligence that could put either region at risk, reporting such information to the appropriate government officials in a timely manner, as to ensure security of both regions.
- Any information shared between the parties of this treaty will be kept confidential to the greatest capability of both regional governments, and that such information will not be presented publicly unless the region that presented the information grants clear permission.
- Signatories of this treaty agree to provide defense for one another, and may call on each other in times of crisis, or any circumstance that is a threat to the recognized, regional governments of both regions.
- Such defense is not limited in scope, and the regional governments of both regions may request any form of help that they find necessary in trying circumstances, which can include everything from a statement by either regional government, to a call for military personnel.
- In times of crisis, either government must make an attempt to help one another if the request is called for; however, if a request is too much for a region to handle, or capable of undertaking, they may respectfully reject the request, but some form of help must be provided.
- Request for military assistance may only be filed by the heads of the regional militaries, recognized delegates, or direct vice-delegates of either region in order to ensure better coordination between allies.
Article V – Culture
- Regardless of military alignment, or type of operation being conducted, both members of this treaty agree to respect the sovereign right of each region to use their force however they like, as long as it does not break any provision in this treaty.
- The signatories of this treaty agree to the principle of military cooperation, and will try to work together when possible to increase the effectiveness, strength, and respect of each other’s military.
- Both regions agree to recognize that the militaries of each regions are independent entities, protected under the right of sovereignty, and that they may engage each other on opposite sides of the battlefield in typical military gameplay; moreover, such engagements should and will not offend either region, but be greeted with respect in the spirit of competition.
- Neither region has to take part in any operation of the other, with the exception of the mutual defense agreements spelled out in this treaty, but it is highly encouraged that the leadership of both regions try to cooperate in order to build a more powerful fighting force.
- Both regions agree to allow the promotion of each other’s cultural events on their regional forum, and regional message board, but will refrain from sending mass telegrams to one another’s regions in order to advertise these events.
- The members of this treaty will respect the cultural environments within each region, and work to promote the prosperity of these cultures so that they may flourish, and further influence the world for the better.
3.The signatories of this treaty agree to host joint cultural events whenever they see fit in an effort to increase the richness of both regional cultures, and the depth of the relationship this treaty creates.
Article VI – Dissolution
- Either member of this treaty may withdraw from this agreement at any time, but a notice in the respected embassy of the other region must be provided with the reason for the withdrawal stated seven days before the treaty cancellation is finalized.
- If a circumstance does arise that results in either government considering withdrawal from this treaty, both regions will make every attempt to find a solution to the issue, move forward, and build a stronger relationship from the troubling circumstance.