Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Cormac »

Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

It is hereby declared by His Royal Majesty Cormac of House Sethos, Pharaoh of Osiris and First Lord of the Nile:

Over the past several days, it has come to the attention of the Osiris Fraternal Order that although we have not sought or declared war, war is being waged against us. The Order of the Grey Wardens is a military organization that is, according to official statements, committed to an extremist ideology in which they seek not only to defend regions against invasions but to invade and destroy raider regions. In announcing the revival of the Grey Wardens on 01 June 2016, First Warden Benevolent Thomas announced that the organization would be committed to invading raider regions and called this commitment "one of the founding principles of the Order." On 29 June 2016, High Constable Tim Stark, described in official documentation of the Grey Wardens as "the public face of the order, acting as the main ambassador of the Grey Wardens," stated:
The Grey Wardens fight the Darkspawn menace, everywhere it may be. This also means that if we find a Darkspawn hive that is without a founder, we consider it necessary and proper to enter it and burn the hive to the ground. In other words, we're Defenders, but we also believe in the destruction of invader regions via any legal in-game method including invading them.

If you're here, you're here to fight the Darkspawn. That means primarily defending, and then invading when our opportunity strikes.
In the months since revival of the Grey Wardens, they have in fact accomplished small scale invasions against defunct organizations with no relationship to Osiris. These invasions were not perceived as a threat to the Osiris Fraternal Order or our allies. In recent days, however, the Grey Wardens have seized Islamic Republics of Iran, the sovereign territory of Osiris. Despite being an Osiran citizen and at the time a Priest of Osiris, one-third of our judiciary, High Constable Tim Stark has refused to disavow this seizure of Osiran territory and has instead engaged in rhetoric hostile to Osiris and our interests. Now, in the past day, it has been discovered that a Grey Warden known here as Derpsy and elsewhere as Panzer Vier and by other names, omitted affiliation with the Grey Wardens on their citizenship application and infiltrated the Sekhmet Legion after having participated in the Order of the Grey Wardens for several months. These acts of deception and infiltration constitute yet more serious acts against the sovereignty of Osiris by the Grey Wardens, demonstrating once again that war is being waged against us. These latest acts of war have also been perpetrated against allies and friends of Osiris.

There can be no question that the war being waged by the Order of the Grey Wardens against raider regions, including Osiris, is a real war, not simply a paper war, and that the presence of Grey Wardens in Osiris poses an unacceptable danger to the security and stability of Osiris. This danger to our security and stability is unquestionably an emergency situation of the highest degree of importance.

Therefore, pursuant to Article III, Section 1(8) of the Scroll of Ma'at, I am hereby declaring a regional state of emergency. For the duration of this state of emergency, and according to the terms of the Scroll of Ma'at, the Council of Scribes is dissolved. All other government offices are vacated. All executive, legislative, and judicial power is vested in the office of the Pharaoh. Over the course of this state of emergency, which will last no longer than one week, the internal threat posed to Osiris by the Order of the Grey Wardens will be decisively eliminated, governmental and community order will be restored in full, and reform will be enacted to ensure that such a situation is more easily resolved and that the government of Osiris operates more efficiently in the future. We will not, as a community, be restrained from doing what is necessary for our security by laws that are meant to serve our needs rather than the other way around, nor we will allow our laws to be used as weapons against us. Our laws serve our community. Our community does not serve our laws.

Citizens of Osiris who are currently participating in the Order of the Grey Wardens will have 72 hours from publication of this declaration to cease all participation in the Order of the Grey Wardens. Citizens of Osiris may not reside in the Order of the Grey Wardens region. Citizens may not maintain membership in the Order of the Grey Wardens, whether that membership is as a recruit who has not yet undergone their joining ritual or a higher ranked Grey Warden who has undergone the joining. After 72 hours have elapsed, all citizens of Osiris still participating in the Order of the Grey Wardens will have their citizenship revoked, they will be summarily ejected and banned from Osiris, and they will remain banned for at least as long as they continue participating in the Order of the Grey Wardens -- and longer, should they still be judged a security threat. Any citizen who is participating in the Order of the Grey Wardens and engages in disorderly actions in or toward Osiris within this 72 hour period will find their citizenship immediately revoked and be immediately ejected and banned. There will be no exceptions; there will be no clemency. You are either a citizen of Osiris or you are a member of an organization committed to invading and destroying Osiris; you cannot be both, and you will not be both while I am Pharaoh of Osiris.

The following government officers, their offices having been vacated by this regional state of emergency, are appointed on an interim basis, to serve under the direction of the office of the Pharaoh for the duration of the regional state of emergency:

Heir Apparent: Neo Kervoskia
Chief Vizier: Biyah
Marshal General: Fedele
Vizier of Community Affairs: Gradea
Vizier of Foreign Affairs: Syberis
Vizier Without Portfolio: Adytus
Council of Guardians: Adytus, Gradea, Joshua Bluteisen, Treize Dreizehn, Tylope

The Council of Priests will remain vacant during the state of emergency.

So let it be written. So let it be done.
Cormac Sethos, Rex
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Neo Kervoskia »

We should all stand ready to serve Osiris in her time of need.

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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Adytus »

Hail the Pharaoh, Hail Osiris!
The Anarchic Republic of AdytusLord Sarah of House Rahl, the Mirkhan Clan Syb: Ady is my favorite pervy CV.
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Tim Stark
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Tim Stark »

I'm curious as to the constitutionality of removing a citizen without trial and where exactly the Pharaoh has this incredibly totalitarian right? Unless the amendment currently proposed in the Council of Scribes is passed, I don't believe this is a constitutional action. It's, frankly, nothing more than bullying of citizens caused by an overreaction to one of the most casual and least hostile things possible to do; a hawk.

It's a shame, I had hoped my coup would have made Osiris a positive place rather than whatever this monstrosity is.
Tim Stark Objectively Osiris' 2nd Best Pharaoh
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Cormac »

Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:47 amI'm curious as to the constitutionality of removing a citizen without trial and where exactly the Pharaoh has this incredibly totalitarian right? Unless the amendment currently proposed in the Council of Scribes is passed, I don't believe this is a constitutional action. It's, frankly, nothing more than bullying of citizens caused by an overreaction to one of the most casual and least hostile things possible to do; a hawk.
The current text of Article III, Section 1(8) of the Scroll of Ma'at is as follows:
(8) The Pharaoh may declare a regional state of emergency, dissolving the Council of Scribes, vacating all other government offices, and vesting executive, legislative, and judicial power in the office of the Pharaoh.
This amendment was already enacted by the Judicial and Security Reform Amendment, which passed the Council of Scribes 11-0, and received the concurrence of three Priests with one, Severisen, not voting. You voted to approve it.

Regarding what will give me the constitutional power to remove you without giving you the opportunity to find legal loopholes and get yourself acquitted when we all now know the kind of threat you pose to Osiris, it will be my forthcoming amendment to the Scroll of Ma'at, a power you voted to grant to the office of the Pharaoh when you voted to vest legislative, as well as executive and judicial, power in the office of the Pharaoh during regional states of emergency.

Finally, this is not simply reaction to the seizure of Islamic Republics of Iran. We have already reacted to that. This is reaction to the further revelation that Osiris and our military, the Sekhmet Legion, had been infiltrated by a Grey Warden. Both the seizure of our territory and this hostile infiltration demonstrate that the Grey Wardens do intend to wage war against raider regions, including Osiris, and that your commitment to such a war is real and not just on paper. Sorry, Tim, but I'm not going to let you or any other Grey Warden remain in Osiris while committed to war against Osiris.

Finally, let me just remark on the hilarious irony of my "co-tyrant" from the Transitional Government of the Osiris Fraternal Order, a government that actually did violate the constitution and laws of Osiris in place at the time, a government you initiated, trying to make arguments based on constitutions and laws. All of this is legal, but it's hilarious to hear anything about legality from you.
Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:47 amIt's a shame, I had hoped my coup would have made Osiris a positive place rather than whatever this monstrosity is.
Osiris is a positive place. The community is more active than at any point in recent memory, and everyone has for the most part been getting along quite well. Do you honestly expect us to tolerate the presence of people in our region and community who are "here to fight the Darkspawn" and committed to "invading when [your] opportunity strikes"? Having an open community doesn't mean we throw open the doors to our enemies, and you have decided, of your own free will, to be our enemy. And why? For your little midnight hobby? To help stroke Benevolent Thomas' ego? Why did you decide to throw your region in which you've spent so much time, and a group of people who respected and liked you, away, for the sake of a group of trolls that probably won't even still exist as an organized group in a year?

As the old saying goes, "Let entropy claim the user founded regions; we, however, will still be here." It's unfortunate that you've chosen a fleeting UCR over a community that would always have been here for you if you hadn't decided to turn and work against us.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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Khetemtai in the House of Osiris

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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Fedele »

Osiris forever.
Cormactopia II - God damn it Scardino
Syberis - Dammit Scar
Xoriet - Scar so racist
Brunhilde - Scar speaks the truth
Severisen - Scar is the Rod Stewart of raiding
Lamb Stone - Scardino knows I <3 him. You made him my idol in NS when I was like 14. But, I can still call him a wrinkly old bastard.
Biyah - God help us from Fedele bringing back the old ways. The current level of inept is just fine, thanks
Dream Killers - From one bullshitter to another, seriously.
Lost - you're hulk mixed with tony stark
Roavin - Scardino has a sexy voice.
Dr Pelican - after a 2 hr argument about beef falafels, you didnt make them afterwards
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Tim Stark
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Tim Stark »

(8) The Pharaoh may declare a regional state of emergency, dissolving the Council of Scribes, vacating all other government offices, and vesting executive, legislative, and judicial power in the office of the Pharaoh.
This amendment was already enacted by the Judicial and Security Reform Amendment, which passed the Council of Scribes 11-0, and received the concurrence of three Priests with one, Severisen, not voting. You voted to approve it.

Right, sounds good. I genuinely missed that bit of the language in the Constitution.
Finally, this is not simply reaction to the seizure of Islamic Republics of Iran. We have already reacted to that. This is reaction to the further revelation that Osiris and our military, the Sekhmet Legion, had been infiltrated by a Grey Warden. Both the seizure of our territory and this hostile infiltration demonstrate that the Grey Wardens do intend to wage war against raider regions, including Osiris, and that your commitment to such a war is real and not just on paper. Sorry, Tim, but I'm not going to let you or any other Grey Warden remain in Osiris while committed to war against Osiris.
Right, I'm not going to let this become some sort of witch hunt against Derpsy because she's not at all deserving of that. She tried out The Grey Wardens quietly, she left quietly, there was no leaking to us, there was no leaking from us, and frankly to try to point fingers at her like this is such a crock of shit. She did not infiltrate anything.
Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:47 amIt's a shame, I had hoped my coup would have made Osiris a positive place rather than whatever this monstrosity is.
Osiris is a positive place. The community is more active than at any point in recent memory, and everyone has for the most part been getting along quite well. Do you honestly expect us to tolerate the presence of people in our region and community who are "here to fight the Darkspawn" and committed to "invading when [your] opportunity strikes"? Having an open community doesn't mean we throw open the doors to our enemies, and you have decided, of your own free will, to be our enemy. And why? For your little midnight hobby? To help stroke Benevolent Thomas' ego? Why did you decide to throw your region in which you've spent so much time, and a group of people who respected and liked you, away, for the sake of a group of trolls that probably won't even still exist as an organized group at this time next year?
My little midnight hobby is the only thing I do in this game at this point. We'll see who still exists, but all I know is I wish I had let Jesus Whale become Delegate. At least he'd ban me for being Old Guard rather than petty R/D bullshit. It ain't my fault The Islamic Republic of Iran ceased to exist, it isn't my fault it was hawked, and frankly I don't see how it's my fault that I'm not feeling bad over a standard R/D hawk. Actually, last I checked, the fault of the CTE falls upon those who had a vested interest in preserving an invaded colony, i.e the invaders of Osiris
As the old saying goes, "Let entropy claim the user founded regions; we, however, will still be here." It's unfortunate that you've chosen a fleeting UCR over a community that would always have been here for you if you hadn't decided to turn and work against us.
I've not felt comfortable here since the second Osiris went officially "invader". It's just a shame it's taken me this long to realize that we treat alignment as more important than anything else here
Tim Stark Objectively Osiris' 2nd Best Pharaoh
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Cormac »

Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:22 amRight, sounds good. I genuinely missed that bit of the language in the Constitution.
Perhaps you should read the laws to which you give your approval before approving them, let alone before trying to claim "totalitarian" unconstitutional actions that constitute "bullying." Was it bullying when you tossed Transdavisia out of the Grey Wardens and disowned him as a member of your NS family because he was secretly raiding? We're tossing you out for far more than that. And, I might add, giving you the chance to not be removed, by simply repudiating and ending your participation in an organization committed to the invasion and destruction of Osiris. You say you're a loyal citizen of Osiris? Prove it. Drop the organization committed to destroying us. Join one of the many other defender organizations that just, you know, defend. There will be no problem at that point. So really, the ball is in your court. It's your choice. You can choose Osiris or you can choose the organization committed to our destruction. You can't choose both.
Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:22 amRight, I'm not going to let this become some sort of witch hunt against Derpsy because she's not at all deserving of that. She tried out The Grey Wardens quietly, she left quietly, there was no leaking to us, there was no leaking from us, and frankly to try to point fingers at her like this is such a crock of shit. She did not infiltrate anything.
She was dishonest regarding her affiliation with the Grey Wardens on her citizenship application, in enlisting in the Sekhmet Legion, and throughout her time in the Legion. If you expect me to take your word for it that everything was on the up and up, after such dishonesty from her (and obviously, also, from you, as you clearly knew about it), all I can say is don't hold your breath.
Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:22 amMy little midnight hobby is the only thing I do in this game at this point. We'll see who still exists, but all I know is I wish I had let Jesus Whale become Delegate. At least he'd ban me for being Old Guard rather than petty R/D bullshit. It ain't my fault The Islamic Republic of Iran ceased to exist, it isn't my fault it was hawked, and frankly I don't see how it's my fault that I'm not feeling bad over a standard R/D hawk. Actually, last I checked, the fault of the CTE falls upon those who had a vested interest in preserving an invaded colony, i.e the invaders of Osiris
The fact you see all of this as trivial, and don't see a problem with participating in an organization committed to invading and destroying Osiris, and that has now demonstrated how deep their hostility runs, is why this action was necessary. You have so little regard for Osiris that it's no big deal to you to be in league with people who would destroy us if given the opportunity. You may well take that opportunity yourself, if it presents itself. Our community can't operate under that kind of security risk and the cloud of paranoia your continued presence, while still in the Grey Wardens, would create.
Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:22 amI've not felt comfortable here since the second Osiris went officially "invader". It's just a shame it's taken me this long to realize that we treat alignment as more important than anything else here
How can you possibly accuse us of treating alignment as more important than anything else, when you're turning your back on us in favor of an organization that wants to invade and destroy us based on our alignment? We didn't provoke this hostility from the Grey Wardens by doing anything other than raiding. It's the Grey Wardens who are obsessed with alignment and have taken that obsession to an extreme in wanting to invade and destroy our region.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Gradea »

Hail Osiris! Full support for any action that will be taken to protect our regional security against those individuals who attempt to destroy it.

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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Koth »

The Wardens are committed to destroying any founderless invader region.

We have no founder. Frankly it's baffling we've gone this far tolerating it.

His Majesty Ambroscus Koth Vytherov, Hasal-Pharaoh, Bru'uh of Osiris
Khetemtai in the House of Sekhmet
Recipient of the Crown of Osiris
Recipient of the Violet Jewel of Atum

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