I think our current definition of Citizenship Fraud is flawed, in that it is too stringent and prone to frivolous filing of criminal charges. What we're really seeking to root out with Citizenship Fraud is deliberate misrepresentation of one's identity, or deliberate omission of affiliation with a region that is hostile to Osiris, because of the danger such misrepresentation or omission poses to Osiran security. See, for reference, The Almighty Jesus Whale's total omission of any prior involvement in The Silver Isles, a region that participated in the 2013 Gatesville occupation of Osiris, until he was discovered to have resided there quite some time after being admitted to citizenship.Citizenship Fraud Amendment Section 1: Legal Code Amendment
(1) Article II, Section 1(5) of the Legal Code of the Osiris Fraternal Order will be amended as follows:
Current Text wrote:(5) Citizenship Fraud is defined as any attempt to provide false or misleading answers on one's application for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order or any attempt to conceal alternate NationStates aliases during the citizenship application process.Amendment Text wrote:(5) Citizenship Fraud is defined as any attempt to conceal one's complete identity as a NationStates player when applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order, or any attempt to conceal past or present affiliation with any region or organization at war with or otherwise hostile to the sovereignty of Osiris.
What we're not trying to do is have charges filed against someone that somebody else doesn't like, for forgetting they were a citizen of Nasicournia ten years ago. That has nothing to do with Osiran security; it's just forgetfulness, and not relevant.
I think the definition I've offered in this amendment better accomplishes what we're trying to do. Thoughts?