I've given up on this region.

Moderators: Pharaoh, Sub-Vizier, Vizier, Chief Vizier

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Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:00 am

I've given up on this region.

Post by Frankender »

I attempted to be civil. I wanted to see Tim and Cormac's reasoning for their coup d'état. However, after having civil discussions for many days now, I've been banned and ejected from the nation by the childish Cormac.

Cormac and Tim are not fit to run a region of 5,800 nations; they are far too immature to hold a position of power within the region and I will no longer be reasonable within the region. They are unable to respond to any criticism and have no way of explaining their wrongdoings.

If you support the "transitional government", I am also against you.

It will be a glorious day when Cormac and Tim have been banned by the region which they have fought so hard to keep control over.
We, the people of the Republic of Frankender, do not support the current coup d'état headed by Cormac and Tim. We see this as an act of terrorism and it is not acceptable. Repercussions will be had.

In Lazarus We Trust
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