Amendments to the Rules of the Pschent

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Amendments to the Rules of the Pschent

Post by Datford-Zyvetskistaahn »

In view of the events that have recently occurred, I believe that it is necessary that provision be made for the eventuality of the forum in which the Pschent is presently house becoming unavailable, either to the Pschent itself, to those that have a right to petition it, or to citizens more generally. Therefore, I have made additional rules permitting temporary relocation of the Rules of the Pschent and for proceedings to occur in locations other than the Palace of the Pschent (this latter provision was, I believe, permitted by the Rules without the amendment here made, in that there was no prescribed location for proceedings, however, it seemed best to make it explicit).
Section 2. The Rules shall be kept within the Palace of the Pschent, at an area readily accessible by the public. Should the Palace of the Pschent become inaccessible for whatever reason, the Chief Elder will ensure they are made readily accessible through some other means.

Section 3. Proceedings before the Pschent may be conducted on any fora or using any media, providing that records of proceedings and judgments are made readily accessible to the public upon their conclusion.
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