Cormac for Pharaoh
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:54 pm
Cormac for Pharaoh
April 2016
When this election for Pharaoh started, I was really optimistic. Here we had several candidates for Pharaoh, all with solid experience in Osiris and elsewhere, all relatively active, all with good ideas. Fast forward to now and the contrast couldn't be more real. There have been smear campaigns and counter-smear campaigns. We have re-opened nominations in acknowledgment that most of the candidates messed up to varying degrees. There have been bickering and flaming in the Deshret, bickering and flaming in the Skype chat, and we've even crossed the line into out-of-character territory that is appalling and disturbing. We could ask how we got here, and we probably should and will, but we also need to ask where we're going from here. That needs to be what this campaign will largely be about now.
But before we get to that, I need to acknowledge my own part in all of this. It was never my intention to start or participate in a campaign of rumors against The Almighty Jesus Whale, or any candidate. A private conversation spun out of control, though, and some of that conversation ended up being spread relatively far and wide. While I didn't spread those rumors, and while I didn't consent to spreading them, I should have known better than to engage in careless speculation even if it was private. I should have been more cognizant of my role as co-founder of the OFO, that if I said something that inflammatory and it got out, it could do a lot of damage. It did get out and it did do a lot of damage, and I regret that, and I apologize to Jesus Whale and to the community for that. Many people messed up in ways great or small, and I am one of those who did, and I accept responsibility for that. I should have been more responsible.
I'm running for Pharaoh now because I believe someone with experience in what can happen when things go this wrong in the Osiran community, and how to avoid the worst happening, needs to step up and lead. I'm not running for Pharaoh because I think I'm perfect, because I think I messed up less than anyone else involved, or because I think other candidates are too flawed or that any of them would make a bad Pharaoh. I'm running because I think I know what needs to be done and I think I can get it done, plain and simple.
So, what do I think we need?
What we need, above anything else right now, is unity. We need to bring people together and deescalate this situation as quickly as possible.
If I'm elected Pharaoh, I will try to bring the community back together by appointing a unity government. I will be asking most of the other candidates for Pharaoh who stood in this election prior to re-opening nominations, and after nominations were re-opened, to join my Hedjet. I can't guarantee that all of them will agree to this, but I hope they will. I believe each of them has much potential and many great contributions still to make to Osiris. I believe each of them has the potential to be a great Pharaoh one day. Several of them have messed up, as I have, and some have lost trust and respect. I want to include them in my Hedjet to give them a second chance to regain that trust and respect by excelling in fields they enjoy, and making positive contributions to Osiris to make amends for the negativity that has taken place during the course of this campaign.
Over the course of my term, I will be proposing reforms to ensure that this stops happening, and working toward seeing those proposals become reality with civil and respectful discussion in the Deshret, and compromise on points over which we may disagree.
What will these reforms look like? I have only just today decided to run for Pharaoh, so I don't have a full agenda fleshed out in my mind yet. What I can say is that I would like to pursue reform of our executive, transitioning from the Pharaoh as head of state and government, to the Pharaoh as Delegate and head of state with limited powers and functions, elected more infrequently. We would elect a head of government who would not serve as Delegate, who would be elected more frequently, and to whom the Pharaoh's current governmental powers would be transitioned. This would make our elections less high stakes by taking the Delegacy out of the equation, so that there will be no more rumors and fears of coups d'etat. We have had too much of this when electing the Pharaoh. We should entrust the Delegacy to a trusted, veteran member of our community who will act as head of state, and open up our executive head of government to active members of our community with great, bold ideas, who do not need to serve as Delegate to implement them.
While reform of the executive will be the key reform I will be working toward implementing, I will also be looking at and proposing other reforms. I want us to seriously discuss North East Somerset's suggestion of restricting vote changing during elections. I want us to take another look at our election system, as Syl suggested, for ways to either tweak it to work better, or to adopt alternative models. I want us to consider shifting to private voting so that each person is responsible for their own vote without pressure from others. I want us to look at Jesus Whale's proposal for a bicameral legislature to further enhance our chief decision making institution. In short, I want us to look at any suggestions to reduce toxicity, to increase positive activity, and to make our institutions work better so that situations like this stop happening.
We need activity, and not just any activity. To paraphrase a comment from the Skype chat, it seems that Osiris goes from extremes of inactivity to divisive explosions with no middle ground. We need to focus on enhancing positive activity and community building.
The first item on my agenda to work toward this goal will be integration. We need to work on getting the in-game community more informed and involved, on getting more of them interested in joining the forum and participating, and making it easier for them to get involved quickly when they get here. Toward that end, I will be making much greater use of Regional Officers. Each Scribe will have Communications power to better communicate with the region regarding their departments, and some Scribes will have other powers appropriate to their departments (e.g., Embassies for Foreign Affairs). I will not be dispensing Border Control to any Scribe or Guardian. I will also be seeking for the Deshret to enact legislation regarding Regional Officers so that we will have some standards for which powers may be widely distributed and which should be fairly restricted.
Integration will also once again be its own department, separate from Culture, exclusively responsible for coordinating our integration efforts. These efforts will include many of the ideas proposed by other candidates, including streamlining and better coordinating our application process, developing a mentor system that actually works, and generally ensuring that new citizens are able to start participating quickly and efficiently.
Equally important as getting new citizens and making sure it's easier to get them involved is making sure they have something to be involved in doing. I don't know how many times I've seen Yuno ask on our Skype chat what she can do, and how many times I've come up empty with a real answer. That needs to change. We need to make sure each department has ways for citizens to be involved in them and that no department is just its Scribe. There will also be some changes in departments, with Culture once again being its own department, and with World Assembly Affairs once again becoming its own department. The more opportunities we have for participation the more robust participation we will have, and our activity can't be limited to the Deshret with occasional departmental activity mostly by Scribes. Osirans want stuff to do but we currently aren't making it easy. That will change if I'm elected Pharaoh.
Domestic Focus
Finally, I want to make a note about foreign affairs, because in prior terms as Pharaoh this is where I have gotten into some hot water. I want to emphasize that my focus during this term, if elected, will be domestic. I will not be actively seeking new treaties or agreements, any big new projects, and certainly, no wars. If foreign affairs opportunities do present themselves, or if complicated foreign affairs situations arise, I will have a competent and active Scribe of Foreign Affairs to spearhead those endeavors and to actively advise on all foreign affairs matters.
Additionally, any foreign affairs situations that arise, great or small, will be handled in close consultation with the Deshret. This has been working extremely well during Tim's terms, in which the Deshret has provided valuable input regarding at least two major foreign affairs situations. This greater role for the Deshret in foreign affairs has ensured that our diplomatic responses have been more deliberative and, as a result, more appropriate and responsible. There is nothing about that I would want to change.
What Osiris also needs is feedback and frank discussion. Although the past few days have been unpleasant, to say the least, it is better for us to be airing grievances with each other in the open rather than behind closed doors, where problems fester and worsen. That has been a difficult lesson for Osiris, and for me personally, to learn. Any feedback you want to give is encouraged, and will be met with a thoughtful and civil response -- whether you are supportive of my candidacy, neutral, or even in opposition to it.
Thank you for considering my candidacy for Pharaoh and I hope we can move forward together toward a better Osiris. I still believe we can and I will always believe that.
April 2016
When this election for Pharaoh started, I was really optimistic. Here we had several candidates for Pharaoh, all with solid experience in Osiris and elsewhere, all relatively active, all with good ideas. Fast forward to now and the contrast couldn't be more real. There have been smear campaigns and counter-smear campaigns. We have re-opened nominations in acknowledgment that most of the candidates messed up to varying degrees. There have been bickering and flaming in the Deshret, bickering and flaming in the Skype chat, and we've even crossed the line into out-of-character territory that is appalling and disturbing. We could ask how we got here, and we probably should and will, but we also need to ask where we're going from here. That needs to be what this campaign will largely be about now.
But before we get to that, I need to acknowledge my own part in all of this. It was never my intention to start or participate in a campaign of rumors against The Almighty Jesus Whale, or any candidate. A private conversation spun out of control, though, and some of that conversation ended up being spread relatively far and wide. While I didn't spread those rumors, and while I didn't consent to spreading them, I should have known better than to engage in careless speculation even if it was private. I should have been more cognizant of my role as co-founder of the OFO, that if I said something that inflammatory and it got out, it could do a lot of damage. It did get out and it did do a lot of damage, and I regret that, and I apologize to Jesus Whale and to the community for that. Many people messed up in ways great or small, and I am one of those who did, and I accept responsibility for that. I should have been more responsible.
I'm running for Pharaoh now because I believe someone with experience in what can happen when things go this wrong in the Osiran community, and how to avoid the worst happening, needs to step up and lead. I'm not running for Pharaoh because I think I'm perfect, because I think I messed up less than anyone else involved, or because I think other candidates are too flawed or that any of them would make a bad Pharaoh. I'm running because I think I know what needs to be done and I think I can get it done, plain and simple.
So, what do I think we need?
What we need, above anything else right now, is unity. We need to bring people together and deescalate this situation as quickly as possible.
If I'm elected Pharaoh, I will try to bring the community back together by appointing a unity government. I will be asking most of the other candidates for Pharaoh who stood in this election prior to re-opening nominations, and after nominations were re-opened, to join my Hedjet. I can't guarantee that all of them will agree to this, but I hope they will. I believe each of them has much potential and many great contributions still to make to Osiris. I believe each of them has the potential to be a great Pharaoh one day. Several of them have messed up, as I have, and some have lost trust and respect. I want to include them in my Hedjet to give them a second chance to regain that trust and respect by excelling in fields they enjoy, and making positive contributions to Osiris to make amends for the negativity that has taken place during the course of this campaign.
Over the course of my term, I will be proposing reforms to ensure that this stops happening, and working toward seeing those proposals become reality with civil and respectful discussion in the Deshret, and compromise on points over which we may disagree.
What will these reforms look like? I have only just today decided to run for Pharaoh, so I don't have a full agenda fleshed out in my mind yet. What I can say is that I would like to pursue reform of our executive, transitioning from the Pharaoh as head of state and government, to the Pharaoh as Delegate and head of state with limited powers and functions, elected more infrequently. We would elect a head of government who would not serve as Delegate, who would be elected more frequently, and to whom the Pharaoh's current governmental powers would be transitioned. This would make our elections less high stakes by taking the Delegacy out of the equation, so that there will be no more rumors and fears of coups d'etat. We have had too much of this when electing the Pharaoh. We should entrust the Delegacy to a trusted, veteran member of our community who will act as head of state, and open up our executive head of government to active members of our community with great, bold ideas, who do not need to serve as Delegate to implement them.
While reform of the executive will be the key reform I will be working toward implementing, I will also be looking at and proposing other reforms. I want us to seriously discuss North East Somerset's suggestion of restricting vote changing during elections. I want us to take another look at our election system, as Syl suggested, for ways to either tweak it to work better, or to adopt alternative models. I want us to consider shifting to private voting so that each person is responsible for their own vote without pressure from others. I want us to look at Jesus Whale's proposal for a bicameral legislature to further enhance our chief decision making institution. In short, I want us to look at any suggestions to reduce toxicity, to increase positive activity, and to make our institutions work better so that situations like this stop happening.
We need activity, and not just any activity. To paraphrase a comment from the Skype chat, it seems that Osiris goes from extremes of inactivity to divisive explosions with no middle ground. We need to focus on enhancing positive activity and community building.
The first item on my agenda to work toward this goal will be integration. We need to work on getting the in-game community more informed and involved, on getting more of them interested in joining the forum and participating, and making it easier for them to get involved quickly when they get here. Toward that end, I will be making much greater use of Regional Officers. Each Scribe will have Communications power to better communicate with the region regarding their departments, and some Scribes will have other powers appropriate to their departments (e.g., Embassies for Foreign Affairs). I will not be dispensing Border Control to any Scribe or Guardian. I will also be seeking for the Deshret to enact legislation regarding Regional Officers so that we will have some standards for which powers may be widely distributed and which should be fairly restricted.
Integration will also once again be its own department, separate from Culture, exclusively responsible for coordinating our integration efforts. These efforts will include many of the ideas proposed by other candidates, including streamlining and better coordinating our application process, developing a mentor system that actually works, and generally ensuring that new citizens are able to start participating quickly and efficiently.
Equally important as getting new citizens and making sure it's easier to get them involved is making sure they have something to be involved in doing. I don't know how many times I've seen Yuno ask on our Skype chat what she can do, and how many times I've come up empty with a real answer. That needs to change. We need to make sure each department has ways for citizens to be involved in them and that no department is just its Scribe. There will also be some changes in departments, with Culture once again being its own department, and with World Assembly Affairs once again becoming its own department. The more opportunities we have for participation the more robust participation we will have, and our activity can't be limited to the Deshret with occasional departmental activity mostly by Scribes. Osirans want stuff to do but we currently aren't making it easy. That will change if I'm elected Pharaoh.
Domestic Focus
Finally, I want to make a note about foreign affairs, because in prior terms as Pharaoh this is where I have gotten into some hot water. I want to emphasize that my focus during this term, if elected, will be domestic. I will not be actively seeking new treaties or agreements, any big new projects, and certainly, no wars. If foreign affairs opportunities do present themselves, or if complicated foreign affairs situations arise, I will have a competent and active Scribe of Foreign Affairs to spearhead those endeavors and to actively advise on all foreign affairs matters.
Additionally, any foreign affairs situations that arise, great or small, will be handled in close consultation with the Deshret. This has been working extremely well during Tim's terms, in which the Deshret has provided valuable input regarding at least two major foreign affairs situations. This greater role for the Deshret in foreign affairs has ensured that our diplomatic responses have been more deliberative and, as a result, more appropriate and responsible. There is nothing about that I would want to change.
What Osiris also needs is feedback and frank discussion. Although the past few days have been unpleasant, to say the least, it is better for us to be airing grievances with each other in the open rather than behind closed doors, where problems fester and worsen. That has been a difficult lesson for Osiris, and for me personally, to learn. Any feedback you want to give is encouraged, and will be met with a thoughtful and civil response -- whether you are supportive of my candidacy, neutral, or even in opposition to it.
Thank you for considering my candidacy for Pharaoh and I hope we can move forward together toward a better Osiris. I still believe we can and I will always believe that.