Block On!
“Liberate St. Abbaddon” was passed 10,216 (83%) votes to 2,067 (17%).
“Bummer!” growled Knot flatly, tossing the newspaper back onto the War Room’s table. Field Marshal Gest, General KKnight, fellow Brigadier-General 94 Block, and Lieutenants Tyegëa and NSA stood silently around the table as an air of demoralisation and dismay washed over them. “Of course, it was going to pass anyway, even if the author wasn’t Topid, but still, it just makes our job harder of securing the place.”
KKnight, a figure shrouded in as much mystery as the reasons he insisted on wearing his suit of plate armour instead of the standard-issue uniform of the High Command, was the first to speak. From within his helmet, his voice cut through the silence like a subtle knife: “...That really killed my vibes...” An air of confusion surrounded those gathered round the table, and as the Lieutenants started to speak up, he continued, flatly: “Add it to The Book of KKnight: Strange quotes and habits and methods, will you?”
Tyegëa shook her head sadly and swore under her breath, her eyes brimming with tears as she clenched her fist, banging it against the low table. Were they tears of humiliation, of defeat, of rage, of frustration, of disappointment, or even of true sadness? Neither she nor they knew, and they flowed the moment 94 Block put his arm around her. “There, there, little buddy, it’s not the end of the world” he whispered cheerfully, “it’s happened before and it’ll happen again where we’ve secured a region even with a liberation in place! So cheer up, will you?”
Tyegëa nodded and wiped her tears, but muttered under her breath: “They could have at least come in and liberated the place without the bureaucratic nightmare if it was going to be widely-supported as it was.” Picking up the discarded newspaper, she read: “83% of World Assembly voters voted FOR this proposal, and everyone knew it would garner popular support!”
Stepping closer to the table, from the shadows, NSA, in a bid to change the subject, piped up: “Field Marshal, what do we do now?”
Gest, a mountain of and among men, stepped forward and stood over the table, casting a dark shadow over the maps, reports and other assorted papers on top of it. Adjusting his peaked cap as the rest stood silently, he gave his word as their command: “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Interview: Block on![hr][/hr]INTERVIEW | Lieutenant Tyegëa
Due to unexpected and unforeseen circumstances, the Wargames did not arrive in the Autumn break, as they had originally intended. But under the leadership of Brigadier-General 94 Block, and with Lieutenants NSA and Tyegëa having his back, the Wargames, now dubbed the DEN Games will soon be ready for lift-off in the coming Easter break!
The Games will consist of a week-long tournament between our fellow allies as friendly competition, and with a prize to be awarded to whoever is able to seize and hold the region pre-made for this purpose, albeit at the expense of the other competitors. Invitations will be sent to our allies, but anyone who is able and willing to raid is more than welcome to join in the fun: defenders going incognito included, with added discretion to the mix!
So sit tight, hang in there baby and stay tuned for the next thrilling episode: your invitations are coming for you!