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Request for Review: Revoked Honors

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:45 pm
by Cormac
Name: Cormac Montresor-Stark

What order or declaration are you seeking from the Pschent of Osiris?: Binding Legal Interpretation

Please provide a narrative of the facts which the Court needs to be aware of, to consider Judicial Review in this instance.: On February 21, 2015, pursuant to Section 4.4 of the State Code of Osiris, the Presiding Elder in Osiris Fraternal Order v. Cormac Stark, Joshua Ravenclaw, included as part of the sentence imposed against me that I would be stripped of various honors granted to me by the Pharaoh. These included both Pharaonic honors as well as honors established under the Osiran Holidays and Honors Act. According to the sentence, these honors could be reinstated by the Deshret of Osiris after fifteen months.

On January 24, 2016, the Deshret approved the full pardon for my crimes proposed by Pharaoh Tim Montresor-Stark, pursuant to Section 2.8 of the State Code.

I am therefore requesting from the Pschent of Osiris a binding legal interpretation of the law based on the following questions:

1. Are the honors granted under the Osiran Holidays and Honors Act and previously stripped by the Pschent -- the Violet Jewel of Atum and the Crown of Osiris -- automatically reinstated by full pardon, or must they still be reinstated by the Deshret?

2. Are the Pharaonic honors previously stripped by the Pschent -- the Nomarchy of Karnak and the Seal of Vigilance -- automatically reinstated by full pardon, or are these honors only to be reinstated by the Pharaoh as they are Pharaonic honors, or must they still be reinstated by the Deshret?

Please give a brief summary of the legal grounds warranting Judicial Review in this instance.: Section 4.3 of the State Code grants the Pschent the power of judicial review when petitioned by an affected citizen, and Section 4.5 the power to issue binding interpretations of the law. I am an affected citizen in this review in that the sentence, pardon, and honors all specifically affect me.

Request for Review: Revoked Honors

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:06 pm
by Datford-Zyvetskistaahn
I'll note that this petition is under consideration. I will delay noting my acceptance or dismissal for a short period (two days is likely the longest the period could be) in order to determine the availability of the Chief Elder. In the event that I am unable to determine whether the Chief Elder is available, proceedings may have to be convened with myself presiding and two Elders ad hoc appointed, should they be convened at all. I apologise to the petitioner for the, hopefully short, delay.

Request for Review: Revoked Honors

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:15 pm
by Cormac
It's no problem, I don't mind waiting. Thank you!

Request for Review: Revoked Honors

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:00 pm
by shetef
As some people in NS are already aware, my laptop bit the dust (finally) a few days ago. I am peripherally available to participate in making a judgment via my phone and the university library, but am unable to preside over this review.

As such, this request is hereby accepted and Elder Datford-Zyvetskistaahn will preside.