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Tim Stark
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On Community

Post by Tim Stark »

From the Office of Pharaoh Tim Montresor-Stark:
A Statement on Community

January 24th, 2016

My Fellow Osirans,

As you might be aware, whether by the rejoicing of those in support of it, jeering of those in opposition to it, or silence of those who either abstained or didn't vote, a rather controversial bill, authored by myself, passed the Deshret about two hours ago. To sum it up for anybody who was mostly out of the loop, or doesn't want to read all the discussion about it, the proposal was a comprehensive removal of Persona-Non-Grata Declarations as well as granting of Pardons. The following individuals are now unbanned from both the region and the forum of Osiris, following the passage of this bill, and may once again legally apply for citizenship. In the case of the pardons, all awards and honors are also reinstated upon institution of the pardon:
  • Pardoned: Cormac Stark
  • Pardoned: Ridersyl
  • PNG Removed: George Holland
  • PNG Removed: Biyah
  • PNG Removed: Dalimbar
  • PNG Removed: Neenee
  • PNG Removed: Neo Kervoskia
I'd like to address the community first on this matter. I realize that many of you harbored opposition to this bill, and that it's likely still going to be a divisive issue within the community for some time to come. Firstly, I want to establish that I meant this bill without any disrespect to Osiris, the community, the Founders, or anybody else here. If feelings were hurt, I did not mean to hurt them, and I have been incredibly upfront with my motivations for this bill. I know some murmurs were made that I had ulterior motives, but I give you my word that my intent for this proposal was exactly what I said it was in the thread. I digress, however, and what I'd like to say is that I know each and every one of you cares about Osiris, no matter how you voted. We are a fantastic community of people, and the passion that has been expressed during the debate and voting is insurmountable. It shows how much people care that this was one of the most active Deshret topics in Osiris history, and I think that regardless of our differences we can all agree that each of us is acting in what we feel is best for Osiris. This strange, fantastic region unites us all as a community, and our vibrant, dedicated, diverse community is something we, as Osirans, should be incredibly proud of.

We then get to the concerns that this community will falter if or when the unbanned individuals return. First of all, we are stronger than that. Osiris is an amazing region, an amazing community, and we are stronger than being influenced like that. The flaws that allowed for our region to be exploited, our community to be poisoned, our morale to be eradicated, they are not here anymore. These same individuals that cause controversy here have been serving admirably elsewhere, with The East Pacific the most notable "elsewhere", without any issue. In fact, The East Pacific is one of the most vibrant and friendly GCRs there is. There is no evidence pointing towards a regression to the horrors and toxicity of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, and I don't intent to let any such regression pass. While I understand the concern that comes with removing some of these bans, which could be argued to be part of our founding ideals, but is it not the ultimate declaration of victory to remove those PNGs knowing that we're stronger than being poisoned? In my mind, I very much think it is.

Finally, I'd like to establish that this is not a challenge to those individuals unbanned to find some way to do the aforementioned atrocities again. I am generally, as is Osiris historically, a supporter of second chances. I myself am within this region due to a second chance, and am not the only one. I will clarify, therefore, that I generally support second chances, not third chances. I very much hope that my faith in this is well founded, for if it's not then not only do I look like a fool, but there will be no pleasure for those who make said faith unfounded. If people return and repeat offenses occur, it will be dealt with swiftly and with great prejudice. I have put too much time into this community, as have many others, to see it devolve into the toxic hive it was in the twilight hours of the Kemetic Republic. Take the second chance and grasp it as that, a second chance to be part of this great community. Of course, do not take this as an assumption on my end that there will be issues, for I am confident there will not be any. However, if the off chance that there are, know that there won't be a third chance. Welcome back to Osiris, be merry, have a great time, and remember that the flag that flies over the region now is of an Order, much like the kind I intend to preserve.

For Community,

Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Tim Stark Objectively Osiris' 2nd Best Pharaoh
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Post by Andrew »

For Community then :)
Andrew Grey-Anumia
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On Community

Post by Tomb »

Well said, Mr. Pharaoh. :)
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On Community

Post by Jakker »

Don't think that the irony of what you said is lost on me. You speak of community, yet that was secondary to you throughout this entire process. You pushed a proposal that you said in your OP was controversial and during the vote, you approached several citizens who had abstained or voted nay to get them to change their vote. You even approached people multiple times after they already promised you they would abstain. You were so fixated on getting this to pass that the effects on the community was disregarded.

You are correct that this community is strong and great. You are right that removing the PNGs will not hinder Osiris from growing. However, please do not preach about community when that was not your focus throughout this whole thing. Whether that was your intention or simply ignorance, I do not know, but I am deeply disappointed how this whole thing was handed. You speak about the toxicity about the former KRO as though you truly understand what that means. If you do, then you would know that many elements of that toxicity was witnessed during this.

Ultimately, I am simply saying this because it has all troubled me deeply. I hope that in the future, you will consider the people in the region first and fully when making a decision. As a community, let us learn from what happened here and build from it.

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Post by Ivo »

I'd like to ask the Pharaoh if he acted the way he did to push this proposal through with the best interests of the Osiris Fraternal Order in mind, with his response not including sugarcoated mentions of "paranoia", "second chances", "turning a new leaf", and such.
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Post by Tim Stark »

I promise that if I sound exasperated it's just because I'm exhausted, I appreciate the commentary and am glad it's being made. Accountability is key, and I do admit there's some stuff I should elaborate about to hold myself more accountable.

Firstly, thanks Andrew and Tomb :)

Now to the meat and potatoes.
Don't think that the irony of what you said is lost on me. You speak of community, yet that was secondary to you throughout this entire process. You pushed a proposal that you said in your OP was controversial and during the vote, you approached several citizens who had abstained or voted nay to get them to change their vote. You even approached people multiple times after they already promised you they would abstain. You were so fixated on getting this to pass that the effects on the community was disregarded.
First, with sarcasm, I must remark that I'm not sure if I found you or Lemon Love more difficult to deal with. Damn you and your accountability demands! See, in regards to the first part, I think that's simply a difference of beliefs between you and myself. I have no denial I expected it to be controversial, and it was indeed controversial, but I felt strongly throughout the whole process that it was in the end good for the community and good for Osiris. Admittedly, I did not expect some of the conflict and drama that did arise from it, but at that point I felt that the case had merit and was too frustrated by much of the initial claims (re: Foreign Affairs) being made to back down. It seems the Stark gene of being horribly stubborn does pass between myself and Cormac.

I do then admit I ended up approaching several citizens who had abstained or voted Nay in attempts to see a vote change, a few times approaching people multiple times as you say. In my defense, though some may not consider it a defense, I only began approaching citizens once I had reputable information that there was an extensive campaign happening behind-the-scenes for the opposition, with abstain and aye people switching to nay, with some of the stuff I was hearing sounding to myself like misinformation. So aye, I did speak to citizens and expressed to them my side of the matter, but I saw that less of fracturing the community and more of arguing my point once seeing that the other side was actively arguing its point. As for approaching people multiple times, aye that was probably not the best of things to do, I'm willing to admit that and apologize to the folks that were distressed by my campaigning to them them multiple times.

However, I would argue that the community effects had already happened before the vote. Given that the majority of the Deshret who did not Abstain voted aye, I read that as a majority of the community supporting it in the end.
However, please do not preach about community when that was not your focus throughout this whole thing. Whether that was your intention or simply ignorance, I do not know, but I am deeply disappointed how this whole thing was handed. You speak about the toxicity about the former KRO as though you truly understand what that means. If you do, then you would know that many elements of that toxicity was witnessed during this.
It'd have to be ignorance, as I still had no ulterior motives, no matter how many times you seem to wish to insist that to me. Yes, I did feel elements of KRO toxicity from this, and I'm rather certain I know what it means. I, however, felt that from the Nay camp rather than from myself, though perhaps those opposed felt it in the reverse measure, I do not know. As for poorly handled elements, there likely were indeed some though I imagine you and I disagree on the specifics. For myself, outside of some rhetoric getting potentially too strong, I felt I handled it it in the way I thought appropriate and think appropriate. My reasoning for elements such as "all or nothing" was already provided, and there's not much more to state on stuff like that.
I hope that in the future, you will consider the people in the region first and fully when making a decision.
I did this time too, though I imagine we will have to agree to disagree on that matter from the way it looks.
I'd like to ask the Pharaoh if he acted the way he did to push this proposal through with the best interests of the Osiris Fraternal Order in mind, with his response not including sugarcoated mentions of "paranoia", "second chances", "turning a new leaf", and such.
I'm the elected head of this region, my actions are and will continue to be executed with the best interests of the Osiris Fraternal Order in mind. Given that this vote passed, it seems that the Deshret concurs that these are the best interests, so I'm not sure what other "best interests" you might be referring to, though I welcome further elaboration on what those interests are. Furthermore, I will point out that if the Deshret as a body comes to the conclusion that my actions are not in the best interests of the Osiris Fraternal Order, then I am accountable to them through the option of a recall. I hope that is sugar-free enough for you.
Tim Stark Objectively Osiris' 2nd Best Pharaoh
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On Community

Post by Cormac »

Can we all just take a time out, take a breath, and stop hurling accusations? Many of us here have been given second chances. Tim is one of those people and Jakker is another, and I've been given more than two chances. It's obvious that there are disagreements over how this was handled on all sides, but let's express those without descending into what feel like attacks on personal character. We don't need to do that to express our disagreements, and we should start from a basis of acknowledging that everyone here wants what's best for Osiris, even if how they go about that is sometimes imperfect. Nobody is perfect, but the OFO is better than this and so are all of you.

Thank you again to Tim and the Deshret for the pardon. Let's not make this into a firestorm that disrupts and divides the community now that it's done.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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On Community

Post by Koth »

Cormac wrote:Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:35 amThe OFO is better than this and so are you.
truly, the greatest tragedy about this bill is that we'll never get to see this sentiment in "several articles" like your parole would have dictated haha

I'll respond to this in a nonretarded way once I'm awake

His Majesty Ambroscus Koth Vytherov, Hasal-Pharaoh, Bru'uh of Osiris
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Tim Stark
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On Community

Post by Tim Stark »

Koth wrote:Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:42 amtruly, the greatest tragedy about this bill is that we'll never get to see this sentiment in "several articles" like your parole would have dictated haha
I mean, it's Cormac, I'm sure we'll get those articles one way or another eventually ;)

:wub: ya C
Tim Stark Objectively Osiris' 2nd Best Pharaoh
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