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October/November Update: St Abbaddon Invaded!

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:02 am
by Ivo

St. Abbaddon Invaded!

[center][big][big][font=trebuchet ms][b][big][big][color=#9A6601][u]The High[/u][/color] [color=#000034][u]Command:[/u][/color][/big][/big][/b] [color=#9A6601]✯✯✯[/color] [b][color=#9A6601]Field Marshal:[/color] [url=][color=#000034]Gest[/color][/url][/b] [color=#9A6601]✯✯[/color] [b][color=#9A6601]General:[/color] [url=][color=#000034]KKnight[/color][/url][/b] [color=#9A6601]✯✯[/color] [b][color=#9A6601]Brigadier General:[/color] [url=][color=#000034]Knot[/color][/url][/b][/font][/big][/big][/center]

St. Abbaddon Invaded: The Massive Army Returns[hr][/hr]MISSIONS | Brigadier General Knot
Last hit by the Brotherhood of Malice nearly two years ago, St. Abbaddon, a prominent region with well-established ties to defenders and the UDL, was once again invaded by the invincible forces of DEN. Brigadier General Knot first infiltrated the password-protected region about two months ago and led the update operation to seize St. Abbaddon at major on the 21st.

A series of unfortunate events, including a tight trigger and an update glitch, caused the team to miss and defenders from TITO, UDL, and WHR to begin piling onto the native delegate. As the minor approached and the gap between raiders and defenders widened to seven endorsements, a stealth invasion was scrambled by Knot, consisting of elite soldiers from DEN, The Kingdom of Great Britain, and Cimmeria.

Despite the numerous defenders available during update, no further troops were pulled in to support the native delegate. A minute before the second invader wave struck, Ravania posted a conceited reply to the RMB post of a native asking if an invasion had taken place, stating that there was indeed an attempted raid, but defenders like himself successfully stopped it. The leader of the UDL quickly erased his post after seeing the subsequent blue-and-gold standard fly over St. Abbaddon when invaders won at update, 14-12.

Within a single update, forty units from DEN marched in to aid the occupation of St. Abbaddon. At the major update, TITO sought to rectify their wrongdoing, with five updaters jumping in under the command of 3lite3 in a daring attempt to liberate the region. Unfortunately for them, four found themselves on an unscheduled, all-inclusive vacation to the Rejected Realms before the update rolled over. Led by Brigadier General Knot, Field Marshal Gest, Colonel 94 block, and Captain Gladio, the operation continues with the invader delegate resting at a stable 85 endorsements. We'd like to thank Europeia, The Black Hawks, Ile de France, and Lone Wolves United for their steady support. The massive army returns.

BOOM: There goes the population[hr][/hr]REGIONAL NEWS | Sergeant Tyegëa

Standing at a mere 518 nations but a week before Halloween, when it shot 562 nations, DEN’s population is growing in leaps and bounds. As if that wasn’t enough, the end of the next week saw the population jump by almost 80 nations to 640, before reaching a staggering 691 nations on World Diabetes Day. But only four days later, the population jumped once again by over a hundred nations to the 793, finally to its peak on the 21st, and on page two on the list of regions, as 15th most populous region in the world and the 4th largest, non-puppet storage User-Created Region.

All in all, we give a massive shoutout to our dedicated recruiters who -- fighting the onslaught of competitors and the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome -- continue to send recruitment TGs without flinching in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Making History: WAD The F**k?[hr][/hr]SPECIAL | Sergeant Tyegëa

“We have a Delegate?! Since when?” — Just about every DENmate
Making history with a landmark decision completely unheard of and breaking over a decade of DEN and purist raider protocol, the 16th of November saw the High Command give the green light to DEN to endorse a veteran of DEN from many years ago, FOREVERDEN, otherwise known as Brigadier General Rose. After over half a year of unauthorised delegates being elected by other members of the World Assembly in DEN -- since everyone endorsed anyway despite being ordered not to time and time again, it wasn’t going to hurt anyone and everyone seemed so happy endorsing each other -- this unofficial, oft-unspoken taboo was struck out and rendered null and void.

As an added bonus, Rose has been gifted with a flag befitting her position as Delegate and Sovereign General, as well as her very name!

California: Engulfed[hr][/hr]MISSIONS | Sergeant Tyegëa

Once-bitten may be twice-shy
But no such luck for natives
Who in fear arms do belie
To the invaders votives

Votives snubbed by Hawks and DEN
Captured swift yond native ken

But with time passing each day
Powers grew with renewed zest
Neath the sworde defenders lay
Laid to waste by he named Gest

Allies all both tried and true
Bestowed spoil with a new