The Osiris Election

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The Osiris Election

Post by Rach »

The Osiris Election Issue
September 2015

Elections in Osiris
By Rachel Eriksen

Elections are currently underway in the Osiris Fraternal Order with Ainocra, Ainocrez and Festavo running. The general mood appears to be bearish about the present and the future. Notable Osirians such as Lord Ravenclaw expressed this by stating that those who Osiris relied on for activity and leadership have been retiring.

Ainocra in his campaign pushes a centralist agenda, espousing neither raiding nor defender and instead seeks an independent middle as well as for building relations with all regions. His goal is to further the security of Osiris through the establishment of relations and he lists the Lazarus-Osiris non-violence agreement which he negotiated as an example of this. In media and culture, he pledges to quicken the pace of the news cycle to further enhance the region.

Festavo in his campaign presents that the idea that if he is elected he will give the greatest effort and put Osiris first. He presents his inexperience as a strength by stating it’s a fresh perspective. Festavo in his campaign pushes for people to bring their ideas and opinions so that he can put them into policy. This approach even includes his campaign slogan.

Ainocrez has not yet posted a campaign.

Election Interview with Ainocra
Rachel Eriksen

Rach: Welcome to the The Raven Post :)

Ainocra: Thanks for having me :)

Rach: What has prompted you to run for delegate again?

Ainocra: To be honest I decided to run again just after the last election. I feel that I have a lot to offer Osiris in terms of vision and activity and I might have watched too much Star Trek as a kid, I don't like to lose. So I figured I could mope, or do something about it.

Rach: Now this question might lead to some polarization among supporters and voters, but which Star Trek do you draw this inspiration from?

Ainocra: All of them, I watched the original on a black and white tv as a kid, and each time a new one comes out I tend to watch it. I will admit that I'm not big on the JJverse, I think he went the wrong direction but that's my personal preference.

Rach: Reading your platform, it would seem that the experience you draw most on is that of a NatSov. I have two questions regarding that. Firstly, do you see the role of a GCR delegate more geared towards GA legislature? Secondly, do you feel your NatSov roots guides your philosophy when it comes to executive actions?

Ainocra: I feel that the GCR delegates do have an important role to play in the GA and SC chambers. They represent the largest constituencies in the game and have a duty in my eyes to make the voice of those constituents known. Taken collectively the GCR delegates can literally make or break a resolution in either chamber.

Ainocra: As for my executive philosophy, I tend to think of myself as a guide more than anything. I intend to present a series of goals and then help my cabinet in achieving those goals so I would say that my Natsov philosophy does play a large part in how I govern.

It's my view that my cabinet will need the freedom to do their jobs, micromanagement it a bad thing and something I strive not to practice.

Rach: It does tend to be a difficult balance. In your campaign you discussed wanting to hound ministers, could you explain this further?

Ainocra: I will do my best to maintain regular contact with my ministers and ensure that they have the tools they need to accomplish the goals I have put before them. It just sounds funnier when we talk about hounding them.

That being said I do understand that real life comes first, and NS must take a backseat to things like school and work.

Rach: Let's talk about your foreign affairs and military program, you discuss an independence philosophy. Is this "Independence" the official stance, or is it more of your own philosophy and potentially more of spin off?

Ainocra: It's based on my own experiences and philosophy, but if elected it will be my philosophy that guides Osiris for the foreseeable future. I have never cared for ideological extremes of any stripe, be they game related or out in the real world. It's also a matter of practicality, I feel that Osiris cannot benefit from adhering to either of the stated extremes that exist in the NS world. We would be better served by looking at each situation that may arise as how it impacts the interests of our people.

Rach: A fan of pragmatism and realpolitik?

Ainocra: Life has taught me to be a pragmatist, and if elected it is my duty to govern, not be hidebound by ideology. a lesson I think some of our real world leaders could sorely use.

Rach: Why should Osirans vote for you over Festavo and Ainocrez?

Ainocra: To be completely honest of all the ideas presented so far mine seem to be the best. Ainocrez has put forth no platform so far and might only be running just to tweak my nose. He and I have been friends for over a decade now.

As for Festavo he has good ideas but lacks my experience. I don't feel he would be bad at the job, but I naturally feel as if I would be better for Osiris.

Rach: Last election, there was a rumour that you would coup Osiris if elected and at least one person has talked about that this election. I must ask, would you coup Osiris and why do people believe this?

Ainocra: No I would not coup Osiris. I doubt that anyone honestly thinks I would do it. I've never couped anything but I do like to make coup jokes. Guess that's what I get for hanging out with Tim so much during his terms. When I first read the allegations during the last election I laughed so hard and long it brought tears to my eyes. They were just that silly.

Rach: Finally, and you better not evade it this time... Kirk or Picard?

Ainocra nimbly dodges

Ainocra: that's a tough one. I like Kirk's cowboy style, but Picard has that singular mind about him. Depending on the situation, it could go either way. I think at heart I am a creature of intellect, If I must choose then it should be Picard. Though I must state that the choice is in no way a besmirching of James Kirk. If it weren't for Kirk we wouldn't have Picard

Rach: Always the politician ;)

Well, thanks for coming and best of luck in your election!

Ainocra: Thank you and thanks for having me! I look forward to reading the post :)

Election Interview with Festavo
Rachel Eriksen

Rach: Welcome to The Raven Post, Festavo!

Fest Thanks for having me, Rachel.

Rach: So why should voters choose you over Ainocra and Ainocrez?

Fest I believe that would be up to the voters themselves. I have posted my platform and I am answering any questions they have for me and I believe that, in the end, they will make the decision they feel is right. I have nothing bad to say about either candidates. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. My main strength and expertise is military while, say, Ainocra's would be the World Assembly. Each candidate has their beliefs and ideas and I would not say either one of us is better than the other. The only way to tell is to be elected and prove yourself. It isn't my place to judge myself or my opponents, that is the voter's job

Rach: So different but equal?

Fest That's about right I would say.

Rach: Now, you talk about leading by asking for the opinions of everyone in the region. How far does this go? IE: Does this also include nations on the region-side?

Fest If a nation game-side wants to telegram me his/her opinion, I would gladly take it into account. I wouldn't be making a poll to decide my every decision though. I will be welcoming the opinion of the populace, but if the nation doesn't have a forum account and isn't involved in some department, I want them to. So, I think, any nation that cares enough to voice their opinion should be involved on the forum side aspect of the community, in most cases.

Rach: You don't talk too much about foreign affairs in your manifesto, what will foreign affairs look like under your administration? What regions will you expand ties with?

Fest Foreign Affairs isn't really my specialty. I mentioned in my manifesto that I would be looking for a good solid candidate for Minister of Foreign Affairs who knows more about that aspect. I think it is important to keep good relations with other GCRs. I would like to see an embassy established with The South Pacific and see an expansion of relations there for example. I haven't delved that much into Foreign Affairs. We have some allies right now that it would be nice to get more involved with, but I would also have to consult with some people who have more knowledge in that area.

Rach: Ainocra has talked about hounding ministers to ensure they will do their job, would you do the same?

Fest Yes. I would pushing them to keep active in their ministries and, if I can, replace any inactive scribes. I hope that it wouldn't come to that though. I would try to make sure there is clear communication between myself and my scribes by making use of the dusty old Hedjet IRC and skype chat as well as one on one communication. I would make it clear I expect them to keep busy ;)

Rach: You have said that Osiris is your number 1 priority, will that continue even if you aren't elected?

Fest Yes. I thought about forming my own region if I am not elected, but I think that I would be better off making an existing region that needs my help my number 1 priority and working hard for that region than bringing a new region into the fold. So, yes. Osiris is my number 1 priority and will be, even if not elected, for the foreseeable future.

Rach: Ainocra has stated he will be independent in both his military and foreign affairs. Where would you say your philosophy lies and what you would try to set as the delegate, particularly with regards to the military?

Fest As Scribe of War, I have worked with various militaries. I have worked with EPSA, SPSF, Antifa, TBH, BoM, NPA, LWU and others. I have worked a large amount with raiders, but I have also worked with independent militaries like EPSA, SPSF and NPA. I have worked with Antifa as well because Osiris is anti-fash. I am a raider, but I am open to working with other affiliations. I have in the past and I will in the future. The Scribe of War will also have some say in this matter

Rach: Now, we asked Ainocra this so I feel its fair to ask you as well... Are you a fan of Star Trek, and if so... do you prefer Kirk or Picard?

Fest I would also prefer to think of myself as an imperialistic raider. I am not a fan of Star Trek.

Rach: What sort of pop culture has influenced you the most then?

Fest That's tough. I have seen a ton of movies, but one that comes to mind would be Rocky or maybe the old school John Wayne westerns that I used to love. As far as music I would say older 70-80s rock held a big influence on me. That is just to name a few things. I think everybody is influenced by a great deal of popular culture, or at least I have. It is hard to just pick a couple things like a movie or a song or something.

Rach: Thank you for your time and best of luck in your campaign :)

Fest There are many different actors, musicians and other people who have had an impact on me or of home I just like :P

Thank you for interviewing me and I hope The Raven Post becomes a regular thing I can look forward to reading :)

Osiris: Despite Stability, Old Attitudes Linger
By Cormac Stark

When asked to write this commentary for the Raven Post, I assumed that I would approach it by looking at the structural strengths and weaknesses of the Osiris Fraternal Order to discuss what is working in Osiris and what isn't. Indeed, there are many things that are working in Osiris that make me proud as a former Osiran and should make current Osirans proud as well. The region has been more consistently stable and secure than it has been at any point since mid-2012. Osiris is no longer the punchline of every coup joke nor the region that foreign onlookers most expect to be vulnerable to a coup. This is definitely a cause for celebration for any Osiran who is familiar with the cataclysmic events of 2013 -- a year that began and ended with seismic shifts in the government and community, with a coup d'etat by Gatesville Inc in between, and a year which can only be described as the Osiran dark age.

The stability that Osiris currently enjoys is not only stability in its governing structure and its security apparatus, but a stability in its community that was slower in coming even after the Osiris Fraternal Order was established. Gone are the explosive arguments between prominent regional figures, dividing the community into "us vs. them" factions. Personalities will clash in any regional community, but Osiris seems to have turned the page on the chapter of its history that was characterized by divisive and ultimately destructive personality politics. This too is a cause for celebration, as personality politics have dominated the Osiran government and community from the earliest days, and many from both within and without wondered if that would ever truly change.

There can be no question that these triumphs for Osiris have been facilitated by the strengthened regional institutions created by the Osiris Fraternal Order in December 2013. By empowering regional governing institutions, and ensuring that no individual or faction is able to exploit a particular institution in order to assume unchecked power over the region, the Osiris Fraternal Order has created the political atmosphere that was needed to put an end to personality politics, divisive interpersonal power struggles, and chronic regional instability. Yet Osiris remains weak in one significant area, activity, and it has been difficult for anyone to pinpoint exactly why and how regional institutions have failed in this regard. It was only after reading a comment in a campaign thread for one of the candidates in the ongoing Pharaoh election that it occurred to me: It isn't regional institutions that are hurting activity, but rather regional attitudes.

"I think you are going to struggle [to] motivate people with a mainly negative outlook," North East Somerset said to Pharaoh candidate and current Scribe of War Festavo. "You can't just demand people are active and they treat Osiris as their number 1 priority. The regional leadership have to incentivise them why they should contribute more. We should embrace people that currently might only have Osiris as a low priority, but where the potential exists for them to do more here."

He added: "Talk more about opportunities for success, not just the impending doom if things don't improve."

This is what is plaguing activity in Osiris, not so much its regional institutions but rather a community malaise that has afflicted the region for quite some time. This malaise is by no means unique to any candidate or leader but rather has permeated the culture of Osiris for years. Although institutionally Osiris may have turned the page on the instability and divisive politics of its past, culturally a crisis attitude has remained the norm even as Osiris approaches the two year anniversary of the Osiris Fraternal Order and two years of consistent security. There is little sense of optimism as the Osiran community continues to see every problem not as a challenge that can be overcome with community enthusiasm and cooperation, but rather as a war that must be fought to the death. There is still a siege mentality under which Osirans worry that too much of this, too little of that will bring back the turmoil of 2013. Without optimism and enthusiasm, which have instead been replaced by gloom and a sense of foreboding, it's little wonder that activity remains low. Who wants to participate in that kind of cultural atmosphere?

For Osiris to overcome its last major weakness, inactivity, it needs to worry less about overcoming its last major weakness, at least on those negative terms. The wolves are not at the door ready to devour you, your government, and your region if your post count is low today. Activity shouldn't be a source of anxiety, it should be something that arises spontaneously from a community that wants to spend time having fun with each other and voluntarily working together for betterment of their region and regional interests. Osiris needs leadership that is less worried about inactivity, less demanding of contribution than its leaders have been since late 2013, and more interested in creating a more positive atmosphere in which people will naturally want to contribute. Osiris needs optimists who can make participating in the region feel fun again, not worried and frazzled people who feel that the well-being of the community rests entirely on their shoulders and whose anxiety demoralizes the entire community.

If Osiris wants to fully turn the page on its dark age, changing institutions isn't enough. It's even more important for attitudes to change. If Osirans want to leave their dark age behind them, instead of thinking and talking like it's a dark day in a region plagued by turmoil -- which is, fortunately, no longer true -- they should start thinking and talking like it's a new day in a young Sinker still filled with opportunities. The four year anniversary of Osiris' (and Balder's!) creation is coming up later this month and there could be no better time for Osirans to decide that a new and brighter day, not another dark day, has finally arrived.
Thank you for reading our special Osiris Election edition! Please tell us what you think, as we would potentially like to make this a staple for future elections in many regions. Ideas are looking at implementing in the future for election coverage are polls and hosting debates between candidates. Best of luck Osiris!
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The Osiris Election

Post by Ainocra »

An excellent read!
Alcon Enta
Fleet Marshal of Ainocra
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Former Keeper of the Deshret and Vizier of Osiris
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The Osiris Election

Post by Koth »

Legitimately good piece. Thanks for it :)

His Majesty Ambroscus Koth Vytherov, Hasal-Pharaoh, Bru'uh of Osiris
Khetemtai in the House of Sekhmet
Recipient of the Crown of Osiris
Recipient of the Violet Jewel of Atum

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