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Non Aggression Pact with the Republic of Lazarus

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:43 pm
by Andrew
Non-Aggression Pact with the Republic of Lazarus wrote: Preamble:
We the Republic of Lazarus, and The Osiris Fraternal Order hereafter referred to collectively as the signatories;
Desiring further to strengthen the mutual friendship between our peoples and that there shall abide between the signatories peace and friendship for so long as is possible, recognizing the recent history of warming relations between our regions, especially highlighted with Osiris' verbal and military support of the People's Republic of Lazarus during the coup of 2015.
For ourselves and for the world do hereby decree the following.

Article 1
Mutual recognition
We recognize the signatories of this treaty as the sole legitimate government of their respective regions.
We further recognize any legitimate successor government that may legally arise in these regions in perpetuity.

Article 2
The signatories shall not undertake any hostile military or intelligence action directly against one another's home region for so long as this treaty is in force.

Article 3
Agree that participation on the opposite sides of a military engagement does not automatically constitute hostility or an attack on either signatory.

Article 4
Authorize either party, after this agreement has been in force for six months, to announce on the official forum of the other party its intent to terminate the agreement, effective after fifteen days.