Treaty of the Old Gods Amendment
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:26 pm
Your Majesty, the Deshret Council of the Osiran Fraternal Order has passed the following amendment to The Treaty of the Old Gods and seeks your assent.
The Treaty of the Old Gods
We, the Realm of Balder and the Osiris Fraternal Order, hereinafter referred to jointly as "the signatories", in the interest of continued stability and prolonged friendship hereby enter into this Treaty to ensure the safe and continuous development of our parallel states.
Article I: Non-Aggression Between Signatories
i). The signatories shall recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty, and any legally enacted successor governments, as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
ii). The signatories shall not undermine one another's security, regional identity, regional government, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
Article II: Cooperation Between Signatories
i). The signatories shall defend one another against attack, either internal or external, with all available diplomatic and military resources at the request of the other signatory.
ii). The signatories shall share any intelligence relating to the security of one another including information relating to both regional and forum security.
iii). The signatories shall cooperate in the organizing and hosting of diplomatic and cultural events.
iv). The signatories shall cooperate on military initiatives including offensive and defensive missions.
Article III: Collaboration Between Signatories
i). The signatories may collaborate militarily, through a Joint Operations Centre, where allied forces can co-ordinate any joint operations, to be hosted in Osiris and attended by both Commanders from both regions militaries, and anyone they choose to invite.
ii). The signatories shall collaborate on security and intelligence matters through the appointment of a Joint Director of Intelligence by the Pharaoh of Osiris and Monarch of Balder, to work sub rosa, under relevant regional laws.
iii). The signatories shall collaborate on cultural and diplomatic matters through a monthly scheduled meeting between regional Cabinets to be hosted on a rotational basis, with the additional ability of either signatory to call an Emergency Meeting with invitees determined by the Pharaoh of Osiris and the Monarch of Balder.
iv). The signatories shall collaborate on the above when appropriate with each other's shared allies.