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Election Fever: Lazarus Election Coverage - With Milograd!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:13 am
by unibot
ELECTION FEVER: Lazarus Election Coverage - With Milograd!
Six Man Race. Frontrunners declared.

McMasterdonia: LIIIVVVVVVVVVEEE, IT'S ELECTION FEVER FROM THE SEVENTH CIRCLE OF THE REJECTED REALMS. YOUR CO-HOSTS FOR TONIGHT? IT'S THE NORTH PACIFIC'S THUNDA' FROM DOWN UNDA', MCMASTERDONIA....welcome to the Rejected Realms Media Centre for our second episode of Election Fever. Tonight we will be covering the elections for Chairman in Lazarus. I'm your co-host McMasterdonia.
Unibot: *leaps from a balcony* And GUESS WHO!
Milograd: That's dangerous.
Uni: Tonight's guest is Milograd. Since we're covering Lazarus's elections for this session, I don't think we could have found a better guest than Milograd to come speak with us on Lazarus and their ongoing elections.
McM: I agree. Thanks for agreeing to be with us today Milograd.
Uni: Milograd, to just begin this evening's roundtable discussion, I wanted to ask just in general what makes Lazarus's elections unique?
Milo: Not much, really.
Uni: I'd have to disagree, Milograd, in this election there are six candidates - all of them could be Chairman.
Milo: Well yes. It's a very competitive election. Ironically.
Uni: Most regions would kill someone's aunt to get that kind of participation and quality. What do you think is the source of this?
Milo: We have a very active and dedicated internal community and a lot of people think they have something to offer, which is true. There are some faces who could very well win the delegacy that most of GP has never heard of, and the fact that they have a shot at it really inspires participation, I think.

McM: Milograd, could you briefly explain how the election process works in Lazarus? Am I correct in saying that the result of the state council vote is not binding on the Chairman's decision for successor?
Milo: Incorrect. And sure. Lazarus' constitution, as many people know, grants a lot of authority to the delegate. One of those powers is to appoint his or her successor. We don't have scheduled elections for the delegacy or for any position in the region, save for Congress.
Uni: This term however Kazmr specifically wanted free and fair elections, I've heard.
Milo: Yes, I was just about to touch on that. Despite what I said above, this is by no means the first election. We've elected members of the State Council in open elections in the past. And we had the unorthodox pool for my successor, if you count that as an election. Anyway, the most important thing to know about Lazarus, in my opinion, is that we don't believe in universal solutions other than the rejection of them.
Milo: This election is as open as it is because it makes most sense in feel for us -- the population agrees on that point, and it feels right. Kazmr did a great job in recognizing that desire and nurturing it, and Hobbes has helped serve as the EC of the election. So essentially, the elections are happening because Kazmr agreed that it was better for us to do an election to replace him than to have him appoint a successor. They're not legally required, we just think it's what works in this case. At the end of my delegacy, we thought we needed a different approach to transition from my style to the future and what was best for Lazarus.

McM: Llamas suggested in his campaign thread that more elections for Delegate - possibly fixed terms should be on the agenda. What do you think of that suggestion?
Uni: I think I will take a crack at this question too if you don't mind, Milo. We don't have term limits in TRR either and I don't think term limits are necessary, they kind of run contrary to the idea of a party dictatorship and likewise, they also kind of just.. don't work. Think about, people stay in office all of the time even when they are filthy inactive to finish their terms, but regions also often continue to elect incumbents term after term without much thought at all. That's the power of incumbency. What we need are leaders who know when to pack it in - Kazmr and yourself, Milograd, knew when it was time. Terms can work against this good sense just as much as they can work for it. I've seen too many examples of people inactive in office, fulfilling their terms and getting relected blindly on a whim for me to find term limits as some sort of savior of the democratic process.
Milo: I don't like it, and a lot of others responded similarly. It's antithetical to our flexibility, pragmaticism, and go-with-the-flow mindset. We have an instrument for that, in a sense. The PC, several months back, passed an instrument allowing it to challenge the Chairman. But really, set terms are more rigid than what we prefer, largely. Llama's campaign hasn't garnered much sympathy and we think term limits make it seem more so like a job than a task.
McM: The power to challenge a Chairman hasn't been used yet, I assume - given that Kazmr stepped down voluntarily. In Osiris recently, the whole idea of being challenged was taken as a personal attack by the outgoing Delegate.
Milo: That sort of thing is absent in Lazarus. Kazmr was quite busy with exams and the State Council discussed -- with Kaz in attendance, of course -- possibly raising the inquiry. Because a busy delegate can be a challenge for a community. Kazmr thought about it for a few days and agreed, thus launching this election.
Uni: He made the right call and it's a hard call to make because, I mean, you don't know if you will ever get the chance again to be Chairman - and Kazmr had a lot of potential. I mean, what a great guy. It's a shame he got busy.
McM: Yes, I agree. Kazmr was a great Chairman and I am sure he will achieve a lot more in NS.
Milo: Kazmr was appreciative of the willingness for the SC to hold him accountable for his activity and realized that his schedule was getting too demanding.
Milo: Unibot, I wouldn't say "had". He has and realized it, in my opinion, and will continue to do so.
Uni: Oh yes. I wouldn't be surprised if he's leading the Media department again sooner rather than later.
McM: Both of us at Election Fever wish him the very best of luck in whatever he does next, of course :)
Milo: It's certainly in discussion. He isn't leaving NS or anything, let alone Laz. His work with the LG was a load of fun. o>
Uni: You're a three time delegate of The North Pacific, land of the eternal Eluvatarian Consitution - what do you think of fixed terms, Mcmasterdonia?
McM: I think regions should do what is right for them. In the North Pacific, we have fixed terms of four months. I think that works for us. That is quite a long time being Delegate of TNP and for some people that can be quite tiring and too much. We do like elections, I'm the first to admit that. It's part of our culture and we genuinely do enjoy voting, campaigning and holding debates.
McM: So for us, I think the four month fixed terms works well. I wouldn't want them to be open ended or for them to be extended to six months (like in Balder for example). I think what you said earlier, that some Delegates will continue on even with minimal activity/involvement. I resigned the office very suddenly, which shocked a lot of people, including myself. I think TNPers have become more aware since the recall of Eluvatar, that it is okay to notify people of your absences and that it is far better to resign because of activity issues than to drag the region through a crisis as a result of your actions.
Milo: I couldn't agree more, and that is something we've talked about a lot recently in Laz.

Uni: As for the campaigns, there are six candidates running. Funkadelia, Fantome, Llamas, Horse, Stujenske and Feux. I'm wondering what we see as potential strengths and weaknesses of their campaigns?
Milo: There is a wide spectrum of beliefs, personalities, and experiences in the race.
McM: Well obviously with Feux - he hasn't campaigned at all. I would hope that would be a problem for the State Council.
Milo: Why the State Council? The entire citizenry votes. The State Council is the Governor Foursome and the Vice-Chairman.
McM: My apologies. Well I would expect that to be an issue for the citizens then.
Milo: No worries. There are a lot of misconceptions about the PRL, and that's by no means the worst mistake I've seen, lol. Enh. It won't earn him any new votes, that's for sure. :P
McM: Funkadelia, Horse and Stujenske likely have more interregional recognition in comparison to the other candidates. But I am doubtful that this will be a huge factor in the election. Horse was recently involved in a scandal with leaking Wintreath private discussions to the FRA. This might make it difficult for him to work with Wintreath and possibly other defender regions. Time will tell, he is undoubtedly experienced and well known which will play to his advantage.
Milo: But obviously it's up to Feux how to run his campaign, and I'm not actually sure he was serious about running, to be honest.

Uni: Llamas, is of course, pursuing a pretty expansive democratic reform package. I think Llamas's campaign is quite a passionate campaign and he's a very genuine candidate, I also think it's going in a direction that a lot of Lazarus disagrees with - he won't win the election with those views, I don't think, but I think he will also gain a lot of respect among citizens.
Milo: Llamas is an interesting Lazarene. His campaign really didn't go over well with a lot of people. Democracy isn't very popular.
McM: Llamas campaign has received a lot of fiery responses from other Lazarenes. Often that can work in favor of the candidate rather than against them. But I am not sure that will happen in this case. I think describing the government as a corrupt oligarchy was a bad idea.
Milo: Even he acknowledges that he can be over-the-top, and it's not as shocking to those of us who interact with him regularly. :P
McM: I don't think it is shocking as such - just a bit surprising. I'm sure he was aware that he would get criticism on that front and I think it was a brave move to stand by his statements as he did.
Milo: I don't think he will do well in the election but I think he could be a good Chairman once he gets more settled into GP. A lot of his views are uninformed by experience with GP governments and the international scene, but he's learning them quickly and has a lot of potential. But, I do want to say one thing. Llamas is a very hard working Lazarene who has a genuine care for the community, and he'd be the first to defend it (and has been) if and when we've been put into tough spots, I think.
McM: It is clear from his campaign that he genuinely cares for the community.
Milo: Yeah, that's Llamas all right.
Uni: I appreciate honesty from candidates and wouldn't punish Llamas for the phrasing of "corrupt oligarchy". All GCRs can be corrupt at times and all of them can be oligarchical. Llamas is very genuine and has a lot of drive - I hope he makes the cabinet again.
Milo: Makes the cabinet? :P
Uni: Haha, in the cabinet.
Milo: He's on it and I don't anticipate him leaving it unless he chooses to, heh. He has a lot of hope for the Cultural District.

Uni: What do we think of Horse's Anti-Fascist focus?
McM: Not surprising.
Uni: Fantome and Funkadelia have both a pretty cold opinion on more Anti-Fascism, whereas Horse seems gung-ho on it.
Milo: Unibot: It makes sense to me. I wouldn't call it a focus though. Seemed like one part of his platform, but certainly not the whole thing.
Uni: Seemed like the steak on the plate to me. New idiom for you, steak on the plate.
McM: Mmm, I think I agree with Milograd. Unibot and I have had this discussion before haha. It is simply one part of his campaign.
Milo: And some are vegetarians. ;)
Uni: I think Anti-Fascism is generally a cheap-shot to be perfectly honest with the hope of grabbing center voters with a hopeless "Kill the Nazis" campaign. It never goes anywhere and it would confuse Lazarus's defenderism.

McM: What about Funkadelia? He's been Vice Chairman for a while now. How do you think he will go? I should say that I have known Funkadelia for a very long time. So I am possibly a little biased in his favour. He is without a doubt experienced. His anti-imperialist rhetoric of late has likely worked to his advantage at home and has helped to increase his profile abroad.
Uni: I think Funkadelia is the frontrunner. He's a good friend, so I'm also biased, but I think he's probably the closest to a "status quo" delegate and in this case, that's not a bad thing, the status quo with some activity is looking very good.
Milo: I don't really see him as status quo. Each Chairman has had their own character and style.
McM: I don't think Unibot is disputing that as such. But Funkadelia would appear to be the front runner and the most logical successor if I can put it that way.
Uni: Yes, sorry, his Anti-Imperialism is a bit ramped up than perhaps the status quo. Although Fantome and Funkadelia are running similar campaigns, in my opinion.
Milo: Ah.
Uni: I would just say he's probably the one promising a vision closest to what Lazarus was already pursuing, I think.
Milo: There is certainly a frustration in Lazarus that makes that understandable and earns him sympathy.
McM: Well, he won't win on a sympathy vote alone. I think his experience in government and his good nature should hold him in good standing in the electorate.
Milo: I would not classify his ramped up rhetoric as being caused by the election. There's more there.
Uni: I have to add, we haven't talked to much about Fantome yet, but I read Fantome's campaign and was really drawn to it. He may not be an experienced gameplayer, but he wrote a passionate, well thought out letter to the region and his answers have shown a lot of political discipline.
McM: Yes, I was likewise impressed with his campaign.
Milo:Fantome has an exceptional amount of potential, in my opinion. His participation has really been a bright spot in terms of newcomers to Lazarus in recent months. And his campaign shows his promise.
Uni: Personally, I think the race is between Funkadelia and Fantome, after reading through their threads. I suspect both will be chairmen at some point.
McM: It is really good to see a newer player like Fantome put forward such a detailed campaign for scrutiny. If not this time, I think it is fairly clear that he will be a Chairman sometime soon.
Milo: I could see him being on the SC in the near future.
McM: I would agree with that assessment Unibot - I think that Funkadelia and Fantome are the front runners in the election. Funkadelia may choose Fantome to take over as Vice Chairman if he wins.

Uni: Just a note about Stujenske, I suspect he'll be hampered in the election, due to his activity in Lazarus and the strength of the other candidates. Great guy and if he were to win, Lazarus would be in safe hands, like a lot of these candidates, but I don't see it happening.
Milo: Stu is a character.
McM: He would be a safe pair of hands. But I can't see him having the same level of activity or drive as some of these newer candidates.
Milo: I can.
McM: Do elaborate :p
Milo: Stu is very honest about the fact that he enjoys and excels at managing versus doing the nitty-gritty. So he's sort of just been The Security and a fun social presence since his departure from the Emerald Cabinet. But he's probably the most straight forward and honest NSer I've ever played with, which is partially why he's so great in the endorsee role.
Uni: A delegater eh? How dare he consider himself to be a delegate!
Milo: Pretty much.

Uni: I don't know him as well as you do, but I do get the vibe of straightforwardness and honesty right off the bat when I talk with him. Lovely chap. Um, we should probably wrap up soon. What do we think will be the deciding issues and factors for the election?
Milo: I think it's probably foreign affairs. I think Lazarus' relationships are at an important point in their development, and that's the real undertone of the election. Especially evident with Funk.
McM: I think it will be activity. Who can show that they have been active and an engaged member of Lazarus as much as possible since the revolution.
Milo: Each candidate has played a pretty important part in the evolution of Lazarus.
Uni: I think policy is going to eliminate candidates and personality and leadership skills are going to advance candidates. I don't think Llama or Horse's policies are attractive to a lot of the region, but Funkadelia and Fantome have really hit the sweet spot in terms of policy, so it's a matter of them establishing themselves in terms of being a good leader - someone you want to work with and under. Both candidates are doing a good job at this - I suspect Funkadelia's experience will serve him well, but Fantome has a lot of credibility as well.
McM: Mmm, very true. I agree with both of you. As strange as it is to say that.
Milo:There's a lot of mixed feelings in Lazarus about the general treatment of our community. A lot of very unfair things have been said about Lazarus, and we've been attacked a lot, in the past six months.
McM: Changes that people find confusing or surprising can cause criticism. The important thing is for the community to maintain their resolve for the changes that they're making. Assuming they agree with the course of action taken.
Milo: Yeah, that's the thing. We are extremely happy internally. But some major players abroad turn blind eyes to the treatment of the PRL, be it fair or not, and that isn't going over well. In the past the opposition has mainly been to those who have antagonized or subverted Lazarus, but some people -- such as Funk, I think -- are now giving attention to parties that enable it, and their stances on that are what I think will decide how this plays out.
McM: But, can you provide some names or regions, who you believe have enabled imperialists to attack or subvert Lazarus?
Milo: It's really just the usual suspects.

McM: Alright, we will now take some questions from the public. We will start with a question from Dalimbar: "If you were to be couped by someone, who would it be?"
Milo: Couping me isn't bound to happen.
McM: Obviously not xD. But if it were to happen...
Milo: New People.
McM: Personally, I would like Erastide/Former English Colony to coup me. It's happened before. She has taste, a good sense of humour and is well known as the bunny tyrant of TNP. I would like to be couped by Eras if I had to be.
Milo: If Eras does it, it's not a coup.
McM: That's true. The hidden section in the Constibillicode says exactly that. She was never convicted for overthrowing me the first time. Despite Durkadurkiranistan's best efforts to secure a conviction.
Uni: Damn, Milograd took mine. I think New People / Mammothistan would have been a blast. I also think Ivan put on a good show.
McM: The only good thing that came out of that was Great Bights Mum starting to play NS ;)

Uni: Um, wasn't there a second question? Something from Todd McCloud and Mousebumbles.. something extremely tough and career-crushing... and ... and.. McMasterdonia, where are you going?
McM: uh.. uh.. urgent call. Sorry. Have to take it. *dashes out the door*
Uni: *sighs* Todd McCloud and Mousebumbles ask, how would you rank the GCRs, best to worst? Okay, I will take the bait... from best to worst: TRR, Lazarus, TP, TSP, Osiris, TEP, TNP, Balder, TWP.
Uni: I've answered it in terms of, if I were a new player, what region would I enjoy the most and be able to settle down with? The top three have a political culture that is very much cut off from gameplay politics and kind of does its own thing, which brings with it a sense of who you are. I think The South Pacific does the best job at trying to realize that difficult concept of a true liberal democracy (with a fully functioning court system). New players, not experienced in their own right in Gameplay, have a hard time making their way in The North Pacific and Balder unless they fall under someone's wing politically. I've considered The West Pacific, the "worst", simply because I think their government is really lacking in areas for participation and as a new player you wouldn't be respected enough or given enough opportunities to channel your passion into contributions.
Milo: Hmm. Well, my bottom is probably obvious. I regret that Balder has had to suffer NES as a delegate.
Uni: Can't bite the hand that feeds you. :P
Milo: It's been a snoozefest since he took over.
McM: *returns to the stage inconspicuously* I think we're unlikely to cover Balder's election. Rach will easily return to the office, which will be a positive thing for the region.
Milo: I guess. What has actually happened during NES' delegacy?
McM: The Government changed from monarch based to a dual executive. This has required some getting used to. They also ratified the ISRA treaty with Osiris. Which has caused significant domestic issues.
Milo: Well, that was always intended to keep Osi where he wanted it, from what I've heard. :P
Uni: I've heard similar.
McM: I am a member of the Riksraadet at present. So I can safely say that we have a lot in the pipeline right now, it is just getting it all ready and putting it out there. The new Statsminister Isidor has been very active in that regard.
Milo: Mcmasterdonia: When did the Balder election start?
McM: A couple of days ago, the nomination period that is. Due to an issue with the law the election will occur now but the handover will be delayed by one month.
Milo: Of course it will, lol. Hail NES! I think Rach will actually be good for Balder.
Uni: I think it will be a boring victory lap. But who am I to judge...
Milo: I'm not calling it an amazing, godsend gift. But it's not hard to beat what NES hasn't done. :p
McM: She has the strong support of the community. This doesn't occur for no reason. She was good for Balder and she will continue to be good for Balder.
Milo: She actually did stuff and tried. I don't agree with her stances all the time or her style, but at least Balder is a home to her.

McM: Up next we have a question from Zaolat - If you were Dalimbar, who would you coup?
Uni: Haha, well, assuming The Empire isn't telling him who to coup next, I think I would go for a region he hasn't couped yet...wait he hasn't couped The Rejected Realms yet, nevermind, go for old faithful: The North Pacific. Much harder these days to coup and a man needs to relive old memories sometimes.. *runs from McMasterdonia's wrath.*
Milo: If I were Dali? TP or, basically, TWP.
McM: I'm not sure. I think obviously there is a lot of personal stuff with Osiris for Dalimbar. So in terms of getting even that would make sense, but it would also be the most expected option. I would say TWP, same as Milo, sorry AGP!
Uni: Honestly, I'm thinking the same way as you two, but I don't want to hit on them twice in the same chat. I know how popular I am there.

Uni:Okay, well, it's been a lot of fun. Milograd, thank you so much for attending. I think we all have gotten a lot of insight from you into a criminally misunderstood and charming community. Thanks again.
McM: Indeed, Thank you Milo. Good luck to all the candidates in the election! And to voters, vote your district, vote your conscience and don't surprise me! Until next time, thank you and good night!
Uni: Good luck to Lazarus! And good night. ;)
Milo: Thank you kindly. I enjoyed speaking with the two of you.