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OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn
Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 7:28 pm
by Treize Dreizehn
To join this house, simply fill out the following application and sign the oath. I will have final say on acceptance.
-House Dreizehn Application-
Infiltration Experience:
Regions active in:
Family affiliations:
Guild affiliations:
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn:
I, [name here] do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.
[name here], [date here -] 1FE (Fraternal Era).
OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn
Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 7:58 pm
by wraith_fin
-House Dreizehn Application-
Name: Swagnegger
Infiltration Experience: Naval experience
Regions active in: none
Family affiliations: none
Guild affiliations: none
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn: leader of the faction
I, Swagnegger do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.
Swagnegger, 18.5 1FE (Fraternal Era).
OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn
Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:04 pm
by Treize Dreizehn
wraith_fin wrote:Sun May 18, 2014 12:58 am-House Dreizehn Application-
Name: Swagnegger
Infiltration Experience: Naval experience
Regions active in: none
Family affiliations: none
Guild affiliations: none
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn: leader of the faction
I, Swagnegger do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.
Swagnegger, 18.5 1FE (Fraternal Era).
Denied. Because you annoyed me.
OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn
Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:27 pm
by War Wombat
-House Dreizehn Application-
Name: Vombatian, War Wombat, or Wombat
Infiltration Experience: You all still haven't figured out that I am actually Topid
some infiltration experience
Regions active in:Osiris, Balder, Albion
Family affiliations:none
Guild affiliations:none
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Dreizehn: nephew (?)
I, War Wombat do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.
War Wombat, May 23, 1FE (Fraternal Era).
OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn
Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 11:55 pm
by Treize Dreizehn
Accepted, Vombatian Dreizehn. You can write your own backstory, but being the son of one of my many dead brothers would probably be the best start.

OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:40 pm
by War Wombat
Hi. Just thought that I'd let you know that I am activating this again. All you need to do to be part of House Dreizhen is to fill out the following:
-House Dreizehn Application-
Infiltration Experience:
Regions active in:
Family affiliations:
Guild affiliations:
Preferred Relation to Nomarch Vombatian Dreizehn:
I, [name here] do swear to besmirch the values of honesty, nobility, and charity. I swear to serve House Dreizehn as long as it benefits me, and I will never harm the house or its members unless a really good outside offer comes in. I acknowledge that I may use the surname Dreizehn across Osiris and other regions in NationStates. I swear to let no insult go unanswered, no matter how minor. I understand that betrayal of this house, while expected, shall result in swift retribution.
[name here], [date here -] 1FE (Fraternal Era).
OOC: Applications to House Dreizehn
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:31 am
by War Wombat
By the way, at the moment I will be using Absolute Cognatic Gavel-kind succession law, unless you want me to change it.