Enemy at the Gates: House Dreizehn
Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 6:48 pm
But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
The Who - Behind Blue Eyes A year ago: The Royal Palace in Alexandria.
Nomarch Dreizehn had been pacing for the last hour. He'd been summoned to the palace by Lord Ravenclaw but once he'd arrived he'd been shunted around to a variety of dour faced officers most of which had no idea why he was here. He assumed this meeting was about his recent elevation to Nomarch, given that the Pharaoh had been a long time opponent of House Dreizehn taking it's spot as a full house. Still when he'd been needed he'd given the Pharaoh assistance in the only way Treize knew: an assassination. A few rumors later and Philae was finally under his official rule.
But here he was pacing a small courtyard in the middle of Alexandria, wondering about his fate. Treize hated feeling powerless. He hated feeling exposed even more. There were doors on every side of him and no cover outside of a fountain which had a design that left little to the imagination. Even his steps, in shoes he'd used on more than one occasion to sneak up behind others in their last moments, echoed.
After a few more minutes he heard the raised voice of the Pharaoh nearby. It quickly quieted as the man himself burst through the doors to his north. He looked on as the Pharaoh approached wearing a slight smirk of disdain.
"Ahh Nomarch Dreizehn. A pleasure. I understand you've been taking in the sights?" The Pharaoh stopped just in front of Treize.
Nomarch Dreizehn took a moment to bow slightly, as was his custom. "Yes. I've found your castle quite agreeable," he lied.
"Excellent! Unfortunately we've had a bit of a scheduling mix-up. I'm supposed to meet with the Arch-Ministers today on a matter of vital importance," The Pharaoh gave a slight tilt of his head as if that sufficed as an apology before continuing on, "If you'll take a moment to speak with Mr. Loew here, he can reserve you a spot at the table with the rest of the minor houses for our meeting tomorrow,"
Treize was well practiced in the art of hiding his true feelings. Still, the word "minor" as it left the Pharaoh's mouth left him staggered. The Pharaoh smiled a moment and began to walk towards the door behind Dreizehn. Treize contemplated placing a dagger between the man's shoulder blades, but steeled his rage.
Today: The Dreizehn Stronghold on The Island of Philae.
Nomarch Dreizehn's hands shook as he read the letter from the Ravenclaw. He lay it side by side with a letter from House Somerset, both called him to action against the other. He had to make a choice. Protect the inevitable flood of ships and men coming to Nomarch Ravenclaw's aid, or harrass, blockade and destroy them.
He had to choose between a man who had insulted him and a man who had tried to kill him. At least the decision would be easy.
He wrote a reply to the House Somerset missive, burned the former Pharaoh's letter, and turned his thoughts toward the Council of Generals and Admiralty that he'd already organized for the occasion.
"Looks like I'll get to stab him in the back after all," He said to his empty office.
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
The Who - Behind Blue Eyes A year ago: The Royal Palace in Alexandria.
Nomarch Dreizehn had been pacing for the last hour. He'd been summoned to the palace by Lord Ravenclaw but once he'd arrived he'd been shunted around to a variety of dour faced officers most of which had no idea why he was here. He assumed this meeting was about his recent elevation to Nomarch, given that the Pharaoh had been a long time opponent of House Dreizehn taking it's spot as a full house. Still when he'd been needed he'd given the Pharaoh assistance in the only way Treize knew: an assassination. A few rumors later and Philae was finally under his official rule.
But here he was pacing a small courtyard in the middle of Alexandria, wondering about his fate. Treize hated feeling powerless. He hated feeling exposed even more. There were doors on every side of him and no cover outside of a fountain which had a design that left little to the imagination. Even his steps, in shoes he'd used on more than one occasion to sneak up behind others in their last moments, echoed.
After a few more minutes he heard the raised voice of the Pharaoh nearby. It quickly quieted as the man himself burst through the doors to his north. He looked on as the Pharaoh approached wearing a slight smirk of disdain.
"Ahh Nomarch Dreizehn. A pleasure. I understand you've been taking in the sights?" The Pharaoh stopped just in front of Treize.
Nomarch Dreizehn took a moment to bow slightly, as was his custom. "Yes. I've found your castle quite agreeable," he lied.
"Excellent! Unfortunately we've had a bit of a scheduling mix-up. I'm supposed to meet with the Arch-Ministers today on a matter of vital importance," The Pharaoh gave a slight tilt of his head as if that sufficed as an apology before continuing on, "If you'll take a moment to speak with Mr. Loew here, he can reserve you a spot at the table with the rest of the minor houses for our meeting tomorrow,"
Treize was well practiced in the art of hiding his true feelings. Still, the word "minor" as it left the Pharaoh's mouth left him staggered. The Pharaoh smiled a moment and began to walk towards the door behind Dreizehn. Treize contemplated placing a dagger between the man's shoulder blades, but steeled his rage.
Today: The Dreizehn Stronghold on The Island of Philae.
Nomarch Dreizehn's hands shook as he read the letter from the Ravenclaw. He lay it side by side with a letter from House Somerset, both called him to action against the other. He had to make a choice. Protect the inevitable flood of ships and men coming to Nomarch Ravenclaw's aid, or harrass, blockade and destroy them.
He had to choose between a man who had insulted him and a man who had tried to kill him. At least the decision would be easy.
He wrote a reply to the House Somerset missive, burned the former Pharaoh's letter, and turned his thoughts toward the Council of Generals and Admiralty that he'd already organized for the occasion.
"Looks like I'll get to stab him in the back after all," He said to his empty office.