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The Rejected Times: Beige is the new Blue in TNP!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:36 pm
by unibot
The Beige Regime takes Command
R3naissanc3r elected Delegate – New Cabinet yet to be released!

R3naissanc3r was officially recognized today as The North Pacific’s new delegate. R3naissanc3r clinched the vote with just over half of the electorate (54.29%), while other candidates like Kiwi (22.86%) and Romanoffia (14.28%) proved less popular. Abacathea (63.16%) snatched the Vice Delegate position away from Flemingovia (34.21%), while Zyvetskistaahn rode safely into the speaker’s chair (55.26%).

Early political commentary from The Rejected Times’s editor drew fierce criticism from readers, although his comments on the various campaigns proved to be accurate. A more distributed, even competitive delegate race converged with a broad coalition of support around the candidate found to be more accessible and sympathetic of various members of the region. Winning elections in The North Pacific is all about being the least “scary” choice. Abacathea even dubbed the cabinet, the “beige regime” – a name that is almost surely going to catch on (mark our words).

R3naissanc3r has yet to announce his cabinet. A rumor suggests imperialist lineage from the likes of North East Somerset or Rachel Anumia could make an appearance, but more likely is r3naissanc3r’s own proposed “wish list” of a cabinet, like Abacathea, the invader-leaning SC Author returning to his World Assembly Affairs position, Crushing our Enemies, the well-spoken former Black Hawks commander as Communications Minister, Gladio, the NPA’s Acting Minister of Defense taking on the lead job officially, while r3naissanc3r suggested he might shuffle his major electoral opponent, Kiwi, from his more high profile ministerial position, Communications, to the Culture department.

However, today Kiwi announced that he was resigning as Minister of Communications unexpectedly after his defeat in the election – saying that he wanted to “take a break from holding office”. This could put a damper on r3naissanc3r’s plans to have Kiwi serve in culture and leave Lord Ravenclaw to remain there unless other plans are afoot.

Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs would still be hard to predict, r3naissanc3r preferred SillyString and McMasterdonia, but both might be hard to convince since SillyString is currently serving as Associate Justice and McMasterdonia has just served two consecutive terms as delegate. Shots in the Dark: I could see Alunya, the soft spoken, loveable cat-loving neutral being a top choice for Home Affairs, while Lord Ravenclaw could be shuffled from his current position as Culture and Entertainment Minister to r3naissanc3r’s old chair, Foreign Affairs.

R3naissanc3r’s choices of SillyString and McMasterdonia suggests he’s looking for someone intelligent, but non-controversial and friendly for Home Affairs, while he would prefer someone with a range of contacts abroad for Foreign Affairs. Alunya and Lord Ravenclaw seem to fit the bill, but we’ll have to see. With many of these things, it just matters who is available and who r3naissanc3r feels he will personally get along with professionally.

Finally, I wouldn’t discount someone beloved like Romanoffia as "off the table" in regards to the Culture department, although Romanoffia and r3naissanc3r have never exactly been known to be close, Romanoffia would give the new cabinet some more veteran credibility and Romanoffia ran a strong campaign based around similar ideas as r3naissanc3r, with a long history as a comedic, fun cheese-worshiping player.

The new delegate has forty endorsements to go before he surpasses the Vice Delegate with the most endorsements in The North Pacific. A changeover should be expected to occur shortly. All hail The Beige!

Yep, that's gonna stick.

The Rejected Times: Beige is the new Blue in TNP!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:55 pm
by Theoden Sebastian
Congratulations to R3naissanc3r and Abacathea!

The Rejected Times: Beige is the new Blue in TNP!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:21 pm
by Lord Ravenclaw
Seeing as I am planning on stepping back from C&E Minister as soon as r3n has a new Minister ready to take office, I can't see myself being shuffled anywhere except to a nice villa on the coast of the South Pacific. I don't mind remaining in cabinet if asked, but I would very much like a general rest from politics.

The Rejected Times: Beige is the new Blue in TNP!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:49 pm
by Cormac
I've always liked beige, personally. It's a perfectly good color.

The Rejected Times: Beige is the new Blue in TNP!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 1:06 am
by Vaculatestar
Wonderful color.

The Rejected Times: Beige is the new Blue in TNP!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:15 am
by Zaolat
Gross colour