Election Fever: Friendship and Cooperation 2.0 - With Hileville!
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:47 am

Unibot steps onto the neatly prepared soundstage, under the vintage colours and curtains stolen from a bygone era. He sits beside the "Lion's Den", where his cohost, McMasterdonia and the guest contributor, Hileville lay, curling their tails and growling with impatience.
"What? Don't look at me -- you were the one who was late..." whispers Unibot defensively.
His co-host growled.
"I just had to go to the loo..." said the commentator under his breath. It could be said he was pissing away a lot of his talent these days.
The teleprompters began to roll and the commentators took their positions around the late night roundtable -- one unlucky staff member tries to puff bronze makeup on Unibot (to meet his extensive demands), before running offstage in a hurry.
The controller gives the panel their cue: "Election Fever" was LIVE.
Unibot: Welcome to the Rejected Realms Media Centre for the very first episode of "Election Fever". I'm your co-host, Unibot.
Mcmasterdonia: Thank you and it is my pleasure to be here today. Together, Unibot and I will be analysing major elections across NationStates. Unibot and I provided the North Pacific with some of the finest of entertainment when we butted heads at election time, we decided to allow others to enjoy the show.
Unibot: Together we could either make a bad buddy cop show or a political talk show ripe with balanced discussion and speculation. We went with the latter.
Our guest commentator for today is Hileville.
Mcmasterdonia: Welcome Hileville! Thanks for joining us on our very first episode.
Hileville: Thanks for having me.
Unibot: Hileville is a fantastic choice since our topic is the upcoming Elections in The South Pacific. Nobody knows more about winning elections in The South Pacific than Hileville.
How many elections have you won, out of curosity?
Hileville: In The South Pacific? Not that many. Five or Six.
Unibot: That's almost as many scandals as I've had in The South Pacific...
Hileville and McMasterdonia laugh with the audience as Unibot takes a drink of his water, suppressing his inner frustration and angst under a neutral face.
Mcmasterdonia: Haha, Very true. Okay Hileville, if you don't mind we will proceed to our first question. Will there be Chief Justice Elections?
Hileville: I don't believe there will be. We have been working very hard in the Assembly to give a much needed makeover to our Justice system. The bill is finished and has been motioned to a vote.
Unibot: If I'm correct, this new bill pushes elections for Chief Justice to a later date?
Hileville: Not the actual reform for the Court. There is currently another bill which will move the Justice elections back. We would also not be electing a Chief Justice but a panel of 3 Justices who would select a Chief after they are elected.
Unibot: Oh alright that's cool - I got those confused then.
Mcmasterdonia: This is another step in a long line of judicial reform. Do you think that The South Pacific is taking the right step now? When I first saw the South Pacific they had only the Minister of Justice, it has gradually changed over the past two years but people were still relatively unhappy with it.
Hileville: I do. A lot of work went into this new system and it is by far the way to move forward.
Unibot: I still think Belschaft got rid of it because I kept winning Minister of Justice - and he wanted me out of cabinet.
Unibot grins boyishly.
Hileville: Nah. The Justice system in The South Pacific has always been a sticking point for citizens. This pre-dates my involvement in the game.
Mcmasterdonia: I believe that Drugged Monkeys or HEM was the last Minister of Justice?
Hileville: DM would have been the first Minister of Justice that was actually more like an Attorney General.
Mcmasterdonia: But didn't HEM swap from being Minister of Justice to Chief Justice to start Milograd's trial?
Hileville: Yes HEM was the last Minister of Justice and first Chief Justice.
Mcmasterdonia: That was the last case I remember in that area, it was a particularly annoying one as a jury had to be chosen and it was too difficult to pick a jury that was fully impartial and unaware of the situation

Unibot: Oh god, the jury system.
Mcmasterdonia: It was a guaranteed verdict either way though, obviously. I believe Milograd described it as Pacifican justice at the time. Karpathos was also a strong critic.
Unibot shudders and motions towards a not-so-subtle segue.
Unibot: Speaking of another sticking point. Last election, there was a lot of debate over lobbying - should it be legal, illegal, semi-legal, should be it be.. whatever. Is lobbying going to play a role in the next elections? We haven't really seem any of the reforms to address concerns over lobbying come to fruition.
Mcmasterdonia: Lobbying has become a big debate in a lot of the GCR regions recently.
Hileville: I think it will. It usually always does. My issue with it is when multiple people are lobbying for one candidate and send multiple messages to the same person.
Mcmasterdonia: So you have no issue with lobbying as an action? Provided that it doesn't get spammy.
Hileville: As long as it isn't spammy, I'm generally okay with it for elections.
Mcmasterdonia: I think it can be quite a complex issue. I mean in GCRs in particular there are often a lot of new and uninformed nations. The simple act of asking them to vote a certain way could be very effective depending on the individual.
Furthermore, people form strong relationships with their friends and I sometimes feel that friends do not question their friends actions enough. Which is a bad thing for democracy.
Unibot: On the flipside, challenging friendships often requires explicit lobbying. I think the alternative concern though is when you have new and uninformed nations, the incumbent factor is very strong. Lobbying is one of the few ways in which players can challenge incumbents. Unless an incumbent is just massively incompetent.
Hileville: To me it can actually be very counter-productive. If you lobby someone who doesn't want to be lobbied you could just as easliy turn them against you or your candidate.
Mcmasterdonia: Yes, I would agree.
Unibot: I would agree. I only ever lobby if the person is already voting for the candidate I really don't want to win. You can't lose then. That's World Assembly lobbying tactics, 101.
Mcmasterdonia: Well Unibot, I was just recalling the 2012 Delegate election in the North Pacific
Unibot: I wasn't involved in that, right?
Mcmasterdonia: Of course you were! Couldn't help yourself.
Unibot: Oh, yes, I did.
Mcmasterdonia: You came out very strong in favour of Tim, to the point I would say that it damaged his election chances....
Mcmasterdonia: But this is why lobbying and campaigning for a candidate has to be done very carefully. For one matter it can look like those who hold influence in the region are interfering (for instance say if I strongly campaigned for a small set of candidates in The North Pacific while Delegate). But if you push a negative style of campaigning that can damage the candidates chances quite badly...
Unibot: Yes.
Mcmasterdonia: And I think that Tim suffered for that reason.
Unibot: I disagree, I think Tim lost because he was running against *McMasterdonia*. I do think, however, politics in NationStates tends to work often like the old adage involving honey and trapping flies. So I think you're right to some degree.
Honestly it should have been a tighter battle between you and other neutral talent like Kingsborough - but experience won out there. Tim, even on paper, only had so far reach in The North, after months and months of a defender-leaning, Eluvatar-led North Pacific.
Mcmasterdonia: Sure - there were other factors at play as well. But I think that nearly everyone expected that election to be a lot closer than it was. Should we expect negative campaigning in The South Pacific's elections, Hileville?
Hileville: In the current system I would say no. It is always possible and depending on the candidates it could happen.
Unibot: With these upcoming elections, I'd like to hear what candidates we think will run? Who will win? Who do want to see win?
_________________________________ SPECULATION: DELEGATE / VICE DELEGATE ELECTIONS
Unibot: Let's start with the Delegate / Vice Delegate ticket.
Hileville: In this race Escade and Kris will run for a second term. They had a rocky first term with a lot of turnover on the Cabinet. Somewhere along the line the general focus seemed to switch from friendship and cooperation to a not so nice environment. That has improved a lot and I expect they will get a second term in a close race.
I expect there to be a solid challenger in this race. Rebel-topia or Belschaft would probably be at the top of the list.
Mcmasterdonia: A couple of weeks ago, Escade had told me that she was not going to run again. I thought that was unlikely, and I do agree that they will be seeking a second term. The accusations of being a sleeper agent have been hard on her, but it will be interesting to see how she handles herself in an election campaign with a strong challenger.
Hileville: Rebel-topia would certainly have the better chance at winning if he chose a good strong newer citizen as his Vice Delegate. That will be interesting and this really the race to watch.
Mcmasterdonia: I would agree. I think the general perception was that Belchaft's last term was a bit mediocre and quiet. I was surprised that Rebeltopia hadn't made a serious run for Delegate before now, I always expected him to take the seat at some point.
This is one particular area of the elections that I had thought would get a bit nasty - there have been some serious disagreements in TSP over the past term of government.
Unibot: I think you will see Escade and Kringelia run again on the same ticket. Escade ran unopposed last time - I don't think that'll be the case this time, since it's been a rough term for them. The real question is who will run against them? I could certainly see some fresh blood like a Arbiter08 / Farengeto ticket running, but the real challenge for them will be the "old guard" -- the pro-TNI, pro-Independent crowd that seems to be louder and bolder than ever in The South Pacific.
I expect you will see Belschaft run as either Delegate or Vice Delegate. Take for example, Tsunamy / Belschaft. Belschaft / Southern Bellz or Southern Bellz / Belschaft.
I don't see HEM running. In a dream world, I'd like to see Kris and Escade switch places. Kris has showed a lot of leadership chops during this term and Escade would have the cultural skills to be able to really serve as a strong Vice.
Mcmasterdonia: From discussions that I have had over the past few weeks, I thought the swapping of places was a real possibility. I don't believe that Kris wanted to take the seat quiet yet and was pushing Escade to go for another term and to maintain her resolve to get things done.
Hileville: There were some people that thought the ticket should have been reversed in the first election. I don't see that happening yet but could be very interesting. A reversed ticket could see the same result they had last time.
Unibot: I don't see it happening, I'm just calling it as it is: Kris has shown he can bring the region together more - Escade organizes the region well, but she doesn't control her temper.
Mcmasterdonia: Ultimately they are quite a good team when it works for them.
Unibot: Yes, they are.
Mcmasterdonia: But again, as has already been mentioned it has been a rocky first term. Some believe that the splitting of the region on certain issues has been intentional to weaken the overall government. I do not believe that, as I faced similar criticism when I was Vice Delegate and Delegate.
The best thing for Escade to do is to continue doing what she believes is right, if people want to scream about her being a puppet or a plant then she should prove them wrong through her hard work.
Unibot: What do you think about my theories about Belschaft? You said you thought he had a mediocre term (I agree) -- will that discourage him from running again?
Hileville: I don't think it will. Belschaft usually doesn't like staying out of Government all that long. I think he knew his last term wasn't the best which is why he decided not to run for re-election just days before the election started.
Mcmasterdonia: I think you're right. I think that it is likely that Belschaft will run again, either as Delegate or Vice Delegate. I think a Rebeltopia / Belschaft or a Southern Bellz / Belshaft ticket would be a very strong opponent for Escade / Kris.
Unibot: Agreed. From what I know of him - a bad term is just an excuse to try for a better one. A Rebeltopia / Belschaft ticket also seems reasonable.
Mcmasterdonia: Otherwise he may run for one of the other positions available - Chair of the Assembly is an old favorite for him.
Ultimately though, Belschaft has always been particularly strong on matters of Foreign Affairs. When he was Delegate last time he was very strong in that field, but I feel that he slipped a bit at home for activity reasons.
Hileville: I don't think a ticket with Belschaft on it will be all that strong. He has exhausted a lot of political capital in TSP since the current term started.
Mcmasterdonia: Hmm, probably a good point Hile. Belschaft has never been one to shy away from a political scrap and he obviously wasn't afraid to use his political capital for something he believed in.
Unibot: I think he's still got a lot of diehard fans as Article 9 has shown. But his ticket will be used more for his supporters to leverage Escade to meet their demands more.
Hileville: I think there is difference between those who supported his bill and those who support Belschaft. They are not one and the same.
Mcmasterdonia: Even if he does not run for Delegate or Vice Delegate, he will have a strong place in the election regardless. He always does.
Unibot: I don't think many people support Belschaft - many people will use him though and he will use them. That's how his game works. Bit of a tin-hat theory though.
Mcmasterdonia: Just a tad

Unibot blushes.
Unibot: It's what I'm here for - levity and general paranoia.
_________________________________ SPECULATION: CHAIR OF THE ASSEMBLY
Unibot: What do we think about with the Chair of the Assembly?
Mcmasterdonia: Well I don't think that Rebeltopia is going to run for another term as Chair of the Assembly. I think this position is more likely to go to someone like Belschaft, or possibly Hileville. Belschaft is traditionally known as the go to guy for The South Pacific's laws which was why he was popular in that position.
Unibot: I think Rebeltopia has had a short term - he'll want to continue along and people will give him the benefit of the doubt. It's a lighter job that requires a lot of activity - I would like to see Hileville run for it too, to be perfectly honest.
Mcmasterdonia: Depends if he is interested in moving into the Delegacy or Vice Delegacy, I suppose.
Unibot: You're right that Rebeltopia may want to switch around and risk running on a ticket with Belschaft.
Mcmasterdonia: If he is content in his current position then I would expect him to do well on voting day.
Unibot: Yes I think if he runs, he'll be rubber-stamped.
Mcmasterdonia: He is a long time resident of the South Pacific and is well known for his dedication and military service to the region. I think he will be very popular with voters whatever position he runs for.
Unibot: Yeah we need more positions for scum bags and partisans. Not nearly enough of those.
Hileville: I can see Rebeltopia running for another term here. He does the job well and if he doesn't make a run for the Delegate/Vice-Delegate this is probably where he currently fits in best. Belschaft could be a possibility but I honestly want to see either a newer citizen or a veteran who hasn't had all that much Cabinet service run. Tsu would be a great fit here.
Loh who just returned to TSP would also be an awesome fit for the Chair. I do have a soft spot for this position as it is where I started in TSP.
Unibot: It also is a good place to build credibility.
_________________________________ SPECULATION: MINISTER OF THE ARMY
Mcmasterdonia: What about the Minister of the Army?
Hileville: I think Southern Bellz has been a really good fit here. With the General Corps not beginning to function again the NSA could really be going places. I fully expect another term from Southern Bellz which could very well be his best yet.
Unibot: I think Southern Bellz will have another go with it - his platform has largely been popular with the Independents. If he doesn't run, Cormac Stark could run on an independent focus -- he's starting to build quite a reputation for running GCR invader-leaning militaries in Balder and Osiris.
I would like to see Geomania as Minister of Army, but it probably isn't in the cards. An experienced defender who would balance the vision of NSA away from the full independent focus we've seen. Former ADN, RRA. Current NSA. He would know what he's doing if he was elected. But a long shot for sure and unlikely this time around.
Hileville: Cormac could be an interesting contender here. I think if Geomania hadn't just been appointed to the General Corps a campaign would be more probable.
Mcmasterdonia: Hmm, I will just add that I think Southern Bellz is likely to run again and win. I'm not expecting much competition here, but it would be interesting if there was.
Unibot: I'll add that if Southern Bellz and Cormac Stark BOTH ran, Geomania could stand a chance. Via the spoiler effect. But I don't think Cormac Stark lacks the confidence in Southern Bellz to run against him.
_________________________________ SPECULATION: MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS
Unibot: The big question of the night is Foreign Affairs, as always. Who is going to run? Who is going to win? Who do you want to see win?
Hileville: Glen Rhodes really impressed me this term. I hope he runs for a full term. This is where I can see Belschaft or HEM running. I think both overall like this area more than any else. If Glen Rhodes runs again I would certainly put money on his re-election though.
Unibot: I don't think you will see HEM run again - not when he lost for like the third time in a row and admitted he didn't have the confidence of the electorate.
Mcmasterdonia: Yeah, I think a HEM run is very unlikely. I would agree that Glen Rhodes really impressed a lot of people who had their doubts about him taking up the position. I think his reelection should be fairly straight forward.
Unibot: I'll be frank, Glen-Rhodes is a long-time friend of mine and I campaigned hard to see him elected as Minister of Foreign Affairs because I knew he'd be great in that position and he wanted to serve in Foreign Affairs. I don't think he let me down, he's shown himself to be a very bureaucratic and mature official - more of an Eluvatar, than a Unibot, despite his critics. I don't think this will discourage the independents from running against him however.
I could see Cormac Stark running here or Ravenclaw. But I think there's a good possibility that Glen will be able to take them this time around.
Hileville: I don't see Raven running while being Delegate and Scribe of Foreign Affairs in Osiris. That would be a conflict of interest that he wouldn't want to get into.
Unibot: I think he could spin any criticism of the Conflict of Interests as mad tin-foil paranoia and Anti-Osirian sentiments. It could be a benefit to his campaign. We've seen that before with HEM and his involvement in both Europeia and The South Pacific.
Mcmasterdonia: I think Raven running is very unlikely. He is very busy with his current regional positions and he won't want to add to that burden. Cormac is also very unlikely to run for office. I think he is similar to Raven, he is burdened with responsibilities at this point and won't want to take on another role. He is not the type of guy to take a position just for the title and he'd rather it be done well I think.
Hileville: I don't see Cormac as a possible candidate either at this time.
_________________________________ SPECULATION: MINISTER OF REGIONAL AFFAIRS
Mcmasterdonia: On that note, I think it is safe to move on to Regional Affairs. Who are the likely contenders here?
Unibot: The thing with Regional Affairs is - it's the position that time and time again gets used to put the new players in when we don't know where to put them. It then gets unsupplied with resources, the newbie Minister gets quiet and the Delegate tromps all over their agenda. This isn't just a criticism of this term, but in general, what I've seen from Regional Affairs. Arbiter08 could definetely run again, UnitedSolarRepublic and Horse could contest his leadership for sure.
Who would I like to see win? Vibrant Coconuts. Aka. Gruenberg. He'd be loud and stick up for his department. And he's a creative force who would organize those affairs, I think. But I don't see him running or winning.
Mcmasterdonia: I am unfamiliar with Vibrant Coconuts. I think that is a reasonably fair assesment, the position does usually go to a newer person. I am unsure about the Delegate trampling all over the agenda though. I would expect Arbiter08 to run for this position again and do quite well.
Hileville: Here is where I see Farengeto making a run to get into Cabinet. I expect Arbiter08 to run for what would be his first full term. Farengeto has expessed interest in jumping to the Cabinet from the Courts. I think this would be the most logical choice for him. UnitedSolar Republic and Horse would also be good candidates. Horse has had a rocky history in TSP so far which is a little disappointing for me.
I think he could be a great member of the Cabinet but I don't think he has fond where he really fits in yet. I don't see Vibrant Coconuts as an option.
Unibot: I could see Farengeto running for Regional Affairs too, Hile. I also don't see Vibrant Coconuts running - I'm just saying I think he would shake things up.
_________________________________ Unibot: Let's talk about campaign points -- what are the incumbents going to be running on? What are the challengers going to be running on? Where are their strengths and weaknesses?
Is the old "Friendship and Cooperation" mantra dead in the water? Or is it going to be revived?
Mcmasterdonia: Obviously the incumbents will be running on their experience and positive service in the position. There will be a lot of talk about hard work and high levels of activity and it will be up to the voters to determine if those claims are accurate.
Escade may bring that back up as a pipe dream for her term, but I don't think it will be a major part.
Unibot: I think the major challenge will be defending their accomplishments as incumbents. I'm noticing a trend. Belschaft's term was largely undermined by a legislature doing the exact opposite that he wanted. Now that those players are in the executive, Belschaft and others have done a lot to prevent the executive's vision from getting enacted.
Hileville: I think you are taking two completely different issues and trying to establish a pattern.
Mcmasterdonia: Tin foil hat time

Hileville: With Belschaft, the Assembly went in a different direction on Osiris and Lazarus. With Osiris he wanted to just suspend the Treaty in hopes that the KRO would be revived. The Assembly knew better. He then ruined the Lazarus Treaty which also angered the Assembly.
Unibot: I don't think so - Belschaft argued for a strong executive and had to make serious concessions when he was leader to the legislature. Now that's he out of the executive, he's a strong believer in a very robust legislature and has been successful in shepherding the Assembly.
Hileville: The legislature is very strong and always will be. It doesn't always have to show that though depending on who the Delegate is. Belschaft has always believed that our legislature was strong and has advocated for it whenever he isn't the Delegate. I can't argue with you there.
Unibot: Do you believe that the strength of the legislature, requires a more blank-slate candidate for leader?
Hileville: No. I just believe you have to be willing to stick to your guns and fight to get what you want.
Unibot: Friendship and Cooperation. Magic ponies for all !!
Unibot grins - he sips a glass of water and lets McMasterdonia take the lead for the next question.
Mcmasterdonia: How much of a game-changer will the elections be? Overall, what do you think will happen?
Hileville: Unless there is a huge shakeup on the Cabinet I don't see these elections being that big of a "game-changer". The only area I can see this happening is would be the Army if Southern Bellz doesn't run or runs for a different position. You could open the door to either a more raider or defender leading Minister. But with the General Corps system you won't see all that big of a change.
Unibot: I think these elections could be close and divisive in areas. I don't think they will ultimately bring about systemic changes.
McMasterdonia: I think that unless we see a strong challenge for Delegate, the region overall is going to continue as normal. I am predicting a strong win for Escade unless something major happens at election time.
A staff member stealthily walks onto the stage and passes Unibot several cue cards.
Unibot: So... some audience members have questions for us.
He reads out the first question from the cue card.
Feux wants to know what we think about the future of foreign relations between The Pacific and The South Pacific?
Mcmasterdonia: I think that the relations between the Pacific and the South Pacific were significantly damaged by the attitude of people like Gaspo and Karpathos. There was a lot of disappointment that Krulltopia did not step in and help The South Pacific. At the time, The South Pacific was by far the closest GCR to The Pacific and I do not feel that relations have improved much since then. I think that it would be to the benefit of both regions if they could come to a reasonable agreement again and reconsider a treaty relationship between them.
Overall though, I think this would be a controversial step to take and would be a very interesting debate in the assembly. I think that it would be the right decision, The South Pacific and The Pacific would benefit from strong ties once again, but the South Pacific assembly will need to be convinced that The Pacific will not abandon them again.
Unibot: The South Pacific and The Pacific separating was a major shift - given they've been allies for so long before that. I'm not sure if I see a repair of relations on the horizon.
Hileville: I really don't see that happening. The Assembly has not not forgotten the attitudes during the Milograd coup and shortly after. If they hadn't made Milograd the "public face of the NPO" after the coup things would be different today. There was an overall feeling of betrayal in TSP. TSP without thought had moved nations into to help the Pacific when asked not too long before the coup. I would really hope that the Minister of Foreign Affairs does not waste time on Treaty talks. I don't believe either region is ready for that yet.
Mcmasterdonia: Fair enough. I do agree that it was a feeling of betrayal, and I think that feeling was well justified.
Unibot: I also think on the flip-side though, The Pacific seemed pretty frustrated with how The South Pacific handled the negotiations, Post-Gaspo.
Mcmasterdonia: It would be a very hard thing to sell to the assembly, the Pacific's actions during the coup were unacceptable. But a normalisation and a return to close ties would be beneficial, if the public was sure that such close ties were genuine.
Unibot pulls out the second cue card and breaks out into a smile as he reads it.
Unibot: For our final question of the night, Ramaeus and Tano would like to know why gameplayers often seem stuck up? Or as one of them put it, like a "stick up their ass".
Unibot: I was actually going to write an article about this topic. I think it's a consequence of electoral politics in NationStates. If you compare Gameplay versus Roleplay, their communities are much less... conservative and restrained. When you're concerned about your image you will naturally act a bit stuck up and it's hard to look natural and not wooden on the public stage.
You two would probably have experience in those regards - how to deal with image-making and being informal but not too informal and such.
Hileville: I don't know about that. I mean I can find roleplayers who have that same problem. For me it just depends on who you associate with. But my overall views of roleplayers in NS were damaged by the Milograd coup.
Mcmasterdonia: I think it is a fair assessment that a lot of gameplayers do have a stick up their ass. It is something that is very frustrating when trying to deal with people like that.
Obviously it comes down to arrogance and an inflated feeling of self worth. I think that a lot of the people in gameplay who are like that, would be the opposite in real life. Shy and quiet and afraid to voice their opinion most of the time. People overcompensate in NS and I think that can be shown through that type of behaviour.
I think that most regional leaders today are not stuck up or arrogant. If you are like that it is very hard for you to assess what it is that your regional community needs. You need to get off your high horse and communicate and get to know people. This game is more than just power politics, it is about forming strong bonds and protecting and serving those bonds through your regional service.
Arrogance and being stuck up are counter productive to that goal.
Unibot: Our guest commentator, Hileville, who has been amazing this evening, can have the last word.
Unibot winks.
Hileville: I don't like having the last word. So much pressure.

Unibot: Thanks Hileville, it was a pleasure sitting down with you and having this extended conversation about a topic that I think all three of us enjoy musing about. Always a class act, you are.
Mcmasterdonia: Thank you Hileville, it was a pleasure and I hope to have you back again in the future.Thanks Unibot for a great show and I look forward to seeing how the election goes. Stay tuned for the next episode of Election Fever.
Until then, Thank you and good night!