To Build a House
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:49 am
Like broken glass under my feet
I could lose my mind in this heat
Looking for the prize but I don’t want blood
I order one drink then I drink the flood
Well, you can come inside but your friends can’t come
99 problems and a bitch ain’t one
99 Problems - Hugo The Dreizehn stronghold was an open secret to most of the Nomarchs of Osiris. That Treize Dreizehn made claims to nobility without an official title was a slightly better kept one. Such arrogance could only be ignored so long if it was accepted openly. So despite the fact that the Patriarch of one of Osiris's oldest families ruled over this little patch of desert like it was his own kingdom, most of the other nobles left him alone. He provided them services, people, material... he helped fuel their wars.
Most of the other nobles left him alone. Tonight as Treize looked out over the Oasis next to his stronghold, he enjoyed the cool breeze on his face. The pale moonlight shined down into his chambers, and the quiet stillness of the night comforted him. When he heard the footfalls behind him, he smiled. The servants were down for the night.
"Hello," he said as the door creaked open, letting the smile fall from his face.
The person at the door paused, just a moment too long as Treize pulled a dagger from his belt. The shadowy figure had no time to react before it flew across the room and embedded itself in a thigh. A soft cry and thud was heard as the figure collapsed.
Treize walked over to his door, dragging the would be assassin inside by the injured leg. Treize shut the door.
"I believe you'll find it directly in your interests to tell me exactly who you're working for," Treize placed his hand on the dagger sticking out of the assassin's leg, "Before I pull this out, and you bleed to death on this exquisitely expensive rug,"
"Nomarch Valkyrie," Came the assassin's short breathed reply.
"Another woman assassin. How original," Treize shifted his grip on the dagger and the assassin's first screams echoed in the chamber, "Assuming the guards down the hall are still alive, they'll have heard that," Treize paused, looking down at the girl, "Have you ever been to the Memphis bath houses? Exquisite architecture, beautiful servants, and some of the best food you've ever eaten. Our dungeons are almost exactly like that. Minus just a few frivolities,"
A contingent of guards came bursting into his room and Treize looked up at them, "Don't you love the way the swords reflect the moonlight?" Treize pointed at the lead guard, "She's got to have friends here. Take her, then find them."
______________________________ "I have got to say, the cook was very reticent to give you up," Treize sat across from the assassin in a dark room. He sat wide legged with his hand resting on a sword whose tip was in the ground directly in front of him, "But boy, you've seen better days, haven't you?"
The assassin spit at the floor in front of her.
Treize smiled, "Such... anger, against someone who clearly saved your life. I mean admittedly I'm the one who put it at risk in the first place... or should we blame the cook who left the back door open tonight? He was thoroughly convinced you were coming to see him. He was wrong, and so were you. Just in different ways.
Let's talk a little about what I already know. The cook let you in, but one of the dead guards was your lover. And we didn't kill him,"
The assassin shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
"Wow," Treize continued, "You know, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but why didn't you just try to seduce me? I mean, you're exactly my type. Would've gotten you further than the door at least,"
"Prussia will not stand for this," The assassin began.
"Oh come off it. You and I both know that Valkyrie and Dreizehn wouldn't assassinate each other. It'd be bad for our mutual business projects," Treize cocked his head to the side, "No you, you're from House Somerset. Something about that messy business in Alexandria got Cormac's feathers ruffled,"
The assassin's eyes went wide for just a moment before her composure returned, and Dreizehn stood up.
"And you're in luck, cause now I need to send Cormac a message," Dreizehn walked over to the chair the assassin occupied and began to untie her bindings.
"You're not going to kill me?" She said, in a weak, small voice.
"Of course I'm going to kill you. Your life was forfeit the moment you walked into my castle the very first time. But right now you're going to deliver this message for me. Then later, a week, a month, a year, a decade from now... you're going to hear a sudden movement behind you. And that'll be the last thing you hear,"
The assassin stood up as the last of her bindings fell to the floor, "And what message would you like me to take back to my masters?"
"Tell them, that if they try anything like this again. I'm not going to come for them, at least not right away. I'm going to burn to ashes everything they've ever touched. Their homes, their kingdoms, their allies. Anywhere they've ever set foot will be reduced to a burning field. Tell them that there will be nowhere they can hide their children to keep them from me. Tell them that this is the only warning they'll ever get. And once I'm done with their families, their reputations, their fortunes and their health, I'll be there. Waiting to take them into the afterlife. You think you can remember all that, or should we write it down?"
The assassin nodded her head, "I can remember,"
Treize grinned and chuckled, "Excellent, because now I've gotta go deal with the cook. I believe you already know the way out Katherine? Oh, and please, have a nice day,"
I could lose my mind in this heat
Looking for the prize but I don’t want blood
I order one drink then I drink the flood
Well, you can come inside but your friends can’t come
99 problems and a bitch ain’t one
99 Problems - Hugo The Dreizehn stronghold was an open secret to most of the Nomarchs of Osiris. That Treize Dreizehn made claims to nobility without an official title was a slightly better kept one. Such arrogance could only be ignored so long if it was accepted openly. So despite the fact that the Patriarch of one of Osiris's oldest families ruled over this little patch of desert like it was his own kingdom, most of the other nobles left him alone. He provided them services, people, material... he helped fuel their wars.
Most of the other nobles left him alone. Tonight as Treize looked out over the Oasis next to his stronghold, he enjoyed the cool breeze on his face. The pale moonlight shined down into his chambers, and the quiet stillness of the night comforted him. When he heard the footfalls behind him, he smiled. The servants were down for the night.
"Hello," he said as the door creaked open, letting the smile fall from his face.
The person at the door paused, just a moment too long as Treize pulled a dagger from his belt. The shadowy figure had no time to react before it flew across the room and embedded itself in a thigh. A soft cry and thud was heard as the figure collapsed.
Treize walked over to his door, dragging the would be assassin inside by the injured leg. Treize shut the door.
"I believe you'll find it directly in your interests to tell me exactly who you're working for," Treize placed his hand on the dagger sticking out of the assassin's leg, "Before I pull this out, and you bleed to death on this exquisitely expensive rug,"
"Nomarch Valkyrie," Came the assassin's short breathed reply.
"Another woman assassin. How original," Treize shifted his grip on the dagger and the assassin's first screams echoed in the chamber, "Assuming the guards down the hall are still alive, they'll have heard that," Treize paused, looking down at the girl, "Have you ever been to the Memphis bath houses? Exquisite architecture, beautiful servants, and some of the best food you've ever eaten. Our dungeons are almost exactly like that. Minus just a few frivolities,"
A contingent of guards came bursting into his room and Treize looked up at them, "Don't you love the way the swords reflect the moonlight?" Treize pointed at the lead guard, "She's got to have friends here. Take her, then find them."
______________________________ "I have got to say, the cook was very reticent to give you up," Treize sat across from the assassin in a dark room. He sat wide legged with his hand resting on a sword whose tip was in the ground directly in front of him, "But boy, you've seen better days, haven't you?"
The assassin spit at the floor in front of her.
Treize smiled, "Such... anger, against someone who clearly saved your life. I mean admittedly I'm the one who put it at risk in the first place... or should we blame the cook who left the back door open tonight? He was thoroughly convinced you were coming to see him. He was wrong, and so were you. Just in different ways.
Let's talk a little about what I already know. The cook let you in, but one of the dead guards was your lover. And we didn't kill him,"
The assassin shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
"Wow," Treize continued, "You know, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but why didn't you just try to seduce me? I mean, you're exactly my type. Would've gotten you further than the door at least,"
"Prussia will not stand for this," The assassin began.
"Oh come off it. You and I both know that Valkyrie and Dreizehn wouldn't assassinate each other. It'd be bad for our mutual business projects," Treize cocked his head to the side, "No you, you're from House Somerset. Something about that messy business in Alexandria got Cormac's feathers ruffled,"
The assassin's eyes went wide for just a moment before her composure returned, and Dreizehn stood up.
"And you're in luck, cause now I need to send Cormac a message," Dreizehn walked over to the chair the assassin occupied and began to untie her bindings.
"You're not going to kill me?" She said, in a weak, small voice.
"Of course I'm going to kill you. Your life was forfeit the moment you walked into my castle the very first time. But right now you're going to deliver this message for me. Then later, a week, a month, a year, a decade from now... you're going to hear a sudden movement behind you. And that'll be the last thing you hear,"
The assassin stood up as the last of her bindings fell to the floor, "And what message would you like me to take back to my masters?"
"Tell them, that if they try anything like this again. I'm not going to come for them, at least not right away. I'm going to burn to ashes everything they've ever touched. Their homes, their kingdoms, their allies. Anywhere they've ever set foot will be reduced to a burning field. Tell them that there will be nowhere they can hide their children to keep them from me. Tell them that this is the only warning they'll ever get. And once I'm done with their families, their reputations, their fortunes and their health, I'll be there. Waiting to take them into the afterlife. You think you can remember all that, or should we write it down?"
The assassin nodded her head, "I can remember,"
Treize grinned and chuckled, "Excellent, because now I've gotta go deal with the cook. I believe you already know the way out Katherine? Oh, and please, have a nice day,"