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January-February Update

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:33 pm
by Kylia Quilor

Kantrias Update: January


Kantrias Celebrates Its Alliance with The South Pacific

Kantrias and The South Pacific came together from January 24 to the 31st to celebrate the Treaty of Amity and Non-Aggression between the regions. Citizens enjoyed the festival in Kantrias for the first four days and in The South Pacific for the remaining four. King Cerian described the celebration as “a way to share culture and build a foundation for ties in future relations”. The festival revitalized the accord between The South Pacific and Kantrias, with games, friendly conversations and more. The Lady of Escade, leader of The South Pacific, also joined in the festivities, saying “I'd like to deeply thank Cerian Quilor and the citizens of Kantrias for hosting us in a graceful manner and we deeply enjoy partaking with them in fine entertainment, discussion, and camaraderie.”


A False Start Leads to Another By-Election

Close after one senatorial election recently ended, Kantrians unfortunately had to begin another when new Kantrias citizen and senator Matt Rohn disappeared on January 20. In response to his extended absence, King Cerian opened the floor for potential new senators to take Rohn’s place. Three citizens took this opportunity, including newcomer Groeien, Prince Caldemar, and Rix Valdoxian, who won the election by two points. Valdoxian now works with senators Roman Pierce and Jimothy Wright.

The Royal Kantrian Army Influences the Vote for the New World Assembly Delegate

Current WA Delegate Bharat stands against Prince Caldemar in the election for Kantrias’ next delegate, but more than Bharat’s reputation will affect the winner of this race. Members of the Royal Kantrian Army have come together against Caldemar’s victory, arguing that as WA Delegate the Prince would become a less effective soldier in the army. Caldemar’s attempts to convince the people of his ability to perform both positions well do not seem to be working, but the vote is still close and the outcome unclear.

Domestic Affairs

The Citizens of Kantrias Reconsider the Structure of the Region

After a critical survey of Kantrias, King Cerian initiated a movement to amend the region’s structure. No one thing in particular was targeted for reform; instead, citizens focused on overall image and framework. As the king explained, “Kantrias has always been proud of its unique themes and institutions, and the decision has been made that this distinctiveness should be spread to all levels of Kantrian government.” A few of the amendments have included the removal of the position of Lord Chancellor, previously one of the highest attainable positions in Kantrias; the modification of the themes of the Minstries, which are the main sectors of Kantrian society; and the renaming of various societal positions to match such modifications.


New Legislation May Streamline Government Processes

A theme of reformation seemed to appear in Kantrias this government cycle, as much of the Senate’s legislation dealt with making government processes more efficient. Arguably influenced by the current reforms taking place all across Kantrias, the proposals included the Senatorial Inactivity Amendment, which would amend the by-election process; the Breaking the Stalemate act, which would give the king a tie-breaking vote when senators fail to reach a majority regarding a proposal; and the Heir’s Political Freedom act, which would allow the Heir Apparent to stand for other government positions if he so chooses.