Update VI

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Matthew Vinage
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Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:00 am

Update VI

Post by Matthew Vinage »

Update VI

Executive Government

King/Emperor: HM Emperor Frederick I
Crown Prince/Prince Regent: HRH Matthew Vinage

Prime Minister: Matthew Vinage
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Aaron Cerebella Frost
Minister of Defence (Commander of the MAF): King Frederick I (Temporary Commander - Matthew Vinage)
Minister of WA Affairs (Delegate): Thomas Calloway
Minister of Interior Affairs: Tannarabia
Minister of Culture: Guandmare
Minister of Imperial Affairs: Sacul Nagrem

Judicial Government

Chief Justice: Aaron Cerebella Frost
Associate Justices: Guandmare, Dargan Bulgarov

Attorney General: Thomas Calloway

Legislative Government

CA Speaker: United New Prussia
Deputy Speaker: Milroman[/center]
A New Term

The Elections came round again for Mazeria and they were certainly interesting. There were many old faces running during the elections as well as some new ones. For the office of Prime Minister only Matthew Vinage was in the polls, giving him a landslide victory and sending him back into his old office of Prime Minister of Mazeria.

The WA Delegate polls were completely empty this election season as no one stepped up to run for the position as WA Delegate, leaving previously elected Thomas Calloway as WA Delegate. The elections of Doge of Mediterrania also saw only one person running for the post and that was Thomas Calloway. He won with another landslide victory, gaining 90.9% of the votes.

The CA Speaker and Chief Justice elections saw more activity. The elections for CA Speaker was very interesting as Milroman had held the position for over 4 terms and had decided not to run for another term. Tribea and United New Prussia both ran for CA Speaker but in the end, United New Prussia came out victorious with 72.7% of the votes. The elections for Chief Justice were also interesting as Aaron Cerebella and Guandmare both ran for the position. The polls closed with Aaron Cerebella being elected with 69.2% of the votes.

Soon after the elections, the position of Deputy Speaker for the Citizens Assembly was filled by Milroman. Dargan Bulgarov and Guandmare were chosen as the Associate Justices and Thomas Calloway was chosen as the Attorney General. The new cabinet was also chosen with Tannarabia being chosen as the Interior Secretary, Aaron Cerebella became the Foreign Minister, Guandmare became the Culture Secretary and Sacul Nagrem became the Imperial Secretary.
A Trial of Law and Confidence

Arkotza is sentenced
The trial between Mazeria and Arkotza was going on for its third political term after the recent elections but has finally come to an end. The trial recontinued with Attorney General Thomas Calloway bringing up his statements against Arkotza who was being tried on charges of Sedition against Mazeria when the colony, Mediterrania, underwent a coup that later failed.

In the past, Arkotza had pleaded innocent to the charges brought against him but during the last term, Arkotza finally pleaded guilty to all charges and asked for the mercy of the Jury. For his trial there was no jury as the laws creating a jury had been made after the beginning of the trial, Arkotza's fate was now in the hands of the Chief Justice of Mazeria, Aaron Cerebella. As Arktoza was the first person in Mazeria to be found guilty of a crime, the members of the Judicial Government wanted to make an example out of him to deter any other future criminals from going against the law.

After debates between the members of the Judicial Government, it was decided. In the end, Chief Justice Aaron Cerebella sentenced Arkotza to a year's ban beginning on the first of January; the first sentencing of a convict of Mazeria.

More recently, outside of the courts, the Government of Mazeria faced a motion of no confidence from Henry Caedus. The debated motion was argued against and for and when it came to a vote, it was voted against and the motion of no confidence was rejected. The motion was brought about after accusations of low levels of inactivity on the forums.
Mazeria Wiki

The logo of the Mazeria Wiki
In the beginning of November, the idea of the Mazeria Wiki was conceived by Mazerian citizen Sacul Nagrem. It was met with enthusiasm among the region’s members, and so, on the 10th of November, the Wiki was born. It grew slowly at first, but soon more and more people started to contribute. Currently it counts several dozen pages.

On the Wiki everything can be found from the national to the regional level. As long as it has to do with Mazeria, it’s allowed on the Wiki. This can go from a celebrity or a building in a particular country to a list of Mazeria’s member nations or political parties. It is a place where newcomers can introduce their nation and its people, as well as learn more about Mazeria’s governing officials and political intrigues. A place where you can read up on Ministers and Generals that are mentioned in RPs, find out more about Mazerian history or discover what your neighbour’s capital city looks like.

The Wiki continues to grow, and hopefully soon it’ll be a true treasure of information for all Mazerians and their allies. If you are interested in checking the Wiki out, here’s a link to its main page: Mazeria Wiki.
Mazeria's New Ally

The representatives of Mazeria and TNI affix their signatures to the Treaty of Obcasia
On December 29th 2013, Mazeria gained a new ally, for that is when the Treaty of Obcasia was officially ratified by both Mazeria and the New Inquisition, binding the two together in an alliance. Both regions agreed that the alliance was logical as Mazeria also holds alliances with TNI's fellow UIAF regions: the LKE and Albion. The Treaty hopes to increase all kinds of co-operation between Mazeria and TNI.

The Treaty of Obcasia is a significant one as it means that Mazeria now allied with all of the UIAF, which can only mean hitherto unprecedented mutual military support - something which would prove to be very beneficial for the Mazerian Armed Forces in helping them to launch successful operations. Military co-operation will be vital for maintaining relations and therefore keeping the Treaty logical.

Cultural co-operation is also on the cards - both Mazeria and TNI attended the recent NS World Fair, and Mazeria hopes to host an interregional festival with TNI (to celebrate the ratification of the Treaty of Obcasia) in the near future.

So, will the Treaty of Obcasia live up to expectations and bring the predicted benefits for the two signatories? Mazerians certainly hope so!

Written by Matthew Vinage, Sacul Nagrem and Aaron Cerebella Frost
Communist Quinntopia
Matthew Vinage-Sovetskie EEN OR4 WE3
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