Section 6: Rights of Citizens
1. For the purposes of this Code, citizens will be defined as those who have been accepted as citizens by the Pharaoh according to the standards established by law. Minimum requirements for attaining citizenship are as follows:
(a) No applicant for citizenship will be accepted as a citizen if he or she does not have a nation residing in Osiris.
(b) No applicant for citizenship will be accepted if the applicant, or any group, region, or organization he or she is a member of, has declared or engaged in hostility against the Osiris Fraternal Order since 10 December 2013, or if the applicant is part of a group, region, or organization against which the Osiris Fraternal Order has declared war, until the cessation of hostility or war or until he or she has renounced citizenship or membership in said region or organization.
2. The following rights will be afforded to all citizens:
(a) Citizens will have the right to be secure in their citizenship according to the standards established by law.
(b) Citizens will have the right to be secure against ejection and/or ban from Osiris except as a temporary measure to enforce lawfully and publicly established endorsement limits. Citizens will have the right to be secure against ban from the Osiris Fraternal Order forum, though a citizen's access may be temporarily limited to the Pschent for the duration of criminal proceedings.
(c) Citizens will have the right to freedom of speech and expression, subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law which do not violate the spirit of this Code.
(d) Citizens will have the right to petition government officials in relation to all matters and to receive a prompt response to such petitions.
(e) Citizens will have the right to active involvement in the executive branch of government unless precluded by this Code.
(f) Citizens will have the right to apply for, stand for, vote for, and be appointed to government office provided they meet eligibility requirements imposed by law.
(g) Citizens will have the right to a fair, speedy, and public trial before the Pschent of Osiris for any alleged criminal offenses and will not be penalized for said offenses except as ordered by the Pschent.
(h) Citizens will have the right to be secure against double jeopardy in relation to the prosecution of alleged criminal offenses.
(i) Citizens will have the right to be secure against ex post facto laws and bills of attainder.
(j) Citizens will have the right to due process of law and equal protection under the law.
(k) Citizens will have the right to be members of the WA or to decline WA membership, to be secure against requirement to endorse any WA nation, to be secure against any specialized endorsement limit below the general endorsement limit, and to be secure against punishment for endorsing any WA nation which has a number of endorsements below the endorsement limit lawfully and publicly established for that nation.
3. The rights established by Section 6.2(a)-(f) of this Code may be temporarily or permanently suppressed in whole or in part through criminal penalties imposed by the Pschent of Osiris, according to the standards established by law. The rights established by Section 6.2(g)-(k) of this Code may never be suppressed.
4. The establishment of rights by this Code will not be construed to restrict or prohibit the establishment of additional rights by law. No rights afforded to citizens by this Code will be construed to be afforded to non-citizen residents of Osiris.
Section 7: Forum Administration
1. The sole legally legitimate forum of Osiris is located at the following URL:
2. Nothing in this Code or other laws of Osiris will be construed to abridge the power of the forum root administrator to grant or deny administrative or moderation power over this forum as he or she sees fit.
3. The power of forum administration and moderation to enforce the Zetaboards Terms of Use and to establish and enforce additional terms of use related exclusively to forum security will supersede all other provisions of this Code and all laws of Osiris.
(a) Administrative and moderation action may be reviewed by the Pschent, by petition of any citizen or on its own initiative, exclusively to determine whether the action taken was necessary for enforcement of the Zetaboards Terms of Use and/or forum security.