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[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:14 am
by Charles Cerebella
I'll draft up a version of my one for people to look over today unless Hile gets to it first.

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:04 pm
by Venico
*pounds table* Challenge system, challenge system! >.>

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:34 pm
by Charles Cerebella
As promised a proposal. Very much a work in progress, with a separate judiciary put in but not fleshed out all. I've also combined the dual executive with a challenge system for the Pharoh.
State Code of Osiris

Section 1: Preamble

1. We, the Councilors of the Deshret and the Scribes of the Hedjet, with the consent of the Pharaoh of Osiris, on behalf of the People of Osiris and for their general welfare, hereby establish the Osiris Fraternal Order. In order to provide for the stability and security of Osiris and the efficient operation of her government, we hereby establish this State Code of Osiris by which the Osiris Fraternal Order will be governed.

Section 2: Pharaoh of Osiris

1. The Pharaoh of Osiris will serve as the Head of State of Osiris and joint Head of Government.

2. The Pharaoh will hold the in-game World Assembly (WA) Delegacy, will have the power to set a general endorsement limit for Osiris, and will have the power to enforce all endorsement limits.

3. The Pharaoh shall be responsible for the external affairs of Osiris: foreign policy, the World Assembly regional security and the regional military.

4. The Pharaoh will have the power to appoint and remove Scribes of the Hedjet, to areas over which the Pharaoh is responsible, with the approval of the Deshret.

5. The Pharaoh will serve as commander-in-chief of the military forces of Osiris and will have the power to order and authorize deployments.

(a) The Pharaoh will be required to execute declarations of war and treaty obligations.

6. The Pharaoh will have the power to negotiate treaties with other regions or organizations on behalf of Osiris for submission to the Deshret.

7. The Pharaoh will have the power to sign or veto any law passed by the Deshret. The Phararoh's veto may be overridden by the Deshret by a two-thirds majority of voting members in a vote lasting forty-eight hours.

8. The Pharaoh will have the power to pardon or commute the sentence of any individual convicted of any criminal offense against Osiris.

9. The Pharaoh will have the power to approve or deny applications for citizenship, diplomatic recognition, and exchange of embassies at his discretion.

10. The Pharaoh will appoint the Atef of Osiris to serve as the security council of Osiris. Guardians of the Atef will be required to maintain WA nations in Osiris with high endorsement counts at all times.

(a) Guardians of the Atef may only exceed the general endorsement limit up to 66% of the Pharaoh's endorsement count or ten endorsements less than the Vizier's endorsement count, whichever is lower.

(b) The Pharaoh may at his discretion waive the Atef's endorsement limit during times of emergency and grant grace periods in regard to the Atef's endorsement limit during Pharaoh and Vizier transitions. The Pharaoh may rescind such waivers and grace periods at his discretion.

11. Should the Pharaoh have served at least six months, the Pharaoh may be challenged by any citizen of Osiris who has held regional citizenship for at least five months cumulatively. Should this challenge be seconded by at least three citizens a vote shall be held between the Pharaoh and any challengers to be voted on by the citizenry of Osiris to last 72 hours. Challengers must have held regional citizenship for at least five months cumulatively. Should the Pharaoh be confirmed in place then they may not be challenged for another three months.

Section 3: Vizier of Osiris

1. The citizens of Osiris will elect a Vizier to serve a two month term as Vice Delegate of Osiris, holding the second most WA endorsements in the region, and joint Head of Government.

(a) The Vizier of Osiris will serve as acting Pharaoh in the event of the Pharaoh's absence.

2. The Vizier shall be responsible for the domestic affairs of Osiris: Integration, Culture and Justice.

3. The Vizier will have the power to appoint and remove Scribes of the Hedjet, to areas over which the Vizier is responsible, with the approval of the Deshret.

Section 4: Hedjet of Osiris

1. The Hedjet of Osiris will assist in the executive administration of Osiris. The Hedjet will be comprised of the Scribes of the Hedjet appointed by the Pharaoh or Vizier with the approval of the Deshret.

2. The Hedjet will have the power to make and revise its own internal procedural rules with the approval of the Pharaoh, who will serve as chair of the Hedjet.

4. Unless otherwise noted by this Code, all decisions by the Hedjet will be made by simple majority vote.

Section 5: Deshret of Osiris

1. The Deshret of Osiris will be the legislative council of Osiris, open to all citizens of the Osiris Fraternal Order who maintain active involvement in the executive branch of government as certified by the Vizier.

(a) The Pharaoh and the Vizier will only be eligible for non-voting, advisory membership in the Deshret and may not serve as Keeper of the Deshret.

2. The Deshret will elect from among its Councilors a Keeper of the Deshret. The Keeper will serve a two month term as the presiding officer of the Deshret.

3. The Deshret will have the power to make and revise its own procedural rules.

4. The Deshret will have the power to pass any law that it determines is necessary and proper for the general welfare of the People of Osiris.

5. The Deshret will have the power to declare war against other regions and organizations.

6. The Deshret will have the power to ratify treaties negotiated by the Pharaoh of Osiris with other regions and organizations.

7. Unless otherwise noted by this Code, all decisions by the Deshret will be made by simple majority vote.

Section 6: Pschent of Osiris

1. The Pschent will have the power to hear prosecution of alleged criminal offenses, to decide guilt or the lack of it, and to determine sentences for guilty parties within the limits established by law.

Section 7: Amendment

1. The Deshret will have the power, by two-thirds vote and with the Pharaoh and two-thirds of the Hedjet concurring, to amend this Code.

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:39 pm
by Prussia
Aww Cere didnt include the override of veto :p

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:43 pm
by Charles Cerebella
Added a rough provision for overrides.

I'm sure there is absolutely loads that needs tightening up or adding but hopefully it gives an idea of what a dual system would look like.

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:44 pm
by Prussia
Regarding the constitutional amendments, I know in TEP we do 2/3's of the legislature (so Deshret) and if it passes that, then we bring it in front of the citizens and if 1/2 of the voting citizens vote Aye, it passes. I know it works well there, so I thought maybe it should be something we consider here.

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:26 pm
by Venico
Honestly, I'm ok with a flat super majority of 2/3 of the Deshret. If the region wants to amend the constitution it has to be more than split. It has to be sure.

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:57 pm
by Theoden Sebastian
I think I like calling the court Kenbet better:p

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:45 am
by Cormac
Thank you for that draft, Cere. I think we're going to need to determine at some point whether the Deshret prefers this dual executive model, or a single executive elected under a challenge system as suggested by Venico. I'm honestly not sure which I prefer, but I'll start working on a draft for the challenge system tomorrow unless someone else would like to step up to handle that.

In regard to the name of the judiciary, I like Pschent for consistency given that the other branches are also named after crowns of Egypt.

[Draft] State Code of Osiris

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:53 am
by Cormac
Prussia wrote:Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:44 pmRegarding the constitutional amendments, I know in TEP we do 2/3's of the legislature (so Deshret) and if it passes that, then we bring it in front of the citizens and if 1/2 of the voting citizens vote Aye, it passes. I know it works well there, so I thought maybe it should be something we consider here.
Sorry for the double post, I just noticed this.

I don't think that system would work well here because the Deshret is open to all citizens who are involved in a Priesthood, which could in theory be most citizens. We might in effect just be having the same people voting twice on an amendment. Right now in our first week we have 43 citizens, 19 of whom are eligible for the Deshret and 15 of whom have actually applied and been admitted to the Deshret. I also believe it's in Osiris' interests to limit decisions regarding the future of the region to those who have made an investment in the region through activity, which is the reason Deshret membership has been structured the way it is and doesn't just include all citizens.

I'm also quite uncomfortable with allowing an amendment to pass without the signature of the Pharaoh. If an amendment to the constitution doesn't have the support of the sitting Delegate, I'm not sure it has any business passing. We do have to make some allowance for the reality of game mechanics, and forcing a constitutional amendment upon a Delegate who strongly disagrees is asking for conflict of the type we don't want to see in Osiris again.