Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by South_Proales »

Nation in Osiris: South Proales

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: South Proales

Organization(s) involved in: Former citizen of 1000 Islands

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): Formerly played in 1000 Islands and West Pacific

What is your discord username tag?: South_Proales

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: I am available anytime during or after 12 PM

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details the length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: I have never been banned

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves?: No need I am available

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, South Proales, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Tomure »

Nation in Osiris: Tomure

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Tomure

Organization(s) involved in: N/A

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): N/A

**What is your discord username tag?: @Batman2

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: 12PM EST for certain sometimes 12AM EST

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: No

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves? Yes

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Tomure, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
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Sekhmet Legion Application - Helperness

Post by Helperness »

Nation in Osiris: Helperness

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Helperness

Organization(s) involved in:

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): Founder of The United States of East Peninsula

**What is your discord username tag?: PerryDactyl Does Stuff #4565

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: 12 AM as this is 17:00 British time

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: No

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves?

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, PerryDactyl, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
Pang Tang
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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Pang Tang »

Nation in Osiris: Pang Tang

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Pang Tang

Organization(s) involved in: None

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): Been a while, used to raid in the early 2000s

**What is your discord username tag?: Pang Tang

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: Definitely 1200, 0000 EST is 4 AM for me so not unless it is something massive

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: No

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves?

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Pang Tang, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Helperness »

Nation in Osiris: Helperness

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Helperness

Organization(s) involved in:

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): Founder of The United States of East Peninsula

**What is your discord username tag?: PerryDactyl Does Stuff #4565

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: 12 AM as this is 17:00 British time

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: No

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves?

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, PerryDactyl, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
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My Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by CyberMaster0 »

Enlistment Application for the Sekhmet Legion

A. Basic:

What is your main nation? Andglor

What is your current WA nation? Andglor

Which regions are you involved in (both current and former)?
The North Pacific, Ridgefield, Dead Sea, Unknown, Osiris

Do you have any prior experience with NationStates military gameplay? If so, where?

B. Advanced:

Would you like to participate in Active Duty* or the Reserve Corps**?
Active Duty

Active Duty

Are you typically available during one or both of the following time frames? If so, please indicate which:

[] 12:00 - 1:30 AM EDT<----- This one
[] 12:00 - 1:30 PM EDT

What is your Skype name? A Skype account is required for update operations (during the above time frames) for Active Duty Legionnaires. You will never be required to participate in voice or video calls. You may privately send your Skype name to the Pharaoh if you don't want to make it public on this forum.
I sent it privately

Reserve Corps:

Are you willing and able to move your World Assembly (WA) nation or switch WA status to a puppet nation on short notice (12-24 hours)? [O] Yes [] No

To which nation do you prefer telegrams being sent to? Andglor
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Orthodox Island
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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Orthodox Island »

Nation in Osiris: Orthodox Island

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Orthodox Island

Organization(s) involved in: None

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): I have been playing NationStates on and off for almost two years. I have never been too involved with regions, but I would like to start here

**What is your discord username tag?: Status Browser#2666

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: I will usually be available at 12 AM EST and occasionally at 12 PM EST

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details all the length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: I have never had a nation ban for any reason

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves?: I will usually be available at 12 AM EST and occasionally at 12 PM EST, so no, I would not like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Orthodox Island, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by LifeCountry »

Nation in Osiris:

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: Life Country

Organization(s) involved in: I don't know

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): None

**What is your discord username tag?: William Heard

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: No

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: NO

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves? No

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, William Heard, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
Masked Owl
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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Masked Owl »

Nation in Osiris: North Auxico South Mexastralia

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: North Auxico South Mexastralia

Organization(s) involved in: N/A

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable): none

**What is your discord username tag?: Masked Owl

Are you available at either 12 AM or 12 PM EST?: 12pm

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations? If yes please provide details athe length of the ban, the reason for the ban and the date the ban was issued: Nope

If you aren't available during 12 AM or 12 PM EST, would you like to apply as a member of the Sekhmet Reserves? Sure

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, Masked Owl, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
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Re: Osiris Sekhmet Legion Application

Post by Salem »

Socrizztopia, Tomure, Pang Tang, Helperness, LifeCountry , Masked Owl -- all accepted. So sorry for the wait.

South_Proales I dont see you on the discord, but if you ping me in the server (Dakota#3438) Ill accept you too :3
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