Osiran Citizenship Applications

Apply for Osiran Citizenship, the Sekhmet Legion, or diplomatic status here!

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Johann Keisenhalt
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Johann Keisenhalt »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Astoniville
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Astoniville

Please list your Discord ID here: Euvitor #0390

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Falkheinstadt, Vorstland and Hemelsland

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Actually none, I think.

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: never been affiliated before as far as I remember

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: I'd appreciate it :)

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Johann Keisenhalt, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Frungting »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: [nation]Frungting/nation]
World Assembly (WA) Nation: [nation]https://www.nationstates.net/nation=frungting[/nation]

Please list your Discord ID here: Fregaunt#3694

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Frungting

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: I am a WA member but thats it.

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: I don't even remember xD
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Malphe »

Johann Keisenhalt - accepted! Will get you masked up momentarily.

Frungting - please fill in the full application form including the oath and post again in this thread.

malphe vytherov
(former pharaoh, guardian, priest, sub-vizier, chief vizier)

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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Eviris »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Allistair Union
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Eviris Vallrie Wineholt III

Please list your Discord ID here: Eviris Vallrie Wineholt III#2824

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Allistair, Alliria, Allirian Union, Allistair Union.

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: The Almighty Allirian Empire, Grand Avalon.

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Lone Wolves United, The Glorious Nations of Iwaku, The Land of Kings and Emperors, The Pacific, The Rejected Realms.

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: No.

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Eviris III, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by behnam »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Behnam Stark
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Behnam Stark

Please list your Discord ID here: Behnam#3005

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: none

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: none

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Member of The Black Hawks and Texas

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: No, thanks

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Behnam Stark, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Barney »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Barneynice
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Barneynice

Please list your Discord ID here: Genefci#6287

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: None

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: member most probably

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Cant remember been a long time

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: no

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Barney , swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Malphe »

Eviris - we're picking up that your application was posted through a VPN, please repost it without any proxy and we can accept!
behnam + Barney - both accepted! Getting you masked up momentarily.

malphe vytherov
(former pharaoh, guardian, priest, sub-vizier, chief vizier)

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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Coland »

Nation in Osiris: The country of Coland
World Assembly (WA) Nation The country of Coland

Please list your Discord ID here: Cd#5778

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates:N/a

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:N/A

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:N/A

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?:no

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, [coland], swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Eviris »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Allistair Union
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Eviris Vallrie Wineholt III

Please list your Discord ID here: Eviris Vallrie Wineholt III#2824

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Allistair, Alliria, Allirian Union, Allistair Union.

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: The Almighty Allirian Empire, Grand Avalon.

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Lone Wolves United, The Glorious Nations of Iwaku, The Land of Kings and Emperors, The Pacific, The Rejected Realms.

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: No.

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Eviris III, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Malphe »

Coland + Eviris - both accepted! Getting you masked up shortly.

EDIT: to Conland, I can't find your discord account in the Osiris server so if you do join then please identify yourself by your nation.

malphe vytherov
(former pharaoh, guardian, priest, sub-vizier, chief vizier)

with experience comes perspective
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